An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Zhuzi yishu 朱子遺書

Aug 23, 2021 © Ulrich Theobald

Zhuzi yishu 朱子遺書 is a collection of the literary remains of the eminent Neo-Confucian master Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200). The first print includes 16 books with a total length of 103 juan, but six books are only listed in the table of contents, while the texts are not included. These are Lunyu jicheng 論語集義, Mengzi jicheng 孟子集義, Xiaoxue 小學, Yixue qimeng 易學啟蒙, Shi xubian 詩序辨, and Yili jingzhuan tongjie 儀禮經傳通解. The second edition adds the texts of the writings, but Xiaoxue and Yili jingzhuan tongjie are still missing.

The most important writings of the collection are Lunyi jingyi 論語精義, Mengzi jingyi 孟子精義, Lunyu huowen 論語或問, and Mengzi huowen 孟子或問. These books, written as commentaries and exegetic texts on the two Classics Lunyu 論語 "Confucian Analects" and Mengzi 孟子, display Zhu Xi's interpretation of Confucian ethics and metaphysics. The book Yixue qimeng 易學啟蒙 is a cosmological interpretation of the divination Classic Yijing 周易 "Book of Changes.

Table 1. The series Zhuzi yishu 朱子遺書
Print from 寶誥堂 Baogaotang Studio, Kangxi reign-period
近思錄 十四卷 Jinsilu (Song) 朱熹 Zhu Xi, 呂祖謙 Lü Zuqian (comp.)
延平李先生師弟子答問 (延平答問) 一卷
後錄 一卷
Yanping Li Xiansheng shi dizi dawen (Yanping dawen)
(Song) 朱熹 Zhu Xi (comp.)
雜學辨 一卷
附錄 一卷
Zaxue bian
中庸輯略 二卷 Zhongyong jilüe (Song) 石{敦/山} Shi Dun (comp.)
論語或問 二十卷 Lunyu huowen
孟子或問 十四卷 Mengzi huowen
伊洛淵源錄 十四卷 Yi-Luo yuanyuan lu
上蔡先生語錄 (謝上蔡語錄) 三卷 Shangcai Xiansheng yulu (Xie Shangcai yulu) (Song) 謝良佐 Xie Liangzuo; 朱熹 Zhu Xi (comp.)
國朝諸老先生 (論語精義, 論語集義) 十卷 Guochao zhulao xiansheng (Lunyu jingyi, Lunyu jiyi)
[小學] Xiaoxue
孟子精義 (孟子集義) 十四卷 Mengzi jingyi (Mengzi jiyi)
易學啟蒙 四卷 Yixue qimeng
詩序辨 一卷 Shixu bian
孝經刊誤 一卷 Xiaojing kanwu
朱子周易參同契考異 一卷 Zhuzi Zhouyi Cantongqi kaoyi (Song) 黃瑞節 Huang Duanjie
朱子陰符經考異 一卷 Zhuzi Yinfujing kaoyi (Song) 黃瑞節 Huang Duanjie
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 470.
Zhang Liwen 張立文. 1986. "Zhuzi yishu 朱子遺書." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Zhexue 哲學, vol. 2, 1239. Beijing and Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.