Dec 17, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald
Jiuhuang bencao 救荒本草 "Roots and herbs for disaster relief" is a medical encyclopaedia written by the early Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) scholar Zhu Su 朱橚 (1361-1425), Prince of Wu 吳, and from 1378 of Zhou 周, who was the fifth son of Emperor Taizu 明太祖 (r. 1368-1398). In 1389, he was deprived of his title and only given back his territory during the Yongle reign-period 永樂 (1403-1424). His posthumous title is Prince Ding 定王.
During his exile in Yunnan, Zhu Su had the opportunity to learn much about drugs from among the ordinary folks. Zhu Su was not only a famous poet who published the collection Yuan gongci 元宮詞, but he was also very interested in pharmacology and medicine and authored the books Jiuhuang bencao and Pujifang 普濟方 "Common healing methods". In two cases authorship of the book is attributed to Zhu Youdun 朱有燉 (1379-1439), Prince Xian of Zhou 周憲王, first in Li Shizhen's 李時珍 (1518-1593) pharmaceutical >encyclopaedia Bencao gangmu 本草綱目, and then in the 1555 edition of the Jiuhuang bencao.
His illustrated book is 4-juan-long (initially 2, but there were also versions of 8 juan length) and was printed in 1406. The 5 chapters of the book describe 414 kinds of pharmaceutical plants, of which 80 are trees, 20 grains, 23 fruits, 46 edible plants, and 245 other herbs. Of these plants, 276 are not included in earlier writings. For each plant the author gives information about alternative names, where it grows, its shape, colours and taste, how it is prepared and consumed, and which diseases it can cure. For easy identification, an excellent illustration is added for each plant.
The book was written with the purpose of providing quick medical help in case of natural disasters for a large number of afflicted persons, particularly in the region around the city of Kaifeng 開封, Henan, where Zhu Su had his residence. The book was rated as of superior quality and has primarily been made use of by Bao Shan 鮑山 for his book Yecai bolu 野菜博錄 and by Wang Qing 王磐 (c. 1550) in his treatise Yecaipu 野菜譜.
Figure 1. Illustration from the Jiuhuang bencao 救荒本草
Images and description of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus, cijicai 刺薊菜) and large thistle (Cirsium japonicum, daji 大薊). 1525 edition. |
The book in total has been included in Xu Guangqi's 徐光啟 (1562-1633) encyclopaedia Nongzheng quanshu 農政全書, in the section Huangzheng 荒政 "Disaster relief", and is often quoted in Li Shizhen's Bencao gangmu. It is also to be found in the series Gezhi congshu 格致叢書, Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Zhongguo gudai kexue jishu tulu congshu chubian 中國古代科技圖錄叢編初集 (1959).
Fan Yanni 范延妮. 2021. "Jiuhuang bencao de lishi chengjiu ji haiwai chuanbo kaolüe 《救荒本草》的歷史成就及海外傳播考略." Xibu Zhongyiyao 西部中醫藥 2021 (4): 67-70.
Li Hui'e 李會娥. 2004. "Jiuhuang bencao zhong yecai liyong fangfa chutan 《救荒本草》中野菜利用方法初探." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2004 (3): 214-217+22.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1647. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Liu Changzhi 劉昌芝. 1993. "Jiuhuang bencao tiyao《救荒本草》題要." In Zhongguo kexue jishu dianji tonghui 中國科學技術典籍通彙, part Shengwu 生物卷, edited by Gou Cuihua 茍萃華, vol. 2, 105-106. Zhengzhou: Henan jiaoyu chubanshe.
Liu Zhenya 劉振亞, and Liu Puyu 劉璞玉. 1995. "Jiuhuang bencao yu woguo shiyong bencao ji bencao tupu de tantao 《救荒本草》與我國食用本草及本草圖譜的探討." Gujin nongye 古今農業 1995 (2): 46-52.
Luo Guihuan 羅桂環. 1984. "Woguo gudai zhongyao zhiwuxue zhuzuo: Jiuhuang bencao 我國古代重要植物學著作——《救荒本草》." Zhiwu zazhi 植物雜誌 1984 (1): 37-38.
Luo Guihuan 羅桂環. 1985. "Zhu Su he ta de Jiuhuang bencao 朱橚和他的《救荒本草》." Ziran kexue yanjiu 自然科學研究 1985 (2): 189-194.
Mao Guanghua 毛光驊. 1980. "Zhu Su yu ta de Jiuhuang bencao 朱橚與他的《救荒本草》." Hunan Zhongyiyao Daxue xuebao 湖南中醫藥大學學報 1980 (2): 72-73.
Peng Shijiang 彭世獎. 1990. "Jiuhuang bencao 救荒本草." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Nongye 農業, vol. 1, 487. Beijing and Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Qiu Le 邱玏. 2020. "Yi Bo'en ji qi dui Jiuhuang bencao de Yingyi he yanjiu 伊博恩及其對《救荒本草》的英譯和研究." Zhongguo Zhongyiyao tushu qingbao zazhi 中國中醫藥圖書情報雜誌 2020 (5): 58-61.
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Wang Defei 汪德飛. 2013. "Jiuhuang bencao ruogan wenti de tantao 《救荒本草》若干問題的探討." Zhongguo nongshi 中國農史 2013 (3): 132-142+145.
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