An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Xiaoxue huihan 小學彙函

Feb 8, 2020 © Ulrich Theobald

Xiaoxue huihan 小學彙函 is a series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) including texts of the genre of "lesser learning" (xiaoxue 小學) that can roughly be equated to lexicography. The series includes 14 books with a total length of 136 juan and was compiled during the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Zhong Qianjun 鐘謙鈞 (1803-1874).

The Xiaoxue huihan covers texts from the Han 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) to the Song period 宋 (960-1279), among them eight "dictionaries", four commentaries, and two books on rhymes or phonology. Zhong made use of excellent contemporary editions of the texts which are very reliable.

The series was first printed in 1873 by the Yuedong Press 粵東書局. In 1888, a lithographic reproduction appeared as published by the Feiying Studio 蜚英館 in Shanghai. The Hunan Press 湘南書局 in Changsha published the series in 1889. The Xiaoxue huihan is also known as an appendix of Zhong Qianjun's series Gu jingjie huihan 古經解彙函, a collection of commentaries on Confucian Classics.

Table 1. The series Xiaoxue huihan 小學彙函
(Qing) 鍾謙鈞 Zhong Qianjun (comp.)
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
輶軒大使者絕代語釋別國 (方言) 十三卷
校正補遺 一卷
Youxuan da shizhe juedai yushi bieguo Fangyan (Fangyan)
Xiaozheng buyi
(Han) 揚雄 Yang Xiong; (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu (comm.); (Qing) 盧文弨 Lu Wenchao (comm.)
釋名 八卷 Shiming (Han) 劉熙 Liu Xi; (Qing) 吳志忠 Wu Zhizhong (comm.)
廣雅 十卷 Guangya (Cao-Wei) 張揖 Zhang Ji; (Sui) 曹憲 Cao Xian (phon. comm.)
匡謬正俗 八卷 Kuangmiu zhengsu (Tang) 顏師古 Yan Shigu
急就篇 四卷 Jijiupian (Han) 史游 Shi You; (Tang) 顏師古 Yan Shigu (comm.); (Song) 王應麟 Wang Yinglin (suppl. comm.)
說文解字 十五卷 Shuowen jiezi (Han) 許慎 Xu Shen; (Southern Tang) 徐鉉 Xu Xuan et al. (rev.)
說文解字繫傳 四十卷
(附)校勘記 三卷
Shuowen jiezi xichuan
(app.) Jiaokanji
(Southern Tang) 徐鍇 Xu Kai
說文解字篆韻譜 五卷
附錄 一卷
Shuowen jiezi zhuan yun pu
(Southern Tang) 徐鉉 Xu Xuan
大廣益會玉篇 (玉篇) 三十卷 Daguang yihui Yupian (Yupian) (Song) 陳彭年 Chen Pengnian et al. (rev.)
干祿字書 一卷 Ganlu zishu (Tang) 顔元孫 Yan Yuansun
五經文字 三卷 Wujing wenzi (Tang) 張參 Zhang Can
新加九經字樣 一卷 Xinjia Jiujing ziyang (Tang) 唐玄度 Tang Xuandu
大宋重修廣韻 五卷 Da-Song chongxiu Guangyun (Song) 陳彭年 Chen Pengnian et al. (rev.)
廣韻 五卷 Guangyun (Song) 陳彭年 Chen Pengnian et al. (rev.)
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 62.
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 611.