An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Guiji zhi 會稽志

Mar 21, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

(Jiatai) Guiji zhi (嘉泰)會稽志 "Gazetteer of Guiji (from the Jiatai reign)" is a local gazetteer of Shaoxing 紹興, Zhejiang, compiled by the Southern Song-period 南宋 (1127-1279) scholars Shen Zuobin 沈作賓 (dates unknown), courtesy name Binwang 賓王, from Gui'an 歸安, and Shi Su 施宿 (1164-1222), courtesy name Wuzi 武子, from Changxing 長興.

The 20-juan long book was finished in 1201, right at the beginning of the Jiatai reign-period 嘉泰 (1201-1204). It is divided into 117 chapters, covering the administrative history of the state of Yue 越, the commandery (jun 郡) of Guiji 會稽, the prefecture (zhou 州) of Yuezhou 越州 and than the prefecture (fu 府) of Shaoxing 紹興府 through the ages, customs and habits, the highest state officials, examination candidates, military garrisons, tax system, palaces and monasteries, landscape and eminent persons. The part on the garrisons is very detailed and provides excellent material for the study of the Song period armies.

Another interesting part is that on hydraulic works which is a valuable source on dams and dykes, sluices and the irrigation and drainage system in Song China. The region is connected with Yu the Great 大禹 who tamed the floods of China, and is the home of his alleged tomb. The biographies of eminent persons like the rebel Fang La 方臘 (c. 1076-1121) or scholars like Yan Guang 嚴光 (39 BCE-41 CE), Wang Chong 王充 (27-97 CE), Xie Xuan 謝玄 (343-388) and Wang Xizhi 王羲之 (303-361) are very detailed and provide more information that the official dynastic histories do. Wang Xizhi' calligraphy Lantingxu 蘭亭序 is described as an important cultural relic.

The original print from the Jiatai reign-period is lost, but a facsimile from 1510 has survived. The Guijizhi was reprinted in 1808 and is included in the series Zhongguo fangzhi congshu 中國方志叢書, as well as in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

An updated gazetteer with the title (Baoqing Guiji xuzhi (寶慶)會稽續志, written during the Baoqing reign-period (1225-1227), was compiled by Zhang Hao 張淏 (jinshi degree 1157?), courtesy name Qingyuan 清源,, from Kaifeng. The original print is lost. The oldest available print was published in 1510. It was reproduced several times.

Table 1. Contents of the (Jiatai) Guiji zhi (嘉泰)會稽志
1 Yue The state of Yue
會稽郡 The commandery of Guiji
越州 The prefecture of Yuezhou
紹興府 The prefecture of Shaoxing
歴代屬郡 Subordinated commanderies in history
歴代屬縣 Subordinated discricts in history
廢州 Abolished prefectures
廢縣 Abolished districts
分野 The starry sky
風俗 Customs and habits
州境并至京地里 The distance of locations in the prefecture to the capital
城郭 City wall
子城 Outer city walls
學校 Schools
縣學 District schools
社稷 Local soil-and-grain altars
諸縣社稷 Local altars of the districts
貢院 The court of tributary students
教場 Examination compounds
古城 The old city
簽廳 Notaries of the administrative assistant
府廨 Offices of the prefectural administration
西園 The Western Garden
2 Princes
都尉 Commanders-in-chief
内史 Inner administration of the princes' court
太守 Governors
守鄉郡 Administration of the towns and commanderies
3 節度使 Military commissioners
安撫使 Pacification commissioners
都總管 Chief area command
提刑司 The judicial commission
提舉司 Other commissions
通判廨舍 The office of the controller-general
路鈐轄廨舍 Offices under the miliary administration
正副將 Generals and lieutenant generals
都監 Eunuch directors-in-chief
三司屬官 Officials of the State Finance Commission
職官曹廨舍 Offices under the sections of the local administration
縣令長 District magistrates
進士 Metropolitan graduates
4 軍營 Military garrisons
衢巷 Quarters and barracks
館驛 Courier stations
郵置 Postal stations
斗門 Doumen Gate?
5 戸口 Population registers
賦稅 Taxes
折變 Exchange rates
課利 Surcharges
雜貢 Various tributes
6 陵寢 Tomb mounds
濮王園廟 The temple garden of the Prince of Pu
大禹陵 The tomb of Yu the Great
祠廟 Shrines and temples
冡墓 Tombs
7 宮觀 Daoist temples
8 寺院 Buddhist monasteries
9 Mountains
10 Rivers
隄塘 Reservoirs
11 Sources
津渡 Fords
橋梁 Bridges
12 八縣 The eight districts
13 鏡湖 Jinghu Lake
守禦 Defence
討賊 Warding off bandits
平亂 Appeasing rebellions
社倉 Local granaries
義田 Charity fields
節序 Austerity
送迎 Farewell and welcome
義門 Yimen Gate
園池 Yuanchi Lake
古第宅 Old studies
古器物 Antiques
漏澤園 Louze Garden
14 人物 Eminent personss
經學 Scholars
文章 Literati
節義 Persons of modest conduct
孝行 Persons of filial conduct
隱遯 Hidden worthies
貞婦烈女 Outstanding females
15 相輔 Counsellors
侍從 Court officials
神仙 Immortals (Daoists)
高僧 Buddhist monks
伎術 Magicians and diviners
16 翰墨 Calligraphies
碑刻 Stone inscriptions
求遺書 Persons searching lost books
藏書 Book collectors
17 草部 Herbs
木部 Trees
蟲部 Worms and insects
魚部 Fishes
鳥部 Birds
獸部 Quadrupeds
藥石部 Medicine and healthy minerals
日鑄茶 The rizhu tea
布帛 Fabric and textiles
18 拾遺 Collected leftovers
19 雜記 Miscellaneous records
20 古詩文 Old poems and prose
Hargett, James M. 2013. "會稽: Guaiji? Guiji? Huiji? Kuaiji?" Sino-Platonic Papers 234: 1-32.
Jia Cancan 贾燦燦 (2013). "Nansong Shaoxing fu fojiao siyuan chutan: Jiyu JIatai Guiji zhi de kaocha 南宋紹興府佛教寺院初探——基於《嘉泰會稽志》的考察", Xuchang Xueyuan xuebao 許昌學院學報. 2013 (11).
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰 (ed. 1996), Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, p. 169.
Wang Zhaoming 王兆明, Fu Langyun 傅朗云, ed. (1991). Zhonghua gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, Vol. Dili 地理卷 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 139, 141.
Zou Zhifang 鄒志方 (2016). "Lu You yu Jiatai Guiji zhi 陸游與嘉泰《會稽志》", Shaoxing Wenli Xueyuan xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 紹興文理學院學報(哲學社會科學), 2016 (1).