An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art

Xiang Xu 向戌

Mar 10, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Xiang Xu 向戌, also known as He Zuoshi 合左師 ("Left Commander of He", because He was his domain), was a nobleman and regent in the state of Song 宋 during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋 (770-5th cent. BCE). He was a great-grandson of Duke Huan of Song 宋桓公 (r. 681-651)and known as a "worthy" advisor of Duke Ping 宋平公 (r. 575-532), who was enthroned by Hua Yuan 華元. Xiang Xu served as Commander to the Left (zuoshi 左師) and a regent (zhizheng 執政), as successor of Zihan 子罕.

In 565, Xiang Xu participated in the covenant (meng 盟) of the regional rulers in Xingqiu 邢丘(today's Wenxian 溫縣, Henan) which was convoked by Duke Dao 晉悼公 (r. 573-558) of Jin 晉. Two years later, Duke Dao conquered the statelet of Biyang 偪陽 and offered its territory to Xiang Xu, but the honest man resisted stubbornly, so Duke Dao gave it to Duke Ping of Song. In 558, Xiang Xu travelled to Lu 魯, where he renovated friendship with this regional state at Liu 劉 (close to Qufu 曲阜, Shandong).

When the nobleman Hua Chan 華臣, in 556, disregarded common law and brought turmoil to his own house, the Duke and Xiang Xu respected his status as a nobleman, but publicly avoided contact with him.

Xiang Xu is most famous for his détente policy bringing together the two opponents Jin and Chu 楚 in 546 by inviting their represtantives, Zhao Wu 趙武 (Zhao Wenzi 趙文子) from Jin and Qu Jian 屈建 (Zimu 子木) from Chu, and those of some other regional states, for a peace covenant in Mengmen 蒙門 in Song. This was the second great peace conference of the Spring and Autumn period (mibing dahui 弭兵大會), the first one having been initiated by Hua Yuan in 579.

Xiang Xu's successor as regent of Song was Hua Hai 華亥.

Feng Kezheng 馮克正 (1996). "Xiang Xu mi bing 向戌弭兵", in Feng Kezheng 馮克正, Fu Qingsheng 傅慶升, ed. Zhuhui baijia da cidian 諸子百家大辭典 (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 846.
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