An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Tang huiyao 唐會要

Jul 3, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Tang huiyao 唐會要 "Institutional history of the Tang dynasty" is a collection of statutes of statecraft from the Tang dynasty 唐 (618-907). It consists of 100 juan and was written during the Northern Song period 北宋 (960-1126) by Wang Pu 王溥 (922-982), courtesy name Qiwu 齊物, who had been counsellor-in-chief under the Later Zhou dynasty 後周 (951-960).

His book Tang huiyao follows the model of the Tang-period book Tongdian 通典 by Du You 杜佑 (735-812) which is a universal history of the administrative structure and government institutions from ancient times to the Tang. Wang Bo on his side did not write a description of such institutions but a collection providing quotations from primary sources.

There were some precursors to the Tang huiyao, namely Su Mian's 蘇冕 (734-805) Huiyao 會要 in 40 juan, and Cui Xuan's 崔鉉 (d. 801) supplement Xu huiyao 續會要, an actualization of Su Mian's book, also in 40 juan. Both books were compiled during the Tang period and were thus virtually codes presenting contemporary material. Wang Bo, as a historian, used additional material from the late decades of the Tang period, and compiled the Tang huiyao, which he submitted to the throne in 961.

The Tang huiyao is very valuable because it provides a lot of material not contained in Du You's Tongdian nor in the two official dynastic histories Jiutangshu 舊唐書 and Xintangshu 新唐書, for example the imperial diaries (qijuzhu 起居注) of the Tang emperors and the veritable records (shilu 實錄). The book focuses on the first half of the Tang period because Wang Bo used the earlier books of Su Mian and Cui Xuan. Topics from the last third of the Tang period are a little bit less well documented because many primary material was already lost in the mid-10th century. It is interesting to see that sources citing from the Tang huiyao, like the encyclopaedia Yuhai 玉海 or the book Shantang kaosuo 山堂考索 quote differently than the received Tang huiyao, probably because these books in fact quote Su Mian's book and not the Tang huiyao. Wang Bo had, as can be seen from this, not simply copied the older Huiyao texts but had paraphrased or revised them.

There were only handwritten copies of the Tang huiyao until the 18th century. When it was included into the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 the Tang huiyao was for the first time printed. At that time four chapters were missing (7-10) and had to be reconstruced on the base of fragments quoted in other sources.

The oldest book with the title Huiyao 會要 had been compiled by the Western Jin-period 西晉 (265-316) scholar Lu Ji 陸機 (261-303). It had a length of just one fascicle and is recorded in the imperial bibliography of the official dynastic history Xintangshu. It is lost. Sun Mian's Huiyao and Cui Xuan's Su huiyao are listed in the imperial bibliographies of the Xintangshu nd Songshi 宋史 (202-209 Yiwen zhi 藝文志).

The bibliographic chapter of the Songshi also includes the following huiyao-style books:

Lost huiyao 會要-style books listed in the Songshi 宋史 bibliography
宋六朝會要 三百卷 Song liuchao huiyao 章得象 Zhang Dexiang, 王珪 Wang Gui (cont.)
續會要 三百卷 Xu huiyao 虞允文 Yu Yunwen et al.
中興會要 二百卷 Zhongxing huiyao 梁克家 Liang Kejia et al.
孝宗會要 二百卷 Xiaozong huiyao 楊濟 Yang Ji, 鐘必萬 Zhong Biwan
光宗會要 百卷 Guangzong huiyao
寧宗會要 百五十卷 Ningzong huiyao 秘書省 Palace Library
國朝會要 五百八十八卷 Guochao huiyao 張從祖 Zhang Congzu
續唐會要 百卷 Xu huiyao 王溥 Wang Pu
五代會要 三十卷 Wudai huiyao

These books seem to be official compilations describing the administrative apparatus of the actual reign-periods, like the six (first?) reign-periods of the Song in Song liuchao huiyao 宋六朝會要, the re-foudation of the Song as Southern Song 南宋 (1127-1279) in Lin'an 臨安 (Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang) in Zhongxing huiyao 中興會要, or the reign of Emperor Guangzong 宋光宗 (r. 1189-1194) in Guangzong huiyao 光宗會要.

The style of the huiyao "institutional history" was so useful that not only Wang Pu compiled other books of this types. For virtually each dynasty similar institutional histories were written. The terms huiyao was also used for excerpts from important books.

Huiyao 會要-style books on various dynasties
唐會要 一百卷 Tang huiyao (Song) 王溥 Wang Pu
五代會要 三十卷 Wudai huiyao (Song) 王溥 Wang Pu
西漢會要 七十卷 Xihan huiyao (Song) 徐天麟 Xu Tianlin
東漢會要 四十卷 Donghan huiyao (Song) 徐天麟 Xu Tianlin
宋會要輯稿 三百六十六 Song huiyao jigao (Qing) 王雲海 Wang Yunhai, 徐松 Xu Song
秦會要訂補 二十六卷 Qin huiyao dingbu (Qing) 孫楷 Sun Kai; (Rep) 徐復 Xu Fu (rev.)
春秋會要 四卷 (三十六卷) Chunqiu huiyao (Qing) 姚彦渠 Yao Yanqu; (PRC) 王貴民 Wang Guimin, 楊志清 Yang Zhiqing (rev.)
稿本晉會要 八十卷 Gaoben Jin huiyao (Qing) 汪兆鏞 Wang Zhaoyong; Lin Ruihan 林瑞翰, 逯耀東 Lu Yaodong (comp.); Zhu Mingpan 朱銘盤 (rev.)
三國會要 四十卷 Sanguo huiyao (Qing) 錢儀吉 Qian Yiji
宋會要 四卷 Song huiyao (i.e. Liu-Song) (Qing) 朱銘盤 Zhu Mingpan
齊會要 六卷 Qi huiyao (Qing) 朱銘盤 Zhu Mingpan
梁會要 五卷 Liang huiyao (Qing) 朱銘盤 Zhu Mingpan
陳會要 四卷 Chen huiyao (Qing) 朱銘盤 Zhu Mingpan
明會要 八十卷 Ming huiyao (Qing) 龍文彬 Long Wenbin
遼會要 二十卷 Liao huiyao (Rep) 陳述 Chen Shu et al.
戰國會要 百六十卷 Zhanguo huiyao (PRC) 楊寬 Yang Mi, 吳浩坤 Wu Haokun

The term huiyao was also used to denote excerpts of certain classical texts, like Shitong huiyao 史通會要 by Lu Shen 陸深 (1477-1544), being excerpts from Liu Zhiji's 劉知幾 (661-721) historiographical critique Shitong 史通, Zhouli huiyao 周禮會要 by Wang Wenqing 王文清 (1692-1779), being excerpts from the Confucian Classic Zhouli 周禮, or Tongjian huibian 通鑑會編 by Ye Yun 葉沄 (18th cent.) which are excerpts from the famous chronicle Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑒.

Table 1. Contents of the Tang huiyao 唐會要
1-2 帝號 Designations for emperors, 追諡皇帝 posthumous titles
3 皇后 Empresses, 內職 the Palace Service, 出宮人 persons leaving the palace service
4-5 儲君 Successors of the lord, 追諡太子 posthumous titles of heir apparents, 皇太孫 imperial grandsons, 諸王 princes
6 公主 Princesses, 和蕃公主 princesses married to foreign rulers
7 封禪 Sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mt. Taishan (suppl.)
8-10 郊議 Discussions on the suburban sacrifices, 親拜郊 personal conduct of such, 親迎氣 personal welcome of the winds, 后土社稷 offerings to the Goddess of the Earth and the spirits of soil and grain, 藉田 the emperor's ritual ploughing, 藉田東郊儀 the ceremony of the same in the eastern suburbs, 九宮壇 the Altar of the Nine Palaces, 皇后親蠶 the personal spinning by the Empress (suppl.)
11-12 明堂制度 System of the Bright Hall, 饗明堂議 discussion on the supper in the Bright Hall, 廟制度 the system of the ancestral altars, 親饗廟 the Emperor's personal offering of the supper at the ancestral altars
12-19 禘祫 Ancestral offerings, 獻俘 presentation of captives, 廟議 discussions of ancestral offerings, 祭器議 discussions on sacrificial vessels, 廟災變 uncommon occurrences concerning ancestral shrines, 緣廟裁制 abolition of older shrines, 配享功臣 feasting meritorious officials, 廟隸名額, 孝敬皇帝廟 the ancestral shrine of Emperor Xiaojing (Prince Li Hong 李弘), 讓皇帝廟 shrines of retreated emperors, 儀坤廟 shrines of separately buried empresses, 諸太子廟 shrines of princes, 公主廟 shrines of princesses, 百官家廟 private shrines of officials
20-21 陵議 Discussion on the mausolea, 親謁陵 the emperor's visit of a mausoleum, 公卿巡陵 the visits of high ministers, 緣陵禮物 ritual presentations at the mausolea of earlier dynasties, 諸僭號陵 mauseolea of usurpers, 皇后諸陵議 discussions on the mauseolea of empresses, 陪陵名位 spirit seats of accompanying graves, 諸陵雜錄 miscellaneous records on tomb hills
22-23 社稷 Sacrifices to the spirits of soil and grain, 祀風師雨師雷師及壽星等, 嶽瀆 to the spirits of mountains and rivers, 前代帝王 to sovereigns of former dynasties, 龍池壇 altars of dragon ponds, 武成王廟 the shrine of kings Wu and Cheng (of the Zhou), 寒食拜埽 the cold food and tomb sweeping festival, 緣祀裁制 abolition of older sacrificial rites, 牲牢 sacrificial animals, 忌日 anniversaries of the death of ancestors, 諱 taboo names
24-25 受朝賀 Congratulating the emperor, 諸侯入朝 audiences for the nobility, 二王三恪 audiences for the princes of former dynasties, 朔望朝參常朝日附 app. participation of high-ranking officials at extraordinary court sessions, 廊下食 banquets after audience, 輟朝 ending court debates, 百官奏事 the submission of memorials, 親王及朝臣行立位 the arrangement of princes and high-ranking officials during audiences, 文武百官朝謁班序 lineup of (average) officials during court audiences
26 冊讓 Announcement of retirement, 舉人自代 substitutes for recommendees (?), 讀時令 reading aloud edicts concerned with seasons, 命婦朝皇后應儀制附 app. orders to the women's court and the Empress concerning the ceremonial rules, 皇太子冠 the capping of the Heir Apparent, 皇太子加元服 the application of the adulthood robe of the Heir Apparent, 皇太子見三師禮 the ceremony of the reception of the Three Preceptors by the Heir Apparent, 皇太子不許與諸王及公主抗禮 probibition to the Heir Apparent to carry out ceremonies together with the other princes and princesses, 鄉飲酒 大射 banquets and archery ceremonies, 講武 lecturing on war, 牋表例 documents presented to the Emperor, 待制官 edict attendants, 侍讀 readers-in-waiting
27 行幸 Imperial inspection tours
28 蒐狩 Imperial hunts
28-29 祥瑞 Auspicious days, 追賞 posthumous presents, 節日 holidays
30 大內 the Imperial City, 宏義宮 Hongyi Palace, 通義宮 Tongyi Palace, 慶善宮 Qingshan Palace, 太和宮 Taihe Palace, 洛陽宮 Luoyang Palace, 大明宮 Daming Palace, 玉華宮 Yuhua Palace, 九成宮 Jiucheng Palace, 奉天宮 Fengtian Palace, 三陽宮 Sanyang Palace (興泰宮附 app. Xingtai Palace), 興慶宮 Xingqing Palace, 華清宮 Huaqing Palace, 諸宮雜錄 other palaces
31-32 輿服 Chariots and robes: 裘冕 sacrificial robes, 章服品第 classified ceremonial robes, 內外官章服 ceremonial robes of officials, 冠 caps, 巾子 headscarves, 魚袋 "fish bags", 笏 office insignia ('sceptres'), 異文袍 decorated jackets, 輅車 chariots, 乘車 carts, 羃䍦 horse and head covers, 戟 halberds
32-34 雅樂 Court music, 太常樂章 stanzas of the Chamberlain for Ceremonials, 凱樂 music of victory, 讌樂 music for banquets, 清樂 music for pure (sacrifices), 散樂 "scattered" music, 破陳樂 music for smashing the battle arrays, 慶善樂 auspicious music, 諸樂 various music, 四夷樂 music of the barbarians of the four directions, 東夷二國樂 music from Korea and Japan, 南蠻諸國樂 music of the countries of the southern savages, 西戎五國樂 music from the five countries of the western barbarians, 北狄三國樂 music from the three countries of the northern barbarians, 論樂 discussions on music
35-37 學校 Schools, 褒崇先聖先師已下附 app. the veneration of the Former Saint and Former Teacher (i.e. Confucius) and his disciples, 釋奠 school banquets for Confucius, 經籍 canonical writings, 書法 calligraphy, 修撰 senior compilers, 氏族 family registers, 蕃夷請經史附 app. barbarians requesting to have histories of their countries compiled, 學讀書 app. learning to read (?), 五禮篇目 bibliography on the five rituals, 禮儀使 commissioners for Ceremonial Propriety
37-38 服紀 Funeral robes, 奪情 mourning periods for officials, 葬 funerals, 辰日 [calculation of] dates
39 定格令 The fixing of laws, 議刑輕重 discussion on the rigidity of penalties
40-41 君上慎恤 Superious observe restraint, 臣下守法 subordinates keep to the law, 定贓估 fixing the price of [monopoly] goods, 論赦宥 discussion on amnesties, 斷屠釣 restricting slaughtering and fishing, 左降官及流人 demotion of officials and landless people, 酷吏 cruel officials
42-44 歷 Calendar, 渾儀圖 armillary spheres, 測景 sundials, 地震 earthquakes, 日蝕 eclipses of the sun, 月蝕 of the moon, 彗孛 comets and meteorites, 五星臨犯 abnormal phenomena in relation to the planets, 星聚 starry constellations, 流星 shooting stars, 山摧 mountain slides, 石隕 stony meteorites, 水災 inundations, 火 fire, 木冰 frozen trees, 螟蜮 pests, 雜災變 various catastrophies, 太史局 the Astrological Service
45-46 功臣 Rewards for officials rendering outstanding service, 前代功臣 meritorious officials of earlier dynasties
46-47 封建 Investiture with titles of nobility
48-49 議釋教 Discussions on the Buddhist teaching, 寺 Buddhist monasteries, 像 statues, 僧道立位 position of Buddhism and Daoism, 僧尼所隸 belongings of monasteries and nunneries, 燃燈 lamps and candles, 病坊 hospitals, 僧籍 Buddhist households, 大秦寺 Nestorian churches, 摩尼寺 Manichaean temples
50 尊崇道教 The veneration of Daoism, 觀 Daoist temples
51-55 官號 Designations of offices: 侍中 the Director of the Chancellery, 中書令 the Secretariat Director, 名稱 designations, 識量 narrow-mindedness (?), 忠諫, 官號下: 舉賢 委任 崇獎; 省號上: 門下省 the Chancellery, 中書省 the Imperial Secretariat, 門下侍郎 the Director of the Chancellery, 中書侍郎 the Vice Director of the Secretariat, 左右散騎常侍 left and right policy advisors, 給事中 supervising secretaries, 中書舍人 drafters in the Secretariat, 諫議大夫 the Grand Master of Remonstrance, 匭 archival registers
56 起居郎 Imperial diarists, 起居舍人 imperial vice diarists, 左右補闕拾遺 left and right rectifiers of omissions and reminders, 符寶郎 court gentlemen for tallies and seals
57 翰林院 The Hanlin Academy,
尚書省 the Imperial Secretariat, 尚書省分行次第 orders of the branches of the Imperial Secretariat, 尚書令 the Director of the Imperial Secretariat, 左右僕射 Left and Right Vice Directors of the Imperial Secretariat
58-59 尚書省諸司中 the offices below the Imperial Secretariat, 左右丞 the Counsellors to the Left and the Right, 左右司郎中 left and right ministerial director, 左右司員外郎 left and right vice directors
吏部尚書 the Minister of Personnel, 吏部侍郎 the Vice Minister of Personnel, 吏部郎中 ministerial directors, 吏部員外郎 vice directors, 司封郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Honors, 司封員外郎 the Vice Director, 司勳郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Merit Titles, 司勳員外郎 the Vice Director, 考功郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Evaluations, 考功員外郎 the Vice Director,
戶部尚書 the Minister of Revenue, 戶部侍郎 the Vice Minister of Revenue, 度支使 the Tax Section Commissioner, 別官判度支 vice director and other officials in the Tax Section, 戶部郎中 ministerial directors, 戶部員外郎 vice directors, 度支郎中 the Director of the Revenue Section, 度支員外郎 the Vice Director, 金部郎中 the Director of the Treasury Bureau, 金部員外郎 the Vice Director, 倉部郎中 the Director of the Granaries Section, 倉部員外郎 the Vice Director, 鑄錢使 the Coinage Commissioner, 延資庫使 the Commissioner of the Special Reserves Vault, 出納使 the Commissioner of Accounts,
禮部尚書 the Minister of Rites, 禮部侍郎 the Vice Minister of Rites, 禮部郎中 ministerial directors 禮部員外郎 vice directors, 太廟齋郎 祠部郎中 the Director of the Ministry of Sacrifices, 祠部員外郎 the Vice Director, 膳部郎中 the Director of the Catering Bureau, 膳部員外郎 the Vice Director, 主客郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Receptions, 主客員外郎 the Vice Director, 祠祭使 the commissioner of the Sacrifices Service,
兵部尚書 the Minister of War, 兵部侍郎 the Vice Minister of War, 兵部郎中 ministerial directors, 兵部員外郎 vice directors, 職方郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Operations, 職方員外郎 the Vice Director, 駕部郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Equipment, 駕部員外郎, the Vice Director, 庫部郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Provisions, 庫部員外郎 the Vice Director,
刑部尚書 the Minister of Justice, 刑部侍郎 the Vice Minister of Justice, 刑部郎中 ministerial directors, 刑部員外郎 vice directors, 都官郎中 the Director of the Criminal Administration Bureau, 都官員外郎 the Vice Direcotr, 比部郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Review, 比部員外郎 the Vice Director, 司(門)部郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Frontier Control, 司(門)部員外郎 the Vice Director,
工部尚書 the Minister of Works, 工部侍郎 the Vice Minister of Works, 工部郎中 ministerial directors, 工部員外郎 vice directors, 屯田郎中 directors of state farms, 屯田員外郎 vice directors, 長春宮使 the supervisor of the Changchun Palace, 虞部郎中 the Directors of the Bureau of Forestry, 虞部員外郎 the Vice Director, 水部郎中 the Director of the Bureau of Waterways and Irrigation, 水部員外郎 the Vice Director
60-62 御史臺 The Censorate, 東都留臺 the Resident Censorate in the Eastern Capital, 御史大夫 the Censor-in-chief, 御史中丞 Vice Censors-in-chief, 侍御史 attending censors, 殿中侍御史 palace censors, 監察御史 investigating censors; 館驛使 postal inspectors, 彈劾 impeachments; 諫諍 accusations, 推事 recommendations, 出使 diplomatic missions, 知班 charge of ranks
63-64 史館 The Historiography Institute: 史館移置 shifting the location, 諸司應送史館事例 rules for sending [documents] from the courts to the Historiography Institute, 修前代史 compiling history of earlier dynasties, 修國史 compilation of the present dynasty's history, 在外修史 compilation of history outside the Institute, 修史官 officials in the Institute; 宏文館 Institute for the Advancement of Literature, 文學館 Institute of Literature, 崇文館 Institute for the Reverence of Literature, 集賢院 Academy of Scholarly Worthies, 崇元館 Institute for Receptions in the Court for Dependencies
65-67 祕書省 the Imperial Library, 殿中省 the Palace Administration, 閑廄使 the Commissioner for the Palace Corrals and Stables, 內侍省 the Palace Domestic Service, 太常寺 the Court of Imperial Sacrifices, 光祿寺 the Court of Imperial Entertainments, 衛尉寺 the Court of the Imperial Regalia, 宗正寺 the Court of the Imperial Clan; 太僕寺 the Court of the Imperial Stud, 群牧使 the Commissioner for the Pastures, 大理寺 the Court of Judicial Review, 鴻臚寺 the Court for Dependencies, 司農寺 the Court of the National Granaries, 木炭使 the Commissioner for Firewood and Charcoal, 太府寺 the Court of the Imperial Treasury, 少府監 the Directorate for Imperial Manufactories, 將作監 the Directorate for the Palace Buildings, 國子監 the Directorate of Education, 東都國子監 the Eastern Directorate of Education, 廣文館 the nstitute for the Extension of Literary Arts, 軍器監 the Directorate for Armaments, 西京軍器庫 the Western Directorate for Armaments, 都水監 the Directorate of Waterways, 宮苑監 the Directorate of Palace Halls and Parks, 西京苑總監 the Western Directorate-general of the Imperial Parks;
東宮官 the officials of the Eastern Palace (of the Heir Apparent), 詹事府 the Household Administration of the Heir Apparent, 左春坊, 右春坊 the Left and Right Secretariats of the Heir Apparent, 家令寺 the Court of the Household Provisioner, 率更令 the Director of the Court of the Watches, 太子僕寺 the Livery Service of the Heir Apparent;
王府官 the officials of princely establishments;
致仕官 retired officials;
員外官 supernumerary officials;
試及邪濫官 excess graduates;
伎術官 physicians and diviners;
留守 resident regents;
京兆尹 the Metropolitan Magistrate of Jingzhao (Chang'an)
68-72 河南尹 The metropolitan magistrate of Henan (Luoyang), 諸府尹 administrators of the prefectures; 都督府 area commands; 刺史 regional inspectors, 都督刺史已下雜錄 miscellaneous matters of the officialdom below the ranks of commanders-in-chief and regional inspectors; 別駕 administrative aids of regional inspectors, 判司 supervisors of local bureaus, 縣令 district magistrates, 丞簿尉 local administrators of horses, 州府及縣加減官 promotion and demotion of the local officialdom; 量戶口定州縣等第例 the rank of prefectures and districts according to the size of the population; 州縣分望道 the administration of prefectures and districts by the circuits of 關內道 Guannei, 河南道 Henan, 河東道 Hedong, 河北道 Hebei, 山南道 Shannan, 隴右道 Longyou, 淮南道 Huainan, 江南道 Jiangnan, 劍南道 Jiannan, 嶺南道 Lingnan; 州縣改置 creation and change of prefectures and districts in the circuits of 關內道 Guannei, 河南道 Henan, 河東道 Hedong, 河北道 Hebei, 山南道 Shannan, 隴右道 Longyou, 淮南道 Huainan, 江南道 Jiangnan, 劍南道 Jiannan, 嶺南道 Lingnan; 十二衛 the twelve military garrisons; 東宮諸衛 the guards of the Eastern Palace
72 京城諸軍 Military adminstration of the capital, 羽林軍 the Army of the Celestial Water Bearer, 神策軍 the Army of Inspired Strategy, 府兵 garrison militia, 軍雜錄 miscellaneous military affairs, 馬 horses, 諸監馬印 tallies of horse supervisors, 諸蕃馬印 tallies of Tibetan horse trade
73 單於都護府 Protectorate of the Khan, 三受降城 the three subdued cities, 安北都護府 Protectorate of the Pacified North, 靈州都督府 area command of Lingzhou, 安東都護府 Protectorate of the Pacified East, 營州都督府 area command of Yingzhou, 安南都護府 Protectorate of the Pacified South, 安西都護府 Protectorate of the Pacified West, 姚州都督府 area command of Yaozhou
74-77 選部 The selection of personnel: 論選事 discourse on the selection of officials, 掌選善惡 advantages and disadvantages of central control over selection, 吏曹條例 rules for selection of personnel; 選限 limits of selection (藻鑑非因銓選藻鑑附 app. distinction of rank not as a criterion of selection), 雜處置 various appointments, 東都選 selection in the Eastern Capital, 南選 southern selection, 附甲 co-signing of memorials, 冬集 winter assembly for auditing; 貢舉 examination: (明經所集業附 app. merits assembled by classicists), 帖經條例 rules for presenting phrases from a Classic; 進士 jinshi grade, 緣舉 promoting the deserving ones, 制科舉 promotion because of talent, 孝廉舉 promotion because of filialty and honesty, 開元禮舉, ritual promotions during the Kaiyuan reign-period, 三禮舉 promotions based on knowledge in the three ritual Classics, (三傳三史附 app. the three commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals and the three history books), 童子 apprentice examinations, 明法 law examinations; 科目 examination types, 宏文崇文生舉 graduates of the Institute for the Advancement of Literature and the Institute for the Reverence of Literature (崇元生道舉附 app. Daoist graduates of the Institute of Receptions in the Court for Dependencies), 論經義 discourses on the meaning of the Classics
77-79 諸使 Various commissioners: 觀風俗使 customs observance commissioners, 巡察按察巡撫等使 touring surveillance commissioners, surveillance commissioners, pacification commissioners; 黜陟使 personnel evaluation commissioners, 採訪處置使 investigation commissioners; 五坊宮苑使 commissioners for the five cages and imperial gardens, 皇城使 commissioners for the imperial city wall; 元帥 marshals, 都統 campaign commanders, 節度使 military commissioners (每使管內軍附 app. local army coordinators), 親王遙領節度使 princes serving as military commissioners, 宰相遙領節度使 Counsellors-in-chief serving as military commissioners
79-80 諡法 Posthumous titles, 複字諡 double-character posthumous titles, 朝臣複諡 posthumous titles of court officials
81-82 勳 [Promotion] by merit, 階 by service, 用廕 by inheritage; 考 examination, 冬薦 winter recommendation, 甲庫 archives of graduates, 當直 service duty, 休假 leave; 醫術 medical care
83-84 嫁娶 Marriage, 租稅 field tax, 租庸使 commissioners for field tax and corvée, 兩稅使 twice-taxation commissioners, 戶口數 number of households, 移戶 moving of households
85 團貌 Triennial registration, 定戶等第 ranks of households, 戶口使 household registration commissioners, 籍帳 household registers, 逃戶 evasion of registration
86 奴婢 Slavery; 道路 roads, 街巷 streets, 橋梁 bridges, 關市 passes, 市 markets, 城郭 citywalls
87 轉運鹽鐵總敘 Transport of salt, iron (overview), 漕運 and tribute grain, 轉運使 transport commissioners, 河南水陸運使, 陝州水陸運使
88 鹽鐵 State monopolies on salt, iron, 榷酤 and brewing, 鹽池使salt lake commissioners, 鹽鐵使 salt-and-iron commissioners, 倉及常平倉 state granaries
89 疏鑿利人 Officials in hydraulic work, 磑碾 state-owned mills, 泉貨 mints
90 閉糴, 和糴 Price regulation of grain, 食實封數 appanage in grain, 緣封雜記 miscellaneous matters on members of the nobility of earlier dynasties, 內外官祿 official salaries
91-93 內外官料錢 Salaries and income of state officials: 內外官職田 Salary fields, 諸司諸色本錢 salaries in kind and in money
94-100 Foreign countries: 北突厥 Northern Türks, 西突厥 Western Türks, 沙陀突厥 Shatuo Türks, 吐谷渾 Tuyuhun
高昌 Gaochang (Kočo), 高句麗 Gaogouli (Koguryŏ), 百濟 Baiji (Paekche), 新羅 Xinla (Silla)
契丹 Qidan (Kitans), 奚 Xi, 室韋 Shiwei, 靺鞨 Mohe, 渤海 Bohai, 鐵勒 Tiele (Tölöš), 薛延陀 Xueyantuo (Syr Tarduš)
吐蕃 Tubo (Tibet)
迴紇 Uyghurs, 西爨 Xicuan, 昆彌國 Mikun, 林邑國 Linyi (Champa), 真臘國 Zhenla, 白狗羌 Baigou Qiang, 曹國 Caoguo, 殊柰國 Shuna, 拔野古國 Bayegu, 霫國 Xi, 黨項羌 Tanguts
東謝蠻, 西趙蠻 Eastern and Western Xie Savages, 牂牁蠻 Zangke Savages, 南平蠻 Southern Pacified Savages, 南詔蠻 Nanzhao Savages, 東女國 Eastern Women's Country, 婆利國 Boli, 倭國 Wo, 大羊同國 Dayangtong, 烏羅渾國 Wuluohun, 女國 Women's Country, 石國 Shiguo, 吐火羅國 Tokhara, 曇陵國 Tanling, 康國 Kangguo, 盤盤國 Panpan, 朱俱婆國 Zhujubo, 甘棠國 Gantang, 罽賓國 Jibin, 流鬼國 Wandering Ghost Country, 史國 Shiguo, 拂菻國 Fulin, 烏萇國 Wuchang, 耨陀洹國 Noutuohuan
瑟匿國 Seni, 悉立國 Xili, 求拔國 Qiuba, 俱蘭國 Julan, 骨利幹國 Gulihan, 訶陵國 Keling, 婆登國 Bodeng, 波斯國 Persia, 都播國 Dubo, 結骨國 Jiegu, 天竺國 India, 葛邏祿國Geluolu (Qarluqs), 泥婆羅國 Niboluo, 大食國 Dashi (Arabia), 火辭彌國 Huocimi, 駮馬國 Boma, 金利毗 Jinlipi, 迦國, 多摩萇國 Duomochang, 蝦夷國 Shrimp Barbarians, 哥羅舍分國 Geluoshefen, 日本國 Japan, 師子國 Lion's Country, 多蔑國 Duomie, 多福國 Duofu, 耽羅國 Danluo, 拘蔞蜜國, 驃國 Pyu, 占卑國 Zhanbi
雜錄 Miscellaneous matters
歸降官位 Dismissal of officials
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