An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Jiugong dacheng nanbeici guanpu 九宮大成南北詞官譜

Nov 16, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Jiugong dacheng nanbeici guanpu 九宮大成南北詞官譜 "Official scores of Southern and Northern arias from the Complete Collection of Music in the Nine Modes", shortly called Jiugong dacheng 九宮大成, is a collection of music scores for arias of theatre plays compiled between 1741 and 1746 under the supervision of Aisin Gioro Yūn Lu 允祿 (1695-1767), Prince Zhuang 和碩莊親王 and a son of the Kangxi Emperor 康熙帝 (r. 1661-1722), and the participation of Zhou Xiangyu 周祥鈺, Zou Jinsheng 鄒金生, Xu Xinghua 徐興華, Wang Wenlu 王文祿, Zhu Tingliu 朱廷鏐 and Xu Yinglong 徐應龍.

The whole book has a length of 82 juan long and includes 2,094 melodies (qupai 曲牌) that can be played in 4,466 different modes (qupu 曲譜). The collection includes tunes from the Tang 唐 (618-907) and Song 宋 (960-1279) periods that partially have been modernized to meet the taste of the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) audience, as well as melodies from the Jin 金 (1115-1234) and Yuan 元 (1279-1368) periods.

Figure 1. Tablatures of the Jiugong dacheng nanbeici guanpu 九宮大成南北詞官譜
Tablatures for the air Feng shi chun 奉時春 from the opera Yueling chengying 月令承應 and Queqiaoxian 鵲橋仙 from the opera Pipaji 琵琶記, both played/sung in the key Xianlü 仙呂. The tablature signs are written as small symbols right to the text of the airs.

Of these, 148 tunes are part of the enormously popular theatre play Xixiangji 西廂記. 120 tunes come from Wang Bocheng's 王伯成 collection Tianbao yishi 天寶遺事. Except arias from theatre plays, the collection also includes solitary suites (sanqu 散曲), and has no preference for both southern (nanxi 南戲) and northern type (bei zaju 北雜劇) melodies from the Ming period. Finally, it also pays attention to the genres of Kun opera melodies (kunqiong 昆腔) and Qing palace plays (Qing gong chengying xi 清宮承應戲, yuzhi qiong 御制腔 "melodies created by the emperor"). The Jiugong dacheng can therefore be called an overview of all different styles and types of theatre music during the past half millennium, and is therefore a highly important contribution to the history of popular music in traditional China.

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