An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志

Sep 13, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志 "Treatise of the Nine Regions from the Yuanfeng reign-period (1078-1085)" is an imperial geography from the Northern Song period 北宋 (960-1126). It was compiled on imperial order by Wang Cun 王存 (1023-1101), Zeng Zhao 曾肇 (1047-1107) and Li Dechu 李德芻. The latter has also written a geographical treatise on local administration called Yuanfeng junxian zhi 元豐郡縣志.

The imperial geography comprises 10 juan, including descriptions covering the four capitals (sijing 四京), the 23 provinces (lu 路 "circuits") and administration units beyond imperial territory (huawaizhou 化外州), like the native prefectures (jimizhou 羈縻州) of aboriginal tribes in the southwest. Below the circuit (provincial) level each prefecture is described, the geographical circumstances, household numbers, the main local products, the historical development of the location, and garrisons.

The Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi is the most detailed geographic description of every region of the Song empire. A modern reprint was published by the Zhonghua Book Company 中華書局 in 1984.

Table 1. Contents of the Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志
1 The four capitals (Si jing 四京) Eastern Capital 東京 Kaifeng 開封府
Western Capital 西京 Henan 河南府
Southern Capital 南京 Yingtian 應天府
Northern Capital 北京 Daming 大名府
Circuits of Jingdong-Dong 京東東路
Jingdong-Xi 京東西路
Jingxi-Nan 京西南路
Jingxi-Bei 京西北路
2 Circuits of Hebei-Dong 河北東路
Hebei-Xi 河北西路
3 Circuits of Shaanxi 陜西路
Military Prefecture Yongxing 永興軍路
Qingfeng 秦鳯路
4 Circuit of Hedong 河東路
5 Circuits of Huainan-Dong 淮南東路
Huainan-Xi 西路淮南
Liang-Zhe 兩浙路
6 Circuits of Jiangnan-Dong 江南東路
Jiangnan-Xi 江南西路
Jinghu-Nan 荊湖南路
Jinghu-Bei 荊湖北路
7 Circuits of Chengdu Prefecture 成都府路
Zizhou 梓州路
8 Circuits of Lizhou 利州路
Kuizhou 夔州路
9 Circuits of Fujian 福建路
Guangnan-Dong 廣南東路
Guangnan-Xi 廣南西路
10 Abolished prefectures (shengfei zhoujun 省廢州軍)
prefectures outside of "civilization" (huawai zhou 化外州)
indirectly administered prefectures (jimi zhou 覊縻州)
Cheng Yu 程郁 (1994). "Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Lishi 歷史卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 650.
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Wei Songshan 魏嵩山 (1992). "Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志", in: Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, Part Zhongguo lishi 中國歷史 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 3, 1454.
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