The literary type of "miscellaneous" histories (zashi lei 雜史類) is a subcategory to the literary category of historiography (shibu 史部) in traditional bibliographies.
The section of "miscellaneous" histories in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 includes 22 books, and a further amount of 179 is described in the catalogue Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao (cunmu 存目 section).
An overview on the history of the bibliographical subcategory zashi is presented farther below.
Part of Siku quanshu 四庫全書 | ||
Part of Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書 |
國語 二十一卷 | Guoyu | (Zhou-Han) Anon.; (Wu) 韋昭 Wei Zhao (comm.) |
戰國策 三十三卷 | Zhanguoce | (Zhou-Han) Anon.; (Han) 高誘 Gao You (comm.) |
貞觀政要 十卷 | Zhenguan zhengyao | (Tang) 吳兢 Wu He |
渚宮舊事 五卷 | Zhugong jiushi | (Tang) 余知古 Yu Zhigu |
東觀奏記 三卷 | Dongguan zouji | (Tang) 裴庭裕 Pei Tingyu |
奉天錄 四卷 (續修) | Fengtianlu | (Tang) 趙元一 Zhao Yuanyi |
五代史補 五卷 | Wudaishi bu | (Song) 陶岳 Tao Yue |
北狩見聞錄 一卷 | Beishou jianwen lu | (Song) 曹勛 Cao Xun |
青溪寇軌 一卷 (存目) | Qingxi kougui | (Song) 方勺 Fang Shao |
避戎夜話 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Birong yehua | (Song) 石茂良 Shi Maoliang |
北狩行錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Bei shouxing lu | (Song) 蔡鞗 Cai Tiao (?) |
南渡錄 二卷 (存目) 南燼紀聞錄 一卷 (存目) 竊憤錄 一卷 (存目) 竊憤續錄 (存目) |
Nandulu Nanjin jiwen lu Qiefenlu Qiefen xulu |
(Song) 辛棄疾 Xin Qiji |
南渡錄 五卷 (續修) | Nandulu | (Ming/Qing) 李淸 Li Qing |
黑韃事略 一卷 (續修) | Heida shilüe | (Song) 彭大雅 Peng Daya; 徐霆 Xu Ting (comm.) |
蒙韃備錄 一卷 (續修) | Mengda beilu | (Song) 曹元忠 Cao Yuanzhong |
焚椒錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Fenjiaolu | (Liao) 王鼎 Wang Ding |
偽齊錄 * | Weiqilu | (Song) 楊堯弼 Yang Yaobi |
南遷錄 一卷 (存目) | Nanqianlu | (Song) 張師顏 Zhang Shiyan |
松漠紀聞 一卷 | Songmo jiwen | (Song) 洪皓 Hong Hao |
燕翼詒謀錄 五卷 | Yanyi yimou lu | (Song) 王栐 Wang Yong |
使金錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Shijinlu | (Song) 程卓 Cheng Zhuo |
平叛錄 一卷 (存目) | Pingpanlu | (Song) 郭士寧 Guo Shining |
大金吊伐錄 四卷 | Da-Jin diaofa lu | (Song) 洪皓 Hong Hao |
汝南遺事 四卷 | Runan yishi | (Yuan) 王鶚 Wang E |
錢塘遺事 十卷 | Qiantang yishi | (Yuan) 劉一清 Liu Yiqing |
平宋錄 三卷 | Ping Song lu | (Yuan) 劉敏中 Liu Minzhong |
(皇元)聖武親征錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | (Huang-Yuan) Shengwu qinzheng lu | (Yuan) 王鴻 Wang Hong (?); (Qing) 何秋濤 He Qiutao (rev.); 王國維 Wang Guowei (comm.) |
元朝征緬錄 * | Yuanchao zheng Mian lu | (Yuan) NN |
平猺記 一卷 (存目) | Pingyaoji | (Yuan) 虞集 Yu Ji |
庚申外史 二卷 (存目, 續修) | Gengshen waishi | (Ming) 權衡 Quan Heng |
弇山堂別集 百卷 | Yanshantang bieji | (Ming) 王世貞 Wang Shizhen |
今言 四卷 (存目, 續修) | Jinyan | (Ming) 鄭曉 Zheng Xiao |
吾學編 六十九卷 (續修) 吾學編餘 一卷 (續修) |
Wuxuebian Wuxuebian yu |
(Ming) 鄭曉 Zheng Xiao |
萬曆武功錄 十四卷 (續修) | Wanli wugong lu | (Ming) 瞿九思 Qu Jiusi |
(金文靖公)北征錄 二卷 (存目, 續修) 北征後錄 一卷 |
(Jin Wenjinggong) Beizhenglu Beizheng houlu |
(Ming) 金幼孜 Jin Youzi |
嘉靖東南平倭錄 * | Jiajing dongnan pingwo lu | (Ming) 徐學聚 Xu Xueju |
萬曆三大征考 三卷 (續修) | Wanli sandazheng kao | (Ming) 茅瑞征 Mao Ruizong |
南征錄 一卷 (存目) | Nanzhenglu | (Ming) 張瑄 Zhang Xuan |
(皇明)平吳錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | (Huang-Ming) Ping Wu lu | (Ming) NN / 吳寬 Wu Kuan |
平番始末 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Pingfan shimo | (Ming) 許進 Xu Jin |
平濠記 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Pinghaoji | (Ming) 錢德洪 Qian Dehong |
平漢錄 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Ping Han lu | (Ming) 童承敘 Tong Chengxu |
平夏錄 一卷 (續修) | Ping Xia lu | (Ming) 黃標 Huang Biao |
安楚錄 十卷 (存目, 續修) | Anchulu | (Ming) 秦金 Qin Jin |
北征記 (後北征記) 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Beizhengji (Hou beizheng ji) | (Ming) 楊榮 Yang Rong |
碧血錄 二卷 | Bixuelu | (Ming) 黃煜 Huang Yu |
否泰錄 一卷 (存目) | Pitailu | (Ming) 劉定之 Liu Dingzhi |
平蠻錄 一卷 (存目) | Pingmanlu | (Ming) 王軾 Wang Shi |
北征事蹟 一卷 (存目, 續修) | Beizheng shiji | (Ming) 袁彬 Yang Bin |
革除逸史 二卷 (六卷, 續修) | Gechu yishi | (Ming) 朱睦㮮 Zhu Mujie / 符驗 Fu Yan / 黃佐 Huang Zuo |
平倭錄 一卷 (存目) | Pingwolu | (Ming) NN |
平黔三記 一卷 (存目) | Ping Qian sanji | (Ming) NN |
名山藏 一百九卷 (續修) | Mingshanzang | (Ming-Qing) 何喬遠 He Qiaoyuan |
皇明史槪 百二十一卷 (續修) | Huang-Ming shigai | (Ming) 朱國禎 Zhu Guozhen |
革除遺事 六卷 (存目, 續修) | Gechu yishi | (Ming) 黃佐 Huang Zuo |
革除遺事 十六卷 (存目) | Gechu yishi | (Ming) 符驗 Fu Yan |
甲申傳信錄 十卷 (續修) | Jiashen chuanxin lu | (Ming) 錢𠷓 Qian Xin |
蜀碧 四卷 (存目, 續修) | Shubi | (Ming) 彭遵泗 Peng Zunsi |
三朝遼事實錄 十七卷 (續修) | Sanchao Liaoshi shilu | (Ming) 王在晉 Wang Zaijin |
明季北略 二十四卷 (續修) | Mingji beilüe | (Ming/Qing) 計六奇 Ji Liuqi |
明季南略 十八卷 (續修) | Mingji nanlüe | (Ming/Qing) 計六奇 Ji Liuqi |
懷陵流寇始終錄 十八卷 (續修) | Huailing liukou shizhong lu | (Qing) 戴笠 Dai Li, 吳殳 Wu Shu |
(欽定)蒙古源流 八卷 | (Qinding) Menggu yuanliu | (Qing) 薩囊徹辰 Sanang Zhechen |
平播始末 二卷 (存目) | Ping Bo shimo | (Ming) 郭子章 Guo Zizhang |
平播全書 十五卷 (存目, 續修) | Ping Bo quanshu | (Ming) 李化龍 Li Hualong |
使琉球錄 二卷 (存目) | Shi Liuqiu lu | (Ming) 郭世霖 Guo Shilin |
使琉球錄 一卷 (續修) | Shi Liuqiu lu | (Ming) 陳侃 Tao Kan |
使琉球錄 二卷 (存目, 續修) | Shi Liuqiu lu | (Ming) 蕭崇業 Xiao Chongye, 謝傑 Xie Jie |
使琉球錄 二卷 (續修) | Shi Liuqiu lu | (Ming) 夏子陽 Xia Ziyang, 王士禎 Wang Shizhen |
海語 三卷 * | Haiyu | (Ming) 黃衷 Huang Zhong |
先撥志始 二卷 (存目, 續修) | Xianbo zhishi | (Ming) 文秉 Wen Bing |
平叛記 二卷 (存目) | Pingpanji | (Qing) 毛霦 Mao Bin |
洪經略奏對筆記 * | Hong jinglüe zoudui biji | (Qing) 洪承疇 Hong Chengchou |
平回記略 * | Pinghui jilüe | (Qing) NN |
平苗記 * | Pingmiaoji | (Qing) 劉應中 Liu Yingzhong |
平黔紀略 * | Ping Qian jilüe | (Qing) 羅文彬 Luo Wenbin and 王秉恩 Wang Bing'en |
平桂紀略 * | Ping Gui jilüe | (Qing) 劉長佑 Liu Changyou |
平猺述略 (平定猺匪紀略) * | Pingyao shulüe (Pingding yaofei jilüe) | (Qing) 周存義 Zhou Cunyi (Zhou Yiting 周宜亭) and 陳孔章 Chen Kongzhang |
山東軍興紀略 * | Shandong junxing jilüe | (Qing) NN |
閩海紀略 二卷 (續修) | Minhai jilüe | (Qing) NN |
閩海紀要 四卷 * | Minhai jiyao | (Qing) 夏琳 Xia Lin |
海上見聞錄定本 二卷 * | Haishang jianwen lu dingben | (Qing) 阮旻錫 Ruan Minxi |
粵匪紀略 一卷 (續修) | Yuefei jilüe | (Qing) 1) 姚憲之 Yao Xianzhi, 2) 蕭盛遠 Xiao Shengyuan, 3) 張曉秋 Zhang Xiaoqiu |
團練事宜 * | Tuanlian shiyi | (Qing) 朱孫詒 Zhu Sunyi |
湖南苗防屯政考 * | Hunan miaofang tunzheng kao | (Qing) 但湘良 Dan Xiangliang |
浙東籌防錄 * | Zhedong choufang lu | (Qing) 薛福成 Xue Fucheng |
襄陽兵事略 * | Xiangyang bingshi lüe | (Qing) 吳慶燾 Wu Qingtao |
皇朝瑣屑錄 四十四卷 * | Huangchao suoxie lu | (Qing) 鐘琦 Zhong Qi |
奉天邊務輯要 * | Fengtian bianwu jiyao | (Qing) 李廷玉 Li Tingyu |
* not included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, the catalogue Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目題要 (Cunmu 存目 section), nor the Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書. |
The term zashi is first used in the imperial bibliography Jingji zhi 經籍志 of the official dynastic history Suishu 隋書. In this catalogue the section includes books like Lu Jia's 陸賈 Chu-Han chunqiu 楚漢春秋, Yuejueshu 越絕書 (called Yuejueji 越絕記, authorship attributed to Confucius's disciple Zigong 子貢) and Wu-Yue chunqiu 吳越春秋, furthermore two books discovered in a tomb in Ji 汲, namely Jizhong Zhoushu 汲冢周書 (later known as the "Bamboo Annals" Zhushu jinian 竹書紀年) and Guwen suoyu 古文瑣語 (also called Jizhong suoyu 汲塚瑣語), and also texts like Chunqiu qianzhuan 春秋前傳 by He Chengtian 何承天 and Chunqiu houzhuan 春秋後傳 by Le Zi 樂資, further the famous Zhanguoce 戰國策 "Stratagems of the Warring States", the biographic collection Hanmo yingxiong ji 漢末英雄記 by Wang Can 王粲, Kong Yan's 孔衍 Wei shangshu 魏尚書 (a title borrowed from the Confucian Classic Shangshu 尚書), Mao Fan's 毛范 book Lü Bu benshi 呂布本事 (Lü Bu 呂布 was a hero of the early Three Empires period 三國, 220~280 CE), Weiguo tong 魏國統 by Liang Zuo 梁祚, Liangdi ji 梁帝紀 (anonymous), Qifeng chunqiu 棲鳳春秋 by Zang Yan 臧嚴, Houhan lüe 後漢略 by Zhang Mian 張緬, Huangfu Mi's 皇甫謐 Diwang shiji 帝王世紀, the collection Shiyilu 拾遺錄 by Wang Zinian 王子年 (later known as Wang Zinian Shiyiji 王子年拾遺記, as a version revised by Xiao Qi 蕭綺), and the draft to the official history Suishu.
It is said in the Suishu bibliography that these books were not as valuable as the Classic Chunqiu 春秋 or the histories Shiji 史記 and Hanshu 漢書. After the downfall of the Han dynasty 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) writers began to privately compile history books. Unlike the official histories, these books did not rely on archival sources or official documents. They were often based on own observation and on hearsay (wenjian 聞見), and often enough on stories told in the streets (wei xiang zhi shuo 委巷之說), and were therefore less reliable (yu guai wang dan, zhen xu mo ce 迂怪妄誕,真虛莫測 "strange exaggerations not discerning between fact and fiction") than the official dynastic histories. Such texts were nevertheless of a certain value because they recorded the history of rulers and their times.
The compilers of the descriptive catalogue Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要 remark that the genre of "miscellaneous" histories did not rely on a single type or arrangement nor on a fix terminology for the names of their books. Inspite of many shortcomings "miscellaneous" histories were still scholarly texts, and not pure fiction (xiaoshuo 小說).
In contrast to the official dynastic histories, miscellaneous histories are chronicles or descriptions of events of a defined affair or circumstance, be it politics at the court, military matters, diplomatic missions or private observations. Many books of this type are similar to the "historical events in their entirety" and narrate individual topics, rather than the whole history of one period.
The bibliographic chapter in the alternative history Tongzhi includes the following important books in the "miscellaneous" histories section (except those mentioned above): Chaoye qianzai 朝野僉載 by Zhang Zhuo 張鷟 (later classified as a xiaoshuo tale), (Da-)Tang chuangye qijuzhu (大)唐創業起居注 by Wen Daya 溫大雅 (often classified as a chronicle), Zhenguan zhengyao 貞觀政要 by Wu Jing 吳兢, Minghuang zalu 明皇雜錄 by Zheng Chuhui 鄭處誨 (tales of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang, later classified as a xiaoshuo), 大唐新語 by Liu Su 劉肅 (later a xiaoshuo-type book), Guoshibu 國史補 (i.e. Tangguo shibu 唐國史補) by Li Zhao 李肇 (later a xiaoshuo-type book), Queshi 闕史 by Gao Yanxiu 高彦休 (later a -type book), Fengshi jianwen ji 封氏見聞記 by Feng Yan 封演, Ci Liushi jiuwen 次柳氏舊聞 by Li Deyu 李德裕 (later a xiaoshuo-type book), Nanchu xinwen 南楚新聞 by Yuchi Shu 尉遲樞 (later a xiaoshuo-type book), Wudai shibu 五代史補 by Tao Yue 陶岳, Beimeng suoyan 北夢瑣言 by Sun Guangxian 孫光憲 (later a xiaoshuo-type book), Sanchao shengzheng lu 三朝聖政錄 by Shi Jie 石介, Sanchao shengzheng lüe 三朝聖政略 (anonymous), Sanchao baoxun 三朝寳訓 by Lü Yijian 呂夷簡, Renzong zhengyao 仁宗政要 (anonymous), Songchao shishi 宋朝事實 by Shen You 沈攸, Taiping shengdian 太平盛典 (anonymous), Huangyou pingman ji 皇祐平蠻記 by Feng Bing 馮炳, Zhengnanlu 征南錄 by Teng Fu 滕甫, Zhengmanlu 征蠻錄 by Lü Shu 呂璹 and Pingyanlu 平燕錄 (anonymous).
It can be seen that very different types of book are assembled in this subcategory. Some texts are unmistakably deriving from non-official sources (ye 野 "wild"), or even report "hearsay" (wen 聞) or admit to be mere "petty talks" (yu 語, suoyan 瑣言). On the other hand, there are some books to be used as "supplements" (bu 補) to official histories or give accounts of "important political matters" (zhengyao 政要).
Such titles, or those as "serious account" (shishi 事實), "sacred rule" (shengzheng 聖政), "precious instructions" (baoxun 寳訓) or "canon of imperial favours" (shengdian 盛典) pretend that the reader might consult them like official collections of edicts or jurisdictional or administrative instructions. The last few titles of the above listing are books on military campaigns, which seems to be a very important section in the subcategory of "miscellaneous" histories.
Earlier catalogues like that in the Xintangshu 新唐書 also include ancient chronologies in this subcategory, like Xu Zheng's 徐整 Tongli 通曆 or Tao Hongjing's 陶弘景 Diwang nianli 帝王年曆.