An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Hanmo yingxiong zhuan 漢末英雄傳

Mar 6, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

Hanmo yingxiong zhuan 漢末英雄傳 "Heroic biographies of the late Han period", also called Hanmo yingxiong ji 漢末英雄記, is a collection of biographies of persons living during the transition period from the Later Han 後漢 (25-220 CE) to the Wei 曹魏 (220-265). The book was compiled by the scholar Wang Can 王粲 (117-217), one of the so-called Seven masters of the Jian'an reign (Jian'an qizi 建安七子).

The book was already partially lost during the Tang period 唐 (618-907), when of the 10 juan only 8 survived. The surviving parts include the biographies of 44 persons in Wang Shizhen's 王世貞 (1526-1590) version and 55 in the version Huang Shi 黄奭 (1809-1853) had at hand, like that of Cao Cao 曹操 (155-220), Zhang Jian 張儉 (115-198), Lü Bu 呂布 (d. 198), Gongsun Zan 公孫瓚 (d. 199) or Yuan Shao 袁紹 (d. 202).

The book is included in the series Hanxuetang congshu 漢學堂叢書, Han-Wei congshu 漢魏叢書, Shuofu 說郛 and Wuchao xiaoshu 五朝小説, where the title is Yingxiong jichao 英雄記鈔, which is quite probably also the original title of the book.

Table 1. Contents of Hanmo yingxiong zhuan 漢末英雄傳
曹操 Cao Cao, 曹純 Cao Chun, 周毖 Zhou Bi (伍瓊 Wu Qiong), 橋瑁 Qiao Mao, 董卓 Dong Zhuo, 何苗 He Miao, 李傕 Li Jue (郭汜 Guo Si), 楊奉 Yang Feng (韓暹 Han Xuan), 丁原 Ding Yuan, 呂布 Lü Bu, 李叔節 Li Shujie, 張楊 Zhang Yang, 高順 Gao Shun, 臧洪 Zang Hong, 公孫瓚 Gongsun Zan, 關靖 Guan Jing, 袁紹 Yuan Shao, 袁遺 Yuan Yi, 袁術 Yuan Shu, 麴義 Qu Yi, 逢紀 Feng Ji, 審配 Shen Pei, 郭圖 Guo Tu, 韓珩 Han Hang, 陳瑀 Chen Yu, 韓馥 Han Fu, 劉子惠 Liu Zihui, 趙浮 Zhao Fu, 耿武 Geng Gu (閔純 Min Chun), 朱漢 Zhu Han, 王匡 Wang Kuang, 孔伷 Kong You, 劉虞 Liu Yu, 劉岱 Liu Dai, 劉翊 Liu Yu, 劉表 Liu Biao, 張羨 Zhang Xian, 劉焉 Liu Yan, 劉璋 Liu Zhang, 龐羲 Pang Xi, 劉備 Liu Bei, 孫堅 Sun Jian, 胡軫 Hu Zhen, 張咨 Zhang Zi, 周瑜 Zhou Yu, 孔文舉 Kong Wenju, 向栩 Xiang Yu, 尚子平 Shang Ziping, 閻忠 Yan Zhong, 涼茂 Liang Mao, 張儉 Zhang Jian
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 972.
Wu Feng 吳楓 (1994). Zhonghua gu wenxian cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, Vol. Wenxue 文學卷 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 191.