An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Shengxue zongzhuan 聖學宗傳

Jul 15, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Shengxue zongzhuan 聖學宗傳 "Biographies of the scholarly lines of the Saints" is a biographical collection compiled written by the Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) scholar Zhou Rudeng 周汝登 (jinshi degree 1577), courtesy name Jiyuan 繼元 or Haimen 海門, from Shengxian 嵊縣, Zhejiang. His highest office was chief minister of the Seals Office (shangbaosi qing 尚寶司卿) of the secondary capital Nanjing.

The tenor of the 18-juan long book is the blending of Neo-Confucian teachings with Buddhist concepts. The author, being in one scholarly line with the famous philosopher Wang Shouren 王守仁 (Wang Yangming 王陽明, 1472-1529) war particularly interested in statements in the writing of Confucian scholars which are similar to Buddhist ones or were directly derived from thoughts of Chan Buddhism.

Zhou Rudeng drafted a chart (Huang juan zheng xi tu 黃卷正系圖) in which he shows the continuity of philosophical thought from the time of the mythological ruler Fu Xi 伏羲 down to Song-period 宋 (960-1279) Neo-Confucians like Cheng Hao 程顥 (1032-1085), and then the split into the branch of Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200) and that of Lu Jiuyuan 陸九淵 (1139-1193). The value of the book lies in the analysis of contemporary Confucian philosophy after Wang Shouren.

A copy of the first print from 1606 is preserved in the Beijing Library 北京圖書館. A facsimile of this edition was published in 1931 by the Shanghai Hongbao Press 上海鴻寶齋.

Table 1. Contents of the Shengxue zongzhuan 聖學宗傳
1 伏𦏁 Fu Xi, 神農 Shen Nong, 黃帝 Huang Di, 顓頊 Zhuan Xu, 帝嚳 Di Ku, 唐堯 Tang Yao, 虞舜 Yu Shun, 大禹 Yu the Great, 臯陶 Gao Yao, 成湯 Tang the Perfect, 伊尹 Yi Yin, 傅說 Fu Yue, 泰伯 Tai Bo of Qi
2 文王 King Wen of Zhou, 武王 King Wu of Zhou, 箕子 Prince Jizi of Shang, 周公 The Duke of Zhou, 衛武公 Duke Wu of Wei
3 孔子 Confucius, 顔子 Yanzi, 子貞 Zizhen, 子路 Zilu, 子夏 Zixia, 漆雕開 Qidiao Kai, 曾點 Zeng Dian, 子張 Zizhang, 曾子 Zengzi, 子思 Zisi
4 孟子 Mengzi, 荀卿 Xun Qing (Xunzi 荀子), 董仲舒 Dong Zhongshu
5 揚雄 Yang Xiong, 王通 Wang Tong, 韓愈 Han Yu
6 穆脩 Mu Xiu, 胡瑗 Hu Yuan, 李之才 Li Zhicai, 邵雍 Shao Yong, 周敦頤 Zhou Dunyi
7 程顥 Cheng Hao, 程頤 Cheng Yi, 呂希哲 Lü Xizhe, 邵伯溫 Shao Bowen, 張載 Zhang Zai, 謝良佐 Xie Liangzuo, 游酢 You Zuo
8 楊時 Yang Shi, 呂大臨 Lü Dalin, 尹焞 Yin Heng, 張繹 Zhang Yi, 羅從彦 Luo Congyan, 胡安國 Hu Anguo, 胡宏 Hu Hong, 劉子翬 Liu Ziyi, 李侗 Li Tong, 張九成 Zhang Jiucheng
9 朱熹 Zhu Xi, 張栻 Zhang Shi, 呂祖謙 Lü Zuqian
10 陸九淵 Lu Jiuyuan, 蔡沈 Cai Shen
11 楊簡 Yang Jian, 真德秀 Zhen Dexiu, 許衡 Xu Heng, 吳澄 Wu Cheng, 黃澤 Huang Ze
12 薛瑄 Xue Xuan, 吳與弼 Wu Yubi, 陳獻章 Chen Xianzhang, 陳真晟 Chen Zhensheng, 胡居仁 Hu Juren
13 王守仁 Wang Shouren, 徐愛 Xu Ai
14 錢德洪 Qian Dehong, 王畿 Wang Ji
15 鄒守益 Zou Shouyi, 歐陽德 Ouyang De, 薛侃 Xue Kan
16 王艮 Wang Gen, 黃弘綱 Huang Honggang, 何廷仁 He Tingren, 徐樾 Xu Yue
17 羅洪先 Luo Hongxian, 趙貞吉 Zhan Zhenji
18 王棟 Wang Dong, app. 朱恕 Zhu Ru, 韓貞 Han Zhen, 夏廷美 Xia Tingmei, 羅汝芳 Luo Rufang
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 997.
Satō Rentarō 佐藤錬太郎 (2017). "Mingmo Qingchu xiangfan duili de Yangming xuepai shi: Zhou Rudeng Shengxue zongzhuan yu Huang Zongxi de bijiao 明末清初相反對立的陽明學派史——周汝登《聖學宗傳》與黃宗羲《明儒學案》的比較", Hunan Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 湖南大學學報(社會科學版), 2017 (1).
Tian Tan 田探 (2017). "Shilun Shengxue zongzhuan. Xinxue shiye zhong de daopai 試論《聖學宗傳》——心學視野中的“道脈”", Huaxia wenhua 華夏文化, 2017 (9).
Wu Zhaofeng 吳兆豐 (2019). "Shengxue zongzhuan chuben, gaige ji qi xiangguan wenti 《聖學宗傳》初本、改刻及其相關問題", Zhongguo dianji yu wenhua 中國典籍與文化, 2019 (7).