Mar 22, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald
Gongcheng zuofa zeli 工程做法則例 are regulations for the construction of public buildings issued by the Ministry of Works (gongbu 工部) during the Yongzheng reign-period 雍正 (1662-1722). The chief compiler was Lei Fada 雷發達 (1618-1693), who also compiled the text Gongduan yingzao lu 工段營造錄. It comprises 72 juan and was first printed in 1734. The book project is based on the Song-period 宋 (960-1279) compendium Yingzao fashi 營造法式.
The book is broadly divided into two main sections: Architectural Construction Examples (Fangwu yingzao fanli 房屋營造范例) and Material and Labour Cost Estimates and Quotas (Yingyong gongliao gusuan exian 應用工料估算額限). It covers 17 specialised trades and over 20 types of craftsmanship, including timber work, masonry and brickwork, heavy lifting and framework, painting and wallpapering, as well as installation of metal fittings. Each trade is systematically categorised with clear regulations and specifications. Notably, the timber work section (damuzuo 大木作) includes schematic diagrams of roof trusses (wujia ceyang 屋架側樣), presented as cross-sectional illustrations to guide construction. This structured format suggests that the book was likely intended as a practical manual for builders, engineers, and craftsmen, serving as an early reference guide for construction planning and execution.
In Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) official architecture, buildings were categorised as being of "grand style" (dashi 大式), used for imperial and government structures, and "minor style" (xiaoshi 小式), applied to smaller-scale or private buildings. The Gongcheng zuofa examines 23 examples of the grand style and 4 of the minor style.
The Gongcheng zuofa 工程做法 served as a standard for craftsmen, providing guidelines for construction practices and serving as an official basis for inspection and budgeting used by government agencies to evaluate projects and determine costs. The book was primarily applied to state and imperial construction projects, including altars, temples, palaces, and princely residences, as well as warehouses, granaries, city walls, monasteries, and shrines. It also covered detailed works such as painting and decorative tasks. For civilian construction, its regulations complemented the building restrictions outlined in the Qing huidian 清會典 (part Gongbu men 工部門, ch. Yingjian fangwu guize 營建房屋規則). Together, these texts functioned as architectural "laws" (nicknamed Gongbu lü 工部律), providing supervisory and regulatory oversight. However, the text often lacks detailed descriptions of craftsmanship and operational techniques. For instance, methods for laying out timber frameworks, the inclination of wooden columns, and the system of elevating structural components are not recorded in this book.
The text is included in the series Wanyou wenku 萬有文庫 and Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書.
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