An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Books on Agriculture and Agronomy (nongjia lei 農家類)

Jul 24, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Books on Agriculture and Agronomy (nongjia lei 農家類) is a subcategory in traditional Chinese bibliographies and part of the category of Masters and Philosophers (zibu 子部).

The so-called agriculturalists were a philosophical school during the Warring States period 戰國 (5th cent.-221 BCE). The tradition of teachings on agriculture probably goes back to a ministerial office for agriculture. Adherents of the school wandered around and instructed, according to the book Mengzi 孟子, the peasant how to sow grains, till the fields and to raise mulberry trees. Their primary purpose was, according to Confucius, to nourish the people. Only a few names of persons belonging to the tradition of agriculturalists are known, like Xu Xing 許行 from Chu 楚. He stressed that the worthy man must work the fields together with ordinary people. For his egalitarian standpoint, he was vehemently criticised by Mengzi. The Confucians countered that an advanced society must have a division of labour. Many books from the Zhou 周 (11th cent.-221 BCE) and the Han 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) periods include information about agriculture, and it is not justified to speak of a philosophical school from the Han period on. Their writings were still collected but then had a purely scientific and practical purpose. Agricultural treatises were, furthermore, granted a vital section among the "masters and philosophers", probably because of the importance agriculture played in the economy of traditional China.

There is a vast treasury of books related to the field of agriculture. Yet the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 includes just less than a dozen of them. Other books on agricultural matters are found in other sections, for instance, books on plants and animals (sub-category pulu lei 譜錄類, Material Culture and Nature Studies) or treatises on field allotment and taxation, or medicine concerning medical herbs and diet. The compilers of the Siku quanshu selected ten books to be included in this section. The most important of these are the "classics" Qimin yaoshu 齊民要術, Nongsang jiyao 農桑輯要, Nongshu 農書 and Nongzheng quanshu 農政全書.

The compilation office Sikuguan 四庫館 argued that older collections were "tossing about in various directions" (zhanzhuan pangqian 輾轉旁牽) and went from the core business of ploughing to veterinary medicine, from draught animals to horses, birds, and crabs, and hence to collectables like fragrances and coins. Beginning with the five grains, they proceeded to horticulture, bamboos and flowers. Sericulture was the starting point for books on tea, wine, sugarcane, and cooking. Prognostication of weather led them to other books on divination, and wild edible herbs used for disaster relief were the entrance to the vast realm of medical books. In this way, older bibliographies on agricultural books went beyond the basics. The compilation office, therefore, decided to retain in the section on agriculture just books of the farming business itself (wei cun ben ye 惟存本業). They even decided to leave out books on tea. Even if the cultivation of tea shrubs was a discipline of farming (related to agriculture like longtuan fengbing zhi zhi 龍團鳳餅之制 "the production of dragon balls and phoenix cakes" or yinshi yuwan zhi hua 銀匙玉碗之華 "[like] the splendour of silver spoons and jade bowls"), tea cultivation was "neither ploughing nor weaving", i.e., the core activities of the farmer. The Siku quanshu itself therefore includes but ten texts, while the descriptive catalogue Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要 adds the explanations of more 9 "existing" books (cunmu 存目).

China's oldest surviving book catalogue, the Hanshu yiwen zhi 漢書藝文志, lists nine agricultural texts. The postface to the section says that these texts reflected the duties of the ancient Zhou-period offices of Nong-Ji 農稷, the Sacred Husbandman Shen Nong 神農, and the Lord of Millet Hou Ji 后稷. The functionaries in these offices "spread the hundred types of grains" and urged the people to plough and cultivate mulberry trees (for silk production), with the aim to produce sufficient food and clothing (bo baigu, quan geng-sang, yi zu yi-shi 播百穀,勸耕桑,以足衣食). Food and commodities (shi huo 食貨) were, therefore, the two foremost objects of government (ba zheng 八政). Out of these two needs, policy-related writings produced the literary type of "treatise on food and commodities" (Shihuo zhi 食貨志). Of the nine texts listed in the Hanshu bibliography, only fragments survive, of which Fan Shengzhi (shu) 氾勝之(書) is the most important.

Half a millennium later, the catalogue Suishu jingji zhi 隋書經籍志 listed just five agricultural texts. The Fan Shengzhi shu had survived until then, and several others had been written, namely Simin yueling 四人月令 during the very late Eastern Han period, Jinyuan shilu 禁苑實錄 (apparently on imperial parks; lost), Jia Sixie's 賈思勰 Qimin yaoshu, and a book by Yang Jin 楊瑾 commenting on "economic matters" (probably grain storage) during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋 (770-5th cent. BCE), Chunqiu jihi liuchang niyi 春秋濟世六常擬議. Tao Zhugong's 陶朱公 book Yangyufa 養魚法 (fish breeding), Bu Shi's 卜式 Yangyangfa 養羊法 (sheep breeding), Yangzhufa 養豬法 (pig breeding), and Yuezheng chumu caizhong fa 月政畜牧栽種法 (breeding and cultivation methods through the year) had been listed in Liang-period 梁 (502-557) catalogues but were lost in the early 7th century.

The range of agricultural texts became much broader during the Tang period. The bibliographical chapters in the two history books Jiutangshu 舊唐書 (ch. 46-47 Jingji zhi 經籍志) and Xintangshu 新唐書 (ch. 57-60 Yiwen zhi 藝文志) list 20, and 36 texts, respectively. The Jiutangshu catalogue presents the books Fan Shengzhi shu, Simin yueling, Qimin yaoshu, and the Jinyuan shilu from antiquity, as well as the Yangyujing (in this instance ascribed to Fan Li 范蠡). Novelties are Dai Kaizhi's 戴凱之 book on bamboos, Zhupu 竹譜, Gu Xuan's 顧烜 book on coins, Qianpu 錢譜 - where money is seen as a branch of the (agricultural) economy -, Zhuge Ying's 諸葛穎 (536-612) 77-chapters-long book on tree cultivation Zhongzhifa 種植法, an anonymous book on silkworm breeding, Canjing 蠶經, and two books on falconry, namely Yao Xuqi's 堯須跂 (Yao Xuba 堯須跋) Zhijilu 鷙擊錄 in 20 chapters, and the anonymous Yingjing 鷹經. No less than eight texts are dedicated to the "inspection" (xiang 相, of various animals, involving skills to estimate the value of domestic animals according to their physical condition, but also predicting the future (see books on divination). The animals in question are cranes (Xianghejing 相鶴經), horses (Xiangmajing 相馬經, various texts), oxen (Xiangniujing 相牛經), and shells (Xiangbeijing 相貝經). There is also a general book on animal prognostication called Zhaoren benye 兆人本業, the authorship of which is ascribed to the "Celestial Empress" 天后 (Tian Hou, in Xintangshu Wu Hou 武后, i.e. Wu Zetian 武則天). The Southern-Song-period catalogue Zhizhai shulu jieti 直齋書錄解題 criticises the inclusion of divinatory and falconry texts into the section of agriculture.

The bibliographical chapter in the Xintangshu lists a further texts from antiquity, Yin Duwei shu 尹都尉書, and some more books on agricultural works through the year, namely Wangshi sishu lu 王氏四時錄, Sun Simiao's 孫思邈 (581?-682) Qianjin queling 千金月令, Xue Deng's 薛登 (647-719) Sishi ji 四時記, Du Taiqing's 杜臺卿 (fl. 594) Yuzhu baodian 玉燭寶典, Pei Cheng's 裴澄 (fl. 795) Shengyu yueling 乘輿月令, Wei Xinggui's 韋行規 Baosheng yuelu 保生月錄, Han E's 韓鄂 (c. 750) Sishi zuanyao 四時纂要 (surviving in fragments) and Suihua jili 歲華紀麗. The list also includes a painting scroll by Wang Ya 王涯 (764-835) called Yueling tu 月令圖. The Xintangshu bibliography informs the reader about Li Chunfeng's 李淳風 (602-670) commentary Yan qimin yaoshu 演齊民要術 and includes some more texts describing agricultural work in some regions of the empire, namely Jing-Chu suishi ji 荊楚歲時記 in two versions, one written by Du Gongshan 杜公贍 (c. 600), and one (surviving until today) by Song Lin 宗懍 (502-565), as well as Li Chuo's 李綽 (d. 862) Qinzhong suishi ji 秦中歲時記 (in the catalogue Junzhai dushu zhi 郡齋讀書志 called Nianxia suishi ji 輦下歲時記). Two more books have to be mentioned, namely Wang Fangqing's 王方慶 (d. 702) Yuanting caomu shu 園庭草木疏, and Li Yong's 李邕 (674-746) Jinguyuan ji 金谷園記, both dealing with horticulture and parks.

The Song-period catalogue Chongwen zongmu 崇文總目 includes just eight agricultural texts, namely Qimin yaoshu, Wu Zetian's Zaoren benye, Wang Min's 王旼 (1144-1204) Shanju yaoshu 山居要術 (today lost), Jia Daoyuan's 賈道元 "Filial book of agriculture" Danong xiaojing 大農孝經, a book called Nongjia qieyao 農家切要, the book Nongzi 農子, and two books on sericulture, one attributed to Prince Liu An 劉安 (179-122 BCE) from the Former Han period 前漢 (206 BCE-8 CE), and one written by Sun Guangxian 孫光憲 (896-968). The bibliographical chapter in Zheng Qiao's 鄭樵 (1104-1162) Tongzhi 通志 also lists no more than 12 texts. Quite outstanding in this list is the ancient, 15-fascicles-long Fanzi jiran 范子計然, as well as the "book of basics [of state and economy]" Benshu 本書 by He Liang 何亮.

The Junzahi dushu zhi includes about a dozen treatises on tea (beginning with Lu Yu's 陸羽 famous Chajing 茶經 from the Tang period), as well as texts on bamboos like Dai Kaizhi's Zhupu and Monk Huisong's 惠崇 (965-1017) Sunpu 筍譜, lychees (Cai Xiang's 蔡襄 Lizhipu 荔支譜 and Lizhi gushi 荔支故事), peonies (Ouyang Xiu's 歐陽修 Mudanpu 牡丹譜, and wine (Zheng Ao's 鄭遨 Xu jiupu 續酒譜 from the Tang period, Wanghuailu 忘懷錄 by Mengxi Zhangren 夢溪丈人 (i.e., Shen Kuo 沈括), and Zhu Hong's 朱肱 Jiujing 酒經). There is also Li Deyu's 李德裕 (787-849) book on valuable plants, Pingquan caomu ji 平泉草木記. According to custom, the Song dynasty updated the imperial edicts concerning seasons, resulting in Jia Changchao's 賈昌朝 (998-1065) Guochao shiling 國朝時令.

Chen Zhensun 陳振孫 (1179-1262), author of the Zhizhai shulu jieti, tried to establish a more consistent arrangement of the section by first listing texts from antiquity, followed by Qin Guan's 秦觀(1049-1100) sericulture book Canshu 蠶書, Zeng Anzhi's 曾安止 (1048-1098) book Hepu 禾譜 on grains, and his son Zeng Zhiqin's 曾之謹 (11th cent.) Nongqipu 農器譜 on agricultural tools. This part is followed by Lou Shou's 樓璹 (1090-1162) illustrated Gengzhitu 耕織圖 on farming and sericulture, books on bamboos, and then more than a dozen texts on various types of flowers. The list then refers to fruit trees like lychees, Chen Zhu's 陳翥 (1009-1061?) Tongpu 桐譜 on the Tung tree and Shen Li's 沈立 (1007-1078) Haitangji 海棠記 on crab apples. The list ends with Wang Zhuo's 王灼 (1105-1160) book on sugarcane, Tangshuangpu 糖霜譜, and two books on crabs.

The history book Songshi 宋史 includes a catalogue (202-209 Yiwen zhi 藝文志) presenting the state of books on agriculture as available in the late 13th century. At the time, not many farming books of antiquity had survived. The listing begins with commentaries on Confucian texts on edicts concerned with agricultural work through the seasons. Xi Han's 嵇含 Nanfang caomu zhuang 南方草木狀 on southern plants marks the beginning of a new section, the books of which are arranged in chronological order. It begins with the Qimin yaoshu, then goes on to books on tea, Jia Dan's 賈躭 Yiniujung 醫牛經 on medical treatment of cattle.

The following table includes selected texts of agricultural matters, arranged according to content. The headlines follow the arrangement of Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚 (1964), Suoyin 分類: Fenlei suoyin 分類索引.

1. 農業通論 General treatises on agriculture
2. 農業氣象, 占候 Weather and prognostication in agriculture
3. 耕作, 農田水利 Methods of ploughing and irrigation
4. 農具 Agricultural implements
5. 大田作物 Staple crops
6. 竹木,茶 Bamboos, forestry and tea
7. 蟲害防治 Pests and disaster relief
8. 園藝 Horticulture
9. 蔬菜,野菜 Legumes and wild vegetables
10. 果樹 Fruit trees
11. 卉花 Flowers
12. 蠶桑 Sericulture
13. 畜牧,獸醫 Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
14. 水產 Fishes and seafood
Table 1. Books on Agriculture and Agronomy (nongjia 農家)
Part of Siku quanshu 四庫全書
Part of Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書

1. General treatises on agriculture

神農書 (殘) * Shen Nong Shu () 神農 Shen Nong (?)
宰氏書 (殘) * Zaishi shu () NN
野老書 (殘) * Yelaoshu (Zhou) NN
范子計然 (殘) * Fanzi Jiran (Zhou) NN
計然萬物錄 (殘) * Jiran wanwu lu (Zhou) 辛銒 Xing Jian (?)
夏小正 一卷 Xia xiaozhengClassics () NN
上農、任地、辨土、審時 Shangnong, Rendi, Biantu, Shenshi (chapters of Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋) (Qin) 呂不韋 Lü Buwei
董安國 (殘) * Dong Anguo (Han) 董安國 Dong Anguo
氾勝之書 (殘) * Fan Shengzhi shu (Han) 氾勝之 Fan Shengzhi
蔡葵書 (殘) * Cai Kui shu (Han) 蔡葵 Cai Kui
家政法 (殘) * Jiazhengfa (Han) NN
農家諺 一卷 * Nongjiayan (Han) 崔寔 Cui Shi (?)
四民月令 一卷 * Simin yueling (Han) 崔寔 Cui Shi
齊民要術 十卷 Qimin yaoshu (Later Wei) 賈思勰 Jia Sixie
玉燭寶典 十二卷 (續修) Yuzhu baodianEdicts concerned with the seasons (Sui) 杜臺卿 Du Taiqing
兆人本業 三卷 * Zhaoren benye (Tang) 武則天 Wu Zetian et al.
四時纂要 五卷 (續修) Sishi zuanyao (Tang) 韓鄂 Han E
農書 (陳旉農書) 三卷
(附)蠶書 一卷
Nongshu (Chen Fu Nongshu)
(app.) Canshu
(Song) 陳旉 Chen Fu
(Song) 秦湛 Qin Zhan
分門瑣碎錄 (瑣碎錄) (殘, 續修) Fenmen suosui lu (Suosuilu) (Song) 溫革 Wen Ge
種藝必用 *
種藝必用補遺 *
Zhongyi biyong
Zhongyi biyong buyi
(Song) 吳攢 Wu Zan
農桑輯要 七卷 Nongsang jiyao (Yuan) 司農司 The Supervisor of the National Granaries
農桑衣食撮要 (農桑撮要, 養民月宜) 二卷 Nongsang yishi cuoyao (Nongsang cuoyao, Yangmin yueyi) (Yuan) 魯明善 Lu Mingshan
農書 二十二卷 Nongshu (Yuan) 王禎 Wang Zhen
臞仙神隱書 * Quxian shenyin shu (Ming) 朱權 Zhu Quan
便民圖纂 十六卷 (續修) Bianmin tuzuan (Ming) 鄺璠 Kuang Fan
多能鄙事 十二卷 (續修) Duoneng bishiBooks on miscellaneous issues (Ming) 劉基 Liu Ji (?)
農說 一卷 (存目) * Nongshuo (Ming) 馬一龍 Ma Yilong
陶朱公致富奇書 (陶朱公致富全書, 農圃六書) * Tao Zhugong zhifu qishu (Tao Zhugong zhifu quanshu, Nongpu liushu) (Ming) 陶朱公 Tao Zhugong (?)
農圃六書 * Nongpu liushu (Ming) 周之璵 Zhou Zhiyu
農圃四書 四卷 *
稻品 一卷
蠶經 一卷
藝菊 (藝菊書) 一卷
種魚經 一卷
Nongpu sishu
Yiju (Yijushu)

(Ming) 黃省曾 Huang Xingzeng
樹藝篇 三十三卷 (續修) Shuyipian (Ming) 胡古愚 Hu Guyu
樹畜部 * Shuchubu (Ming) 宋詡 Song Xu
勸農書 (寳坻勸農書) 一卷 (續修) Quannongshu (Baodi quannong shu) (Ming) 袁黃 Yuan Huang
農政全書 六十卷 Nongzheng quanshu (Ming) 徐光啟 Xu Guangqi
北耕錄 (殘) Beigenglu (Ming) 徐光啟 Xu Guangqi
農遺雜疏 (殘) Nongyi zashu (Ming) 徐光啟 Xu Guangqi
國脈民天 (耿嵩陽先生種田法) 一卷 (續修) Guomai mintian (Geng Songyang xiansheng Zhongtianfa) (Ming) 耿陰樓 Geng Yinlou
沈氏農書 (補農書) 一卷 (續修) Shenshi nongshu (Ming) 沈氏 Master Shen
養餘月令 三十卷 (存目) Yangyu yueling (Ming) 戴羲 Dai Xi
補農書 一卷 * Bu nongshu (Qing) 張履祥 Zhang Lüxiang
梭山農譜 三卷 (續修) * Suoshan nongpu (Qing) 劉應棠 Liu Yingtang
經世民事錄 十二卷 (存目) Jingshi minshi lu (Qing) 桂萼 Gui E (comp.)
農桑經 一卷 * Nongsangjing (Qing) 蒲松齡 Pu Songling
豳風廣義 三卷 (續修) Binfeng guangyi (Qing) 楊屾 Yang Shen
知本提綱 十卷 *
修齊直指 一卷
Zhiben tigang
Xiuqi zhizhi
(Qing) 楊屾 Yang Shen
郡縣農政 一卷 * Junxian nongzheng (Qing) 包世臣 Bao Shichen
(欽定)授時通考 七十八卷 (Qinding) Shoushi tongkao (Qing) imp. ord.
農圃便覽 (西石梁農圃便覽) 一卷 (續修) Nongpu bianlan (Xishiliang nongpu bianlan) (Qing) 丁宜曾 Ding Yiceng
三農紀 二十四卷 (續修) Sannongji (Qing) 張宗法 Zhang Zongfa
多稼集 (耕心農話) 二卷 * Duojiaji (Gengxin nonghua) (Qing) 奚誠 Xi Cheng
(半半山莊)農言著實 (續修) (Banban Shanzhuang) Nongyan zhushi (Qing) 楊秀元 Yang Xiuyuan
教稼書 一卷 (續修) Jiaojiashu (Qing) 朱龍耀 Zhu Longyao; 孫宅揆 Sun Zhaikui
增訂教稼書 二卷 * Zengding jiaojiashu (Qing) 盛百二 Cheng Bai'er
寶訓 八卷 (續修) Baoxun (Qing) 郝懿行 Hao Yixing
浦泖農咨 一卷 (續修) Pu-Mao nongzi (Qing) 姜皋 Jiang Gao
馬首農言 一卷 (續修) Mashou nongyan (Qing) 祁寯藻 Qi Junzao

2. Weather and prognostication in agriculture

相雨書 一卷 * Xiangyushu (Tang) 黃子發 Huang Zifa
田家五行 三卷 (續修) Tianjia wuxing (Yuan) 婁元禮 Lou Yuanli
農候雜占 四卷 (續修) Nonghou zazhan (Qing) 梁章鉅 Liang Zhangju
田家占候集覽 十卷 (續修) Tianjia zhanhou jilan (Qing) 鄒存淦 Zou Cungan

3. Methods of ploughing and irrigation

(御製)耕織圖詩 (耕織圖) (續修) (Yuzhi) Gengzhi tushi (Gengzhitu) (Song) 樓璹 Lou Shu et al.; (Qing) 玄燁 Xuanye (康熙帝 Kangxi Emperor); 焦秉貞 Jiao Bingzhen (ill.)
營田輯要 三卷 (續修) Yingtian jiyao (Qing) 黃輔辰 Huang Fuchen
區種十種 * Quzhong shi zhong (PRC) 王毓瑚 Wang Yuhu (comp.)
For hydrological work, see Geographies: Rivers and canals.
浙西水利書 三卷 Zhexi shuili shuGeography (Ming) 姚文灝 Yao Wenhao
泰西水法 六卷 Taixi shuifa (Ming) 熊三拔 Xiong Sanba (Sabatino de Ursis), 徐光啟 Xu Guangqi
築圍說 一卷 (續修) Zhuweishuo (Qing) 陳瑚 Chen Hu
五省溝洫圖說 一卷 * Wusheng gouxu tushuo (Qing) 沈夢蘭 Shen Menglan
築圩圖說 一卷 (續修) Zhuwei tushuo (Qing) 孫峻 Sun Jun

4. Agricultural implements

耒耜經 一卷 (存目) Leisijing (Tang) 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng
農器譜 (殘) * Nongqipu (Song) 曾之謹 Zeng Zhijin
農具記 一卷 (續修) Nongjuji (Ming) 陳玉璂 Chen Yuqi

5. Staple crops

禾譜 (殘) * Hepu (Song) 曾安止 Zeng Anzhi
九穀考 三卷 * Jiugukao (Qing) 程瑤田 Cheng Yaotian
釋穀 四卷 * Shigu (Qing) 劉寶楠 Liu Baonan
澤農要錄 六卷 * Zenong yaolu (Qing) 吳邦慶 Wu Bangqing
江南催耕課稻篇 一卷 (續修) Jiangnan cuigeng kedao pian (Qing) 李彥章 Li Yanzhang
種芋法 (荢經) 一卷 (續修) Zhongyufa (Yujing) → Books on material culture (Ming) 黃省曾 Huang Xingzeng
金薯傳習錄 二卷 (續修) Jinshu chuanxi lu (Qing) 陳世元 Chen Shiyuan
甘薯錄 * Ganshulu (Qing) 陸耀 Lu Yao
(御題)棉花圖 一卷 * (Yuti) Mianhuatu (Qing) 方觀承 Fang Guancheng (ill.)
木棉譜 一卷 (續修) Mumianpu (Qing) 褚華 Chu Hua
(欽定)授衣廣訓 二卷 (續修) (Qinding) Shouyi guangxun (Qing) 董誥 Dong Gao et al. (imp. ord.)
糖霜譜 一卷 TangshuangpuBooks on material culture (Song) 王灼 Wang Zhuo
參譜 一卷 * Shenpu (Qing) 黃叔燦 Huang Shucan
人參考 一卷 * Renshenkao (Qing) 唐秉鈞 Tang Bingjun
人參譜 一卷 * Renshenpu (Qing) 陸烜 Lu Xuan
金絲錄 一卷 * JinsiluBooks on material culture (Qing) 汪師韓 Wang Shihan
煙草譜 一卷 * YancaopuBooks on material culture (Qing) 陳琮 Chen Cong
煙譜 一卷 (續修) YanpuBooks on material culture (Qing) 陸耀 Lu Yao
煙譜 一卷 * YanpuBooks on material culture (Qing) 蔡家琬 Cai Jiawan

6. Bamboos, forestry and tea

竹譜 一卷 ZhupuBooks on material culture (Song) 戴凱之 Dai Kaizhi
筍譜 一卷 SunpuBooks on material culture (Song) 僧贊寧 Monk Zanning (?)
續竹譜 一卷 *Xu zhupuBooks on material culture (Yuan) 劉美之 Liu Meizhi
竹譜 一卷 (續修) ZhupuBooks on material culture (Qing) 陳鼎 Chen Ding
桐譜 一卷 * Tongpu (Song) 陳翥 Chen Zhu
種樹書 三卷 * Zhongshushu (Ming) 俞貞木 Yu Zhenmu
桂考 一卷 * Guikao (Qing) 張光裕 Zhang Guangyu
菌譜 一卷 XunpuBooks on material culture (Ming) 陳仁玉 Chen Renyu
廣菌譜 一卷 * Guangxunpu (Ming) 潘之恒 Pan Zhiheng
吳蕈譜 一卷 (續修) WuxunpuBooks on material culture (Qing) 吳林 Wu Lin
see Material culture and nature studies

7. Pests and disaster relief

救荒活民書 三卷 Jiuhuang huomin shuStatecraft and administration (Song) 董煟 Dong Wei
捕蝗考 一卷 BuhuangkaoStatecraft and administration (Qing) 陳芳生 Chen Fangsheng
捕蝗要訣 一卷 * Buhuang yaojue (Qing) 楊米人 Yang Miren
捕蝗彙編 四卷 * Buhuang huibian (Qing) 陳僅 Chen Jin
治蝗全法 四卷 * Zhihuang quanfa (Qing) 顧彥 Gu Yan
Disaster relief
救荒簡易書 四卷 (續修) Jiuhuang jianyi shu (Qing) 郭雲陞 Guo Yunsheng

8. Horticulture

尹都尉書 (殘) * Yin Duwei shu (Han) 尹澤 Yin Ze
灌園史 四卷 * Guanyuanshi (Ming) 陳詩教 Chen Shijiao
學圃雜疏 三卷 * Xuepu zashu (Ming) 王世懋 Huang Shimao
汝南圃史 十二卷 (續修) Runan pushiBooks on material culture (Ming) 周文華
灌園草木識 六卷 * Guanyuan caomu shi (Ming) 陳正學 Chen Zhengxue
老圃良言 一卷 (續修) Laopu liangyan (Qing) 巢鳴盛 Chao Mingcheng
花傭月令 一卷 * Huayong yueling (Qing) 徐石麒 Xu Shilin

9. Legumes and wild vegetables

Medical herbs
全芳備祖 五十八 卷 Quanfang beizuEncyclopaedias and handbooks (Song) 陳景沂 Chen Jingyi
救荒本草 二卷 Jiuhuang bencao (Yuan) 朱橚 Zhu Su
野菜譜 (王西樓野菜譜) 一卷 (存目) Yecaipu (Wang Xilou yecai pu) (Ming) 王磐 Wang Pan
茹草編 四卷 * Rucaobian (Ming) 周履靖 Zhou Lüjing
野菜博錄 三卷 Yecai bolu (Ming) 鮑山 Bao Shan
野蔌品 * Yesupin (Ming) 高濂 Gao Lian
群芳譜 三十卷 (存目) QunfangpuBooks on material culture (Ming) 王象晉 Wang Xiangjin
(御定)佩文齋廣群芳譜 百卷 (Yuding) Peiwenzhai guang qunfangpuBooks on material culture (Qing) 汪灝 Wang Hao; 張逸少 Zhang Yishao (et al.; imp. ord.)
植物名實圖考 三十八卷
植物名實圖考長編 二十二卷 (續修)
Zhiwu mingshi tukao
Zhiwu mingshi tukao changbianBooks on material culture
(Qing) 吳其濬 Wu Qijun

10. Fruit trees

Plums and dates
擕李譜 一卷 * Zuilipu (Yuan) 王逢辰 Wang Fengchen
打棗譜 一卷 * Dazaopu (Yuan) 柳貫 Liu Guan (?)
水蜜桃譜 一卷 (續修) Shuimitao puBooks on material culture (Qing) 褚華 Chu Hua (?)
橘錄 (永嘉橘錄, 橘譜) 三卷 Julu (Yongjia julu, Jupu) → Books on material culture (Song) 韓彥直 Han Yanzhi
Lychee and longan
荔枝譜 一卷 LizhipuBooks on material culture (Song) 蔡襄 Cai Xiang
閩中荔枝通譜 (荔枝通譜) 四卷 (續修) Minzhong lizhi tongpu (Lizhi tongpu) → Books on material culture (Ming) 鄧慶宷 Deng Qingshen (comp.)
嶺南荔枝譜 二卷 (續修) Lingnan lizhi puBooks on material culture (Qing) 吳應逵 Wu Yingkui
龍眼譜 一卷 * Longyanpu (Qing) 趙古農 Zhao Gunong
海棠譜 三卷 HaitangpuBooks on material culture (Song) 陳思 Chen Si

11. Flowers

洛陽花木記 一卷 * Luoyang huamu jiBooks on material culture (Song) 周帥厚 Zhou Shihou
花史左編 二十四卷 (續修) Huashi zuobianBooks on material culture (Qing) 王路 Wang Lu
花鏡 (百花裁培秘訣, 秘傳花鏡) 六卷 (續修) Huajing (Baihua caipei mijue, Michuan huajing) → Books on material culture (Qing) 陳淏子 Chen Haozi
洛陽牡丹記 一卷 Luoyang mudan jiBooks on material culture (Song) 歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu
亳州牡丹史 (牡丹史) 四卷 (續修) Bozhou mudan shi (Mudanshi) → Books on material culture (Ming) 薛鳳翔 Xue Fengxiang
曹州牡丹譜 一卷 (續修) Caozhou mudan puBooks on material culture (Qing) 余鵬年 Yu Pengnian
芍藥譜 (揚州芍藥譜) 一卷 * Shaoyaopu (Yangzhou shaoyao pu) → Books on material culture (Song) 王觀 Wang Guan
菊譜 (劉氏菊譜) 一卷 * Jupu (Liushu jupu) → Books on material culture (Song) 劉蒙 Liu Meng
史氏菊譜 (史老圃菊譜) 一卷 * Shishi jupu (Shi Laopu jupu) → Books on material culture (Song) 史正志 Shi Zhengzhi
范村菊譜 (石湖菊譜, 菊譜) 一卷 * Fancun jupu (Shihu jupu, Jupu) → Books on material culture (Song) 范成大 Fan Chengda
百菊集譜 六卷 Baiju jipuBooks on material culture (Song) 史鑄 Shi Zhu
菊譜 一卷 (續修) JupuBooks on material culture (Ming) 周履靖 Zhou Lüjing
菊譜 一卷 * JupuBooks on material culture (Qing) 弘皎 Hunggiyao
菊譜 二卷 (續修) JupuBooks on material culture (Qing) 葉天培 Ye Tianpei
金漳蘭譜 三卷
(附)蘭譜奥法 一卷
Jinzhang lanpuBooks on material culture
(app.) Lanpu aofa
(Song) 趙時庚 Zhao Shigeng
蘭譜 (王氏蘭譜) 一卷 * Lanpu (Wangshi lanpu) → Books on material culture (Song) 王貴學 Wang Guixue
蘭易 (天根易) 一卷
(附)十二翼 一卷
蘭史 一卷 (續修)
Lanyi (Tiangenyi)
(app.) Shi'eryi
LanshiBooks on material culture
(Ming) 馮京第 Feng Jingdi
茶花譜 (茶花詠) 一卷 (續修) ChahuapuBooks on material culture (Qing) 樸靜子 Pujingzi
茶花譜 三卷 (續修) ChahuapuBooks on material culture (Qing) 李祖望 Li Zuwang
范村梅譜 (梅譜) 一卷 Fancun meipu (Meipu) → Books on material culture (Song) 范成大 Fan Chengda
Other plants
瓊花譜 (揚州瓊花集) 一卷 (存目) Qionghuapu (Yangzhou qinghua ji) → Books on material culture (Ming) 楊端 Yang Duan
鳳仙譜 一卷 * FengxianpuBooks on material culture (Qing) 趙學敏 Zhao Xuemin
Flowers in vases
瓶史 一卷 (續修) PingshiBooks on material culture (Ming) 袁宏道 Yuan Hongdao
瓶花譜 一卷 (存目) PinghuapuBooks on material culture (Qing) 楊鐘寶 Yang Zhongbao
瓨荷譜 一卷 * HonghepuBooks on material culture (Qing) 楊鐘寶 Yang Zhongbao

12. Sericulture

蠶書 一卷 Canshu (Song) 秦觀 Qin Guan
湖蠶述 一卷 (續修) Hucanshu (Qing) 汪曰楨 Wang Yuezhen
蠶桑輯要 二卷 (續修) Cansang jiyao (Qing) 高銓 Gao Quan
吳興蠶書 一卷 * Wuxing canshu (Qing) 高銓 Gao Quan
蠶桑說 一卷 (續修) Cansangshuo (Qing) 趙敬如 Zhao Jingru
廣蠶桑說 一卷 * Guang cansangshuo (Qing) 沈練 Shen Lian
廣蠶桑說輯補 二卷 (續修) Guang cansang shuo jibu (Qing) 沈練 Shen Lian; 仲學輅 Zhong Xuelu (suppl.)
蠶桑輯要 一卷 (續修) Cansang jiyao (Qing) 沈秉成 Shen Bingcheng
蠶桑萃編 八卷 * Cansang cuibian (Qing) 衛傑 Wei Jie
裨農最要 三卷 (續修) Binong zuiyao (Qing) 陳開沚 Chen Kaizhi
蠶桑輯要 一卷 (續修) Cansang jiyao (Qing) 鄭文同 Zheng Wentong
Wild Silkworms
養蠶成法 一卷 * Yangcan chengfa (Qing) 韓夢周 Han Mengzhou
山蠶說 一卷 * Shancanshuo (Qing) 孫廷銓 Sun Tingquan
養山蠶成法 一卷 * Yang shancan chengfa (Qing) 喀爾吉善 Ka'erjishan
山蠶譜 一卷 * Shancanpu (Qing) 張崧 Zhang Song
樗繭譜 一卷 (續修) Chujianpu (Qing) 鄭珍 Zheng Zhen; 莫友芝 Mao Youzhi (comm.)
野蠶錄 四卷 (續修) Yecanlu (Qing) 王元綎 Wang Yuanting
柞蠶簡法 一卷 * Zuocan jianfa (Qing) 徐瀾 Xu Lan

13. Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine

相牛經 XiangniujingMedicine and pharmacology (Zhou) 甯戚 Ning Qi
相馬經 XiangmajingMedicine and pharmacology ()
司牧安驥集 (安驥集) 五卷 (續修) Simu anji ji (Anjiji) → Medicine and pharmacology (Tang) 李石 Li Shi
伯樂針經 一卷 * Bo Le zhenjingMedicine and pharmacology (Tang) NN
安驥集藥方 二卷 * Anji ji yaofangMedicine and pharmacology (Tang) NN
蕃牧纂驗方 一卷 * Fanmu zuanyao fangMedicine and pharmacology (Song) 王愈 Wang Yu
痊驥通玄論 一卷 * Quanji tongxuan lun (Majing tongxuan fang lun, Simu majing quanji tongxuan fang) → Medicine and pharmacology (Yuan) 卞寶 Bian Bao
類方馬經 (纂圖類方馬經) (殘六卷) * Leifang majing (Zuantu leifang majing) (Ming) NN
馬經 (圖象馬經全書) (殘十卷) * Majing (Tuxiang majing quanshu) (Ming) 俞彥 Yu Yan
蠙衣生馬記 (馬記) 一卷 * Binyi Sheng maji (Maji) (Ming) 郭子章 Guo Zizhang (comp.)
(新編集成)馬醫方牛醫方 * (Xinbian jicheng) Mayifang niuyifangMedicine and pharmacology (Korea) 趙浚 Cho Chun et al.
馬書 十四卷 * Mashu (Ming) 楊時喬 Yang Shiqiao
元亨療馬集 (療馬集, 元亨療牛馬駝集, 牛馬駝經) 四卷 * Yuan-Heng liaoma ji (Liaomaji, Yuan-Heng liao niu-ma-tuo ji, Niu-ma-tuo jing) → Medicine and pharmacology (Ming) 喻仁 Yu Ren, 喻杰 Yu Jie
療馬集 * Liaomaji (Qing) 周海蓬 Zhou Haipeng
相馬經 一卷 * Xiangmajing (Qing) 王仁俊 Wang Renjun (comp.)
相牛經 (牛經) 一卷 * Xiangniujing (Niujing) (Zhou) 寧戚 Ning Qi (?)
牛經大全 (大武經) * Niujing daquan (Dawujing) (Qing) NN
豬經大全 * Zhujing daquan (Qing) NN; 李德華 Li Dehua, 李時華 Li Shihua (rev.)
雞譜 五十一篇 (續修) JipuBooks on material culture (Qing) NN
鴿經 一卷 (續修) GejingBooks on material culture (Ming) 張萬鐘 Zhang Wanzhong
卜式養羊法 (養羊法) (殘) * Bu Shi yangyang fa (Yangyangfa) (Han) 卜式 Bu Shi (?)
卜式養豬法 (養豬法) (殘) * Bu Shi yangzhu fa (Yangzhufa) (Han) 卜式 Bu Shi (?)
囊駝經 (駱駝經) 一卷 * Nangtuojing (Luotuojing) (Qing) 童華 Tong Hua
蜜蜂記略 一卷 * Mifeng jilüe (Qing) 程瑤田 Cheng Yaotian
蜂衙小記 一卷 (續修) Fengya xiaojiBooks on material culture (Qing) 郝懿行 Hao Yixing
哺記 一卷 * Buji (Qing) 黃百家 Huang Baijia

14. Fishes and seafood

陶朱公養魚經 (范蠡養魚經, 陶朱公養魚法, 陶朱公養魚方,養魚經) (殘) * Tao Zhugong yangyu jing (Fan Li yang yu jing, Tao Zhugong yangyu fang, Yangyujing (Zhou) 范蠡 Fan Li or 陶朱公 Tao Zhugong
種魚經 (養魚經, 魚經) 一卷 * Zhongyujing (Yangyujing, Yujing) (Ming) 黃省曾 Huang Xingzeng
異魚圖贊 四卷 Yiyu tuzanBooks on material culture (Ming) 楊慎 Yang Shen
異魚圖贊補 三卷 * Yiyu tuzan buBooks on material culture (Ming) 胡世安 Hu Shi'an
異魚圖箋 四卷 * Yiyu tujianBooks on material culture (Ming) 胡世安 Hu Si'an
閩中海錯疏 三卷 * Minzhong haicuo shuGeography (Ming) 屠本畯 Tu Benjun
記海錯 一卷 * JihaicuoGeography (Qing) 郝懿行 Hao Yixing
蟹譜 二卷 XiepuBooks on material culture (Song) 傅肱 Fu Hong
蟹略 四卷 XielüeBooks on material culture (Song) 高似孫 Gao Sisun
續蟹譜 一卷 * Xu xiepuBooks on material culture (Qing) 褚人獲 Chu Renhuo
Ornamental fishes
金魚圖說 一卷 (續修) Jinyu tushuoBooks on material culture (Qing) 句曲山農 Gouqu Shannong
* not included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, the catalogue Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目題要, nor the Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚 (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe).