An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Bishu ershi zhong 祕書二十一種

Mar 12, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Bishu ershi zhong 祕書二十一種 (Mishu ershiyi zhong 秘書二十一種, Bishu nianyi zhong 祕書廿一種, Mishu nianyi zhong 秘書廿一種) is a series of collectanea compiled during the mid-Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Wang Shihan 汪士漢, courtesy name Yinhou 隱侯, from Xin'an 新安.

As the title says, the collection includes 21 "secret" books with a total size of 94 juan. The books date from pre-imperial times down to the Song period 宋 (960-1279), and the texts were carefully collated by Wang. The term "secret" refers to the fact that most of these books were relatively rare at the time and not widely available. The collection was first printed in 1742 according to the series Gujin yishi 古今逸史, and the family Wang republished the book in 1804.

Table 1. The series Bishu ershi zhong 祕書二十一種
(Qing) 汪士漢 Wang Shihan (comp.)
1668 edition Master Wang from Xin'an 新安汪氏據古今逸史; reprint from 1804
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
汲冢周書 十卷 Jizhong Zhoushu (Jin) 孔晁 Kong Zhao (comm.)
吳越春秋 六卷 Wu-Yue chunqiu (Han) 趙曄 Zhao Ye; (Song) 徐天祐 Xu Tianyou (phon.comm.)
拾遺記 十卷 Shiyiji (Jin) 王嘉 Wang Jia; (Liang) 蕭綺 Xiao Qi (rec.)
白虎通 二卷 Baihutong (Han) 班固 Ban Gu
山海經 十八卷 Shanhaijing (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu
博物志 十卷 Bowuzhi (Jin) 張華 Zhang Hua; (Song) 周日用 Zhou Riyong , 盧□ Lu N (comm.)
桂海虞衡志 一卷 Guihai yuheng zhi (Song) 范成大 Fan Chengda
續博物志 十卷 Xu bowuzhi (Jin) 李石 Li Sji
博異記 一卷 Boyiji (Tang) 谷神子 Gushenzi (鄭還古 Zheng Huangu)
高士傳 三卷 Gaoshizhuan (Tang) 皇甫謐 Huangfu Mi
劍俠傳 四卷 Jianxiazhuan (Tang) 段成式 Duan Chengshi
楚史檮杌 一卷 Chushi taowu
晉史乘 一卷 Jinshi sheng
竹書紀年 二卷 Zhushu jinian (Liang) 沈約 She Yue (comm.)
中華古今注 三卷 Zhonghua gujin zhu (Later Tang) 馬縞 Ma Gao
古今注 三卷 Gujinzhu (Jin) 崔豹 Cui Bao
三墳 一卷 Sanfen (Jin) 阮咸 Ruan Xian (comm.)
風俗通義 四 Fengsu tongyi (Han) 應劭 Ying Shao
列仙傳 二卷 Liexianzhuan (Han) 劉向 Liu Xiang
集異記 一卷 Jiyiji (Tang) 薛用弱 Xue Yongruo
續齊諧記 一卷 Xu qixieji (Liang) 吳均 Wu Jun
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol 1, 67.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 680.