The literary type of Chuci 楚辭 "Poetry of Chu" or "Poetry of the South" is a sort of poem that found its origin in the works of Qu Yuan 屈原 (d. 278 BCE), a high minister in the state of Chu 楚. After his death, many persons from that region imitated his style of writing. The formal style and the themes of this poems was so different from the poems of the states in the Yellow River plain that it was always treated as a separate type of literature. The most famous poem is Qu Yuan's Lisao 離騷 "Sorrow after departing". The style of the Chuci and commentaries to these poems have been included as a separate sub-category in the collectanea Siku quanshu 四庫全書. It includes only 6 writings of and on this type of poetry.
A great part of the poems is ascribed to the statesman Qu Yuan. The collection Chuci was compiled by the Han period 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) scholar Liu Xiang 劉向 and commented by Wang Yi 王逸. The collection comprises poems of Qu Yuan and Song Yu 宋玉, both ministers at the court of the king of Chu, and the Han period scholars Jia Yi 賈誼, Huainan Xiaoshan 淮南小山, Dongfang Shuo 東方朔, Zhuang Ji 莊忌, Wang Bao 王褒, Liu Xiang and Wang Yi. All of them came from the same region in modern central China which had a cultural tradition distinct from the states in the Yellow River plain.
Qu Yuan was a high minister of King Huai of Chu 楚懷王 (r. 328-299) to whom he suggested reforms in government and an alliance with the state of Qi 齊 in order to encounter the growing power of the state of Qin 秦. Qu Yuan was slendered by another minister called Jin Shang 靳尚 and thereupon dismissed. When King Qingxiang 楚頃襄王 (r. 298-263) was taken prisoner by Qin, Qu Yuan wrote his famous poem Li Sao 離騷 "Sorrow after department" which can be interpreted as a kind of autobiography. The disappointed Qu Yuan drowned himself in the River Miluo 汨羅江. People later started offering rice balls to his soul, and during the mid-autumn moon festival (zhongqiujie 中秋節), rice balls enveloped in bamboo leaves (zongzi 粽子) are still a popular meal in southern China.
Other poems that are ascribed to Qu Yuan are the Nine Songs (Jiuge 九歌), the Nine Elegies (Jiuzhang 九章), "Asking Heaven" (Wentian 問天) and some more. The particular style of the Chuci poetry differs from the northern poetry styles both in verse (the verse divider xi 兮, a particle expressing sighing) and in content. The northern literature is much more plain of feelings, while the poems in the southern state of Chu are full of sentiment and even mystical visions. Qu Yuan, for example, is guided on his horse chart to a heaven far from the human world. His evokings of the Goddess of the River Xiang 湘君 is an example of shamanism common in the southern religion. Southern poetry later became very popular among Daoists that also saw man as a mere small being in cosm and nature.
The Chuci collection was enlarged by some other poems that were partially also written by "southerners", partially imitations of Qu Yuan's style, like the Han period poet Wang Bao from the region of Sichuan, and Liu Xiang, son of Liu Jiao 劉交 (posthumous title Prince Yuan of Chu 楚元王), or Jia Yi and Dongfang Shuo, both writers known for their inclination to Daoism.
In the bibliography Yiwen zhi 藝文志, part of the official dynastic history Hanshu 漢書, the poems of Qu Yuan are listed as fu 賦 "rhapsodies" in 25 chapters. The bibliography treatise Jingjizhi 經籍志 in the Suishu 隋書 already lists ten books about the Chuci, of which the greatest part is lost today.
楚辭章句 十七卷 | Chuci zhangju | (Han) 王逸 Wang Yi |
楚詞補注 十七卷 | Chuci buzhu | (Song) 洪興祖 Hong Xingzu |
離騷草木疏 四卷 | Lisao caomu shu | (Song) 吳仁傑 Wu Renjie |
離騷草木疏補 四卷 * | Lisao caomu shu bu | (Qing) 屠本畯 Tu Benjun |
(欽定)補繪蕭雲從離騷全圖 | (Qinding) Buhui Xiao Yuncong Lisao quantu | (Qing) 蕭雲從 Xiao Yuncong |
1 | 離騷 | Lisao | On encountering sorrow |
2 | 九歌 | Jiuge | The Nine Songs |
東皇太一 | Donghuang taiyi | The Great One, Lord of the Eastern World | |
雲中君 | Yunzhong jun | The Lord Within the Clouds | |
湘君 | Xiang jun | The Princess of the Xiang | |
湘夫人 | Xiang furen | The Lady of the Xiang | |
大司命 | Dasi ming | The Great Master of Fate | |
少司命 | Shaosi ming | The Lesser Master of Fate | |
東君 | Dongjun | The Lord of the East | |
河伯 | He bo | The God of the Yellow River | |
山鬼 | Shangui | The Mountain Goddess | |
國殤 | Guoshang | The spirits of the fallen | |
禮魂 | Shenhun | The ritual cycle | |
3 | 天問 | Tianwen | Heavenly questions |
4 | 九章 | Jiuzhang | The Nine Declarations |
惜誦 | Xisong | Grieving I make my plaint | |
涉江 | Shejiang | Crossing the river | |
哀郢 | Ai Ying | A lament for Ying (capital of Chu) | |
抽思 | Chousi | The outpouring of sad thoughts | |
懷沙 | Huaisha | Embracing the sand | |
思美人 | Si meiren | Thinking of a fair one | |
惜往日 | Xi wang ri | Alas for the days gone by! | |
橘頌 | Jusong | Inpraise of the orange-tree | |
悲回風 | Beihui feng | Grieving at the eddying wind | |
5 | 遠遊 | Yuanyou | The far-off journey |
6 | 卜居 | Buju | Divination |
7 | 漁父 | Yufu | The fisherman |
8 | 九辯 | Jiubian | The Nine Arguments (by Song Yu 宋玉 [ancient Chu]) |
9 | 招魂 | Zhaohun | The summons of the soul |
10 | 大招 | Dazhao | The great summons |
11 | 惜誓 | Xishi | Sorrow for troth betrayed (by Jia Yi 賈誼 [Former Han]) |
12 | 招隱 | Zhaoyin | Summons for a gentleman who became a recluse (淮南小山 Huainan xiaoshan [Former Han]) |
13 | 七諫 | Qijian | The Seven Remonstrances (by Dongfang Shuo 東方朔 [Former Han]) |
初放 | Chufang | When first exiled | |
沈江 | Chenjiang | Drowning in the river | |
怨世 | Yuanshi | Disgust at the world | |
怨思 | Yuansi | Embittered thoughts | |
自悲 | Zibei | Grieved by my miseries | |
哀命 | Aiming | Mourning my lot | |
謬諫 | Miujian | Reckless remonstrance | |
14 | 哀時命 | Aishi ming | Alas that my lot was not cast! (by Zhuang Ji 莊忌) |
15 | 九懷 | Jiuhuai | The Nine Regrets (by Wang Bao 王褒 [Former Han]) |
匡機 | Kuangji | Freedom from worldly contrivings | |
通路 | Tonglu | A road to beyond | |
危俊 | Weijun | Dangerous heights | |
昭世 | Zhaoshi | A light on the world | |
尊嘉 | Zunjia | Honouring the good | |
蓄英 | Chuying | Storing blossoms | |
思忠 | Sizhong | Thoughts on loyalty bent | |
陶壅 | Taoyong | Raising barriers | |
株昭 | Zhuzhao | Quenching the light | |
16 | 九歎 | Jiutan | The Nine Laments (by Liu Xiang 劉向 [Former Han]) |
逢紛 | Fengfen | Encountering troubles | |
離世 | Lishi | Leaving the world | |
怨思 | Yuansi | Embittered thoughts | |
遠逝 | Yuanshi | Going far away | |
惜賢 | Xixian | Lament for the worthy | |
憂苦 | Youku | Saddened by sufferings | |
愍命 | Minming | Grieved by this fate | |
思古 | Sigu | Sighing for olden times | |
遠遊 | Yuanyou | The far-off journey | |
17 | 九思 | Jiusi | The Nine Longings (by Wang Yi 王逸 [Later Han]) |
逢尤 | Fengyou | Meeting with reproach | |
怨上 | Yuanshang | Resentment against the ruler | |
疾世 | Jishi | Impatience with the world | |
憫上 | Minshang | Pity for the ruler | |
遭厄 | Cao'e | Running into danger | |
悼亂 | Daoluan | Grieving over disorder | |
傷時 | Shangshi | Distressed by these times | |
哀歲 | Aisui | Lament for the year | |
守志 | Shouzhi | Maintaining resolution |