An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Mingwenhai 明文海

Jun 10, 2022 © Ulrich Theobald

Mingwenhai 明文海 is an anthology of Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) prose and semi-prose writings compiled by the famous philosopher Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲 (1610-1695). Of the 482 juan listed in the contents, the last two are missing. The vast collection nonetheless includes about 4,300 texts written by nearly 1,000 persons. The writings are arranged according to 28 literary genres (and some sub-genres).

Huang had in mind to preserve important pieces of literature that might give information on politics, economy, culture, and military affairs of the Ming dynasty, whose commemoration was the focus of Huang’s thought. He decided to adhere to the paradigms of the anthologies Wenxuan 文選, Tangwencui 唐文粹, Songwenjian 宋文鑒 and Yuanwenlei 元文類, in order to endeavor a similar project for the Ming period. He relied exclusively on sources in this private library, and finalized in 1675, after seven years of work, a draft of 217 juan length called Mingwen'an 明文案. It included not just original texts, but also Huang’s comments and reviews, and is thus similar to Qian Qianyi’s 錢謙益 (1582-1664) Lichao shiji 列朝詩集.

The compilers of the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 revised this draft, simplified the categories and eliminated secondary text, with the argument that much of the draft was not Huang’s genuine work, but that of his son Huang Baijia 黃百家 (1643-1709). Apart from the Siku quanshu edition, only a few manuscripts were circulating, one owned by the Hanfen Library 涵芬樓, and one by the Zhejiang Library 浙江圖書館.

The anthology is important because it preserves texts not found in other collections, like Sang Yue’s 桑悅 (1447-1513) rhapsodies Beidu 北都 and Nandu 南都, or Zhu Yizun's 朱彝尊 (1629-1709) Rixia jiuwen 日下舊聞.

Table 1. Contents of the Mingwenhai 明文海
1-46 fu rhapsodies
47-65 奏疏 zoushu memorials to the throne
66 詔表 zhaobiao imperial edicts
67-73 bei epitaphs
74-83 yi debates
84-100 lun treatises
101-109 shuo explanations
110-118 bian discourses
119-121 kao investigations
122 song eulogies
123 zan encomia
124 ming inscriptions
125 zhen admonitions
126 jie instructions
127-130 jie analyses
131 yuan edifications
132 shu descriptions
133 du readings
134-138 問答 wenda answers to questions
139-140 wen writings
141-146 諸體文 zhutiwen texts of various genres
147-209 shu letters
210-326 xu prefaces and introductions
327-386 ji notes
387-428 zhuan biographies
429-472 墓文 muwen grave memorials
473-478 哀文 aiwen laments
479-480 bai petty notes
Cui Xia 崔霞 (2014). "Huang Zongxi Mingwenhai bianzuan shimo kaolüe 黄宗羲《明文海》編纂始末考略", Zhongguo chuban 中國出版, 2014 (22): 70-71.
Huang Linggeng 黃靈庚 (2016). "Mingwenhai yu Huang Zongxi Mingwenhai: Zhuishu yidai xueshu guiji 《明文海》與黄宗羲《明文海》:追述一代學術軌迹", Zhejiang shehui kexue 浙江社會科學, 2016 (9): 116-120+16.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 2851.
Lin Fei 林非, ed. (1997). Zhongguo sanwen da cidian 中國散文大辭典 (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 299.
Liu Yang 劉揚 (2003). "Mingwenhai Wenyuange ben chouhuigao chutan 《明文海》文淵閣本抽毁稿初探", Tushuguan yanjiu yu gongzuo 圖書館研究與工作, 2003 (4): 37-38.
Luo Zhaoping 駱兆平 (1987). "Mingwen’an, Mingwenhai gaoben shulüe 《明文案》《明文海》稿本述略", Wenxian 文獻, 1987 (2): 71-83.
Meng Guodong 孟国栋 (2016). "Huang Zongxi de jinshi yiliguan yu Mingwenhai bianzuan 黄宗羲的金石義例觀與《明文海》編", Zhejiang shehui kexue 浙江社會科學, 2016 (9): 128-132+160-161.
Song Xueda 宋學達 (2019). "Mingwenhai bianzuan de ruogan shishi ji banben yuanliu kaoshu 《明文海》編纂的若干史實及版本源流考述", Tushuguan yanjiu yu gongzuo 圖書館研究與工作, 2019 (3): 81-86.
Tong Zhenglun 童正倫 (2003). "Mingwenhai de bianzuan yu chuanben 《明文海》的編纂與傳本", Wenxian 文獻, 2003 (3): 173-187.
Wang Rui 王瑞 (2009)."Wenyuange Siku quanshu Mingwenhai, Rizhilu chouhuiben lunshu 文淵閣四庫全書《明文海》、《日知錄》抽毁本論述", Lantai shijie 蘭台世界, 2009 (6): 67-68.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 491.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1994). Zhongguo gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, Vol. Wenxue 文學卷 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 388.
Wu Yumei 武玉梅 (2004). "Qingxiu Siku quanshu dui Mingwenhai zhi choushan tankao 清修《四庫全書》對《明文海》之抽删探考", Lishi dang'an 歷史檔案, 2004 (3): 74-80.
Xu Lijuan 徐黎娟 (2019). "Mingwenhai shanyu gao jiazhi tanxi 《明文海》刪除稿價值探析", Tushu yu qingbao 圖書與情報, 2019 (4): 141-145+2.