An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Manzhou jishen jitian dianli 滿洲祭神祭天典禮

Dec 21, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

(Qinding) Manzhou jishen jitian dianli (欽定)滿洲祭神祭天典禮 "(Imperially Endorsed) Canonical Rites of Manchurian Offerings to the Spirits and Heaven", Manchurian title (Hesei toktobuha) Manjusa-i wecere metere kooli bithe, is a ritual compendium compiled on imperial order in 1747 under the supervision of Prince Yūn Lu (Ch. Yunlu 允祿, 1695-1767), Agūi (Agui 阿桂, 1717-1797), and Yu Mingzhong 于敏中 (1714-1779).

The book of 6 juan length, written in Manchu language, was presented to the throne in 1747, and translated into Chinese as late as 1777 (with just 4 juan length). The book has 41 chapters that instruct ritual performers of all liturgic details, including objects and implements (juan 5, illustrations in juan 6), and formulas and chants to be recited. The book regulated the time, arrangements, sacrificial objects, liturgies and the wording of the various ceremonies for the sacrifices to Buddhist deities and Jurchen ancestral spirits.

It includes the texts of more than 40 chants and some illustrations of sacrificial vessels not found in the book Da-Qing tongli 大清通禮. The Chinese version is included in the series Liaohai congshu 遼海叢書 and the Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

A short alternative to this official book, called Bieben Manzhou jitian jishen dianli 別本滿洲祭天祭神典禮 or Manzhou sili ji 滿洲四禮集 "Collection of the four types of rites of the Manchus", was privately written by Suninggan (Suning'an 索寧安) and finished in 1796. It descibes, through the year, the traditional sacrifices of the Manchu people and the many customs involved, like brewing wine, making rice cakes and many other dishes, or papercuts. The book closes with illustrations of tools and a song in Manchu language. It was printed in 1801 by the Shengfei/Xingfei Hall 省非堂 and is described in the bibliography Xuxiu siku quanshu tiyao 續修四庫全書提要.

Gao Wende 高文德, ed. (1995). Zhongguo shaoshu minzu shi da cidan 中國少數民族史大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin jiaoyu chubanshe), 1671, 2393.
Jiang Xiaoli 姜小莉 (2016). "Qinding Manzhou jishen jitian dianli dui Manzu samanjiao guifan zuoyong de kaobian 《欽定滿洲祭神祭天典禮》對滿族薩滿教規範作用的考辨", Shijie zongjiao wenhua 世界宗教文化, 2016 (4).
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 1452.
Liu Housheng 劉厚生, Chen Siling 陳思玲 (1994). "Qinding Manzhou jishen jitian dianli pingxi 《欽定滿洲祭神祭天典禮》評析", Qingshi yanjiu 清史研究, 1994 (2).
Liu Zhijun 劉志军 (2010). "Qing keben Manzhou sili ji kaolüe 清刻本《滿洲四禮集》考略", Manzu yanjiu 滿族研究, 2010 (6).
Wang Honggang 王宏剛 (2002). "Qinding Manzhou jishen jitian dianli 欽定滿洲祭神祭天典禮" , in Zhongguo yuanshi zongjiao baike quanshu bianzuan weiyuanhui 《中國原始宗教百科全書》編纂委員會, ed. Zhongguo yuanshi zongjiao baike quanshu 中國原始宗教百科全書 (Chengdu: Sichuan cishu chubanshe), 549.
Wang Zhiyao 王志躍 (2011). "Zhuzi jiali yu Manzhou sili ji duibi yanjiu 《朱子家禮》與《滿洲四禮集》對比研究", Lishi jiaoxue (Xia banyue kan) 歷史教學(下半月刊), 2011 (9).
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 632.
Yin Yue 殷悦 (2015). "Qiantan Manwen ben Qinding Menzhou jishen jitian dianli 淺談滿文本《欽定滿洲祭神祭天典禮》", Manyu yanjiu 滿語研究, 2015 (12).