An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Waifan Menggu Huibu wanggong biaozhuan 外藩蒙古回部王公表傳

Jun 12, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

(Qinding) Waifan Menggu Huibu wanggong biaozhuan (欽定)外藩蒙古回部王公表傳 "(Imperially endorsed) Genealogical tables and biographies of the princes and dukes of the Outer Mongols and the Muslim leaders", shortly called Menggu huibu wanggong biaozhuan 蒙古回部王公表傳 or Menggu wanggong gongji biaozhuan 蒙古王公功績表傳, is a collection of biographies compiled during the late Qianlong reign-period 乾隆 (1736-1795) of the mid-Qing dynasty 清 (1644-1911).

It includes the biographies of leading persons from the allies of the Manchu dynasty of the Qing. The 120-juan long book was finished in 1789. The text description of the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, the Siku tiyao 四庫提要, calls it (Qinding) Menggu wanggong gongji biaozhuan 欽定蒙古王公功績表傳 "(Imperially endorsed) Genealogical tables and biographies of meritorious princes and dukes of the Outer Mongols" and indicates a length of only 12 juan, which might be an error. The book consists of 16 juan of 43 genealogical tables (shixi biao 世襲表), 33 "summary biographies" (zongzhuan 總傳) of tribes and peoples, and 284 individual biographies (liezhuan 列傳) of noble families.

Fascicle 12 is dedicated to persons from Tibet (Xizang 西藏), and fascicle 14 to Uyghur chiefs from Hami 哈密 and Turfan 吐魯番. All others are dedicated to Mongolian persons. The rest of the book included prose biographies, each part of which is headed by a general introduction that explains the political and tribal situation among the peoples dealt with.

The book begins with a preface written by the Qianlong Emperor 乾隆帝 in which he explains the structure of the 49 Mongolian leagues (qi 旗) and the history of the ruling house of the various jasagh (Chinese transcription zhasake 紮薩克) chieftains of the Qalqa Mongols. The concept of the book follows the biographic collection (Qinding) Zongshi wanggong gongji biaozhuan (欽定)宗室王公功績表傳, which includes the biographies of persons from the imperial house.

For each tribe, a distinct chronological table is provided that gives an overview of the leaders and eminent persons of this people and their relations to the Qing court. The sources for the biographies were mainly the so-called "red documents" from the Grand Secretariat Archives (neige daku kuzhu hongben 內閣大庫庫貯紅本), and also the official veritable records (shilu 實錄), but also registers and family rosters from the Court of Colonial Affairs (lifanyuan 理藩院).

The arrangement of the tribes follows the imperial atlas Huangyu quantu 皇輿全圖. The biographic collection is included in the Siku quanshu and found entrance into the collection Guochao qixian leizheng 國朝耆獻類徵.

A sequel to the text was compiled in 1812 and printed by the Imperial Palace in 1814. The (Qinding) Xuzuan waifan Menggu Huibu wanggong biaozhuan (欽定)續纂外藩蒙古回部王公表傳 consists of five bilingual Chinese-Manchu parts. The first has a length of 48 juan.

The second part was finished in 1836, printed in 1839 and has a length of 72 juan. The third was completed in 1849 and consists of 24 juan in three languages, namely Manchu, Chinese and Mongolian. The fourth part of the supplement appeared in 1859. Manchu-Mongolian version is 48 juan long, the Chinese version only 24. The fifth, last part of the supplement was begun in 1884 but was not yet finished, when the empire was terminated in 1911. Some drafts might remain in the First Historical Archive. The quality of these supplements is not as high as the first collection of biographies because all of them were compiled in a quite hasty manner. For this reason, there are no tables, like in the original book, but only crude biographies.

Table 1. Contents of the Waifan Menggu Huibu wanggong biaozhuan 外藩蒙古回部王公表傳
1 科爾沁部表 Qorčin, 扎賚特部表 Jalaid, 杜爾伯特部表 Dörbed, 郭爾羅斯部表 Gorlos
2 喀喇沁部表 Qaračin, 土默特部表 Tümed
3 敖漢部表 Aoqan, 奈曼部表 Naiman, 巴林部表 Baɣarin, 扎嚕特部表 Jarut, 阿嚕科爾沁部表 Aru Qorčin, 翁牛特部表 Ongniɣud, 克什克騰部表 Kesigten, 喀爾喀左翼部表 Left-Wing Qalqa
4 烏珠穆沁部表 Üjumüčin, 浩齊特部表 Qaɣučid
5 四子部落表 Dörben Keüked, 茂明安部表 Muumingɣan, 烏喇特部表 Urat, 喀爾喀右翼部表 Right-Wing Qalqa
6 鄂爾多斯部表 Ordos
7 喀爾喀土謝圖汗部表 Qalqa Tüsiyetu Qan
8 喀爾喀汗部表 Qalqa Qan
9 喀爾喀扎薩克圖汗部表 Qalqa Jasaɣtu Qan
10 喀爾喀賽音諾顏部表 Qalqa Sayin Noyan Qan
11 阿拉善厄魯特部表 Alashan Oyirad, 青海厄魯特部表 Qinghai Oyirad
12 西藏部表 (Mongolian) tribes in Tibet, 綽羅斯部表 Čoros, 杜爾伯特部表 Dörbed
13 土爾扈特部表 Torɣut, 和碩特部表 Qošod
14 哈密回部表 Muslims in Hami, 吐魯番回部表 Muslims in Turfan
15 居歸化城之土默特表 Tümed in Guihua (Köke Qota), 居察哈爾之和碩特表 Qošod in Čahar, 居黑龍江之厄魯特表, Oyirads in Heilongjiang, 居科布多之扎哈沁表 Jaqchin in Kobdo
16 居京師之回爵表 Muslim nobles in Beijing, 居新疆之回爵表 Muslim nobles in Xinjiang
17-20 科爾沁部及土謝圖汗奧巴等傳 Qorčin and Tüsiyetu
21 扎賚特部、杜爾伯特部及貝子蒙袞等傳 Jalaid, Dörbed
22 郭爾羅斯部及鎮國公布木巴等傳 Gorlos
23-24 喀喇沁部及貝勒固嚕思奇布等傳 Qaracin
25 土默特部及達爾漢鎮國公善巴等傳 Tümed
26 敖漢部及郡王班第等傳 Aoqan
27 奈曼部及郡王袞楚克傳 Naiman
28 巴林部及郡王色布騰等傳 Baɣarin
29 扎嚕特部及貝勒內齊等傳 Jarud
30 阿魯科爾沁部及貝子穆彰傳 Aru Qorčin
31-32 翁牛特部及杜棱郡王遜都棱等傳 Ongniɣud
33 克什克騰部、喀爾喀左翼部及貝勒袞布伊勒登、一等臺吉索諾木傳 Kesigten, Left-Wing Qalqa
34 烏珠穆沁部及和碩車臣親王多爾濟等傳 Üjumüčin
35 浩齊特部及郡王博羅特、噶爾瑪色旺傳 Qaɣučid
36 蘇尼特部及郡王騰機思等傳 Sünid
37 阿巴噶部及郡王多爾濟等傳 Abaɣa
38 阿巴哈納爾及貝勒色棱墨爾根等傳 Abaɣanar
39 四子部落及卓哩克圖郡王鄂木布傳 Dörben Keüked
40 茂明安部及一等臺吉僧格等傳 Muumingɣan
41 烏喇特部及鎮國公圖巴等傳 Urad
42 喀爾喀右翼部及達爾漢親王本塔爾等傳 Right-Wing Qalqa
43-44 鄂爾多斯部及郡王額璘臣等傳 Ordos
45-52 喀爾喀土謝圖汗部及土謝圖汗察琿多爾濟等傳 Qalqa Tüsiyetü Qan
53-60 喀爾喀車臣汗部及車臣汗烏默客等傳 Qalqa Sečen Qan
61-68 喀爾喀扎薩克圖汗部及扎薩克圖汗策旺扎布等傳 Qalqa Jasaɣtu Qan
69-78 喀爾喀賽音諾顏部及和碩親王善巴等傳 Qalqa Sayin Noyan Qan
79-81 阿拉善厄魯特部及貝勒和啰理等傳 Alaša Oyirad
82-90 青海厄魯特部及親王察罕丹津等傳 Qinghai Oyirad
91-93 西藏部及鎮國公珠爾默特策布登等傳 Oyirad of Tibet
94 綽羅斯和碩親王達瓦齊列傳 Čoros
95-100 杜爾伯特部及特古斯庫魯克達賴汗車凌等傳 Dörbed
101-105 土爾扈特部及卓哩克圖汗渥巴錫等傳 Torgud
106-108 和碩特部及土謝圖貝勒恭格等傳 Qošod
109 哈密回部及一等達爾漢額貝都拉傳 Muslims of Hami
110-111 吐魯番回部及郡王額敏和卓等傳 Muslims of Turfan
112 土默特輔國公喇嘛扎布、土默特左翼都統古祿格列傳 Tümed
113 土默特右翼都統讬博克列傳 Right-Wing Tümed
114 和碩特貝子納噶察、輔國公色布騰等列傳 Qošod
115 厄魯特輔國公巴桑、一等臺吉阿卜達什、扎哈沁三等公祃木特列傳 Oyirad
116-120 駐京和新疆各回爵霍集斯、鄂對等傳 Muslims in Xinjiang and Beijing
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