An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Chajing 茶經

Jun 17, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald
Chajing 茶經

Chajing 茶經, the "Classic of Tea", is the oldest and the most famous ancient Chinese book on tea. A list of Chinese books on tea can be found at the bottom of this page.

The 3 juan "scrolls" long book was written during the Tang period 唐 (618-907) by Lu Yu 陸羽 (733-804). Lu Yu never occupied a post in the government, although he had been offered the position of Great Supplicator (taizhu 太祝) of the Office of Imperial Sacrifices (Taichangsi 太常寺). Instead, he lived a private life in a very rural style. Because of his deep knowledge of tea, he was also called the "God of Tea" (chashen 茶神). The book was written around 760, as can be guessed from several place names mentioned in chapter 8. The text was probably slightly revised later.

The Chajing describes, in ten chapters, the origin and spread of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis), the shapes of the leaves of different kinds of tea plants, and the various qualities of tea; the harvest of leaves and the array of tools used for the preparation of tea leaves; as well as the method of tea oxidation. The second part is dedicated to the preparing of the beverage and the use of different tools to serve tea. In the last part, Lu quotes from stories about oxidising, preparing and drinking tea, different matters around tea, places of origin, concise statements about types of tea, and – very concise – an outline of the book.

In the first fascicle, Lu Yu explains the characteristics, designations, and quality of tea, the tools for picking leaves and processing tea by oxidation and grinding, the types of teas and their qualities, and their methods of preparation. In the middle fascicle, the book discusses the tools used for brewing and drinking tea, introducing the description of 28 different tea utensils. The last section contains five chapters: the fifth chapter discusses the methods of preparing the beverage and the standards for selecting water; the sixth chapter focuses on the customs and methods of tea drinking; the seventh chapter quotes from ancient texts related to tea, including anecdotes and historical facts. Some of these ancient texts have long been lost and are only seen in Lu Yu's Chajing. The eighth chapter discusses the tea-producing regions and evaluates the quality of tea from each place. The ninth chapter informs the reader which tools for brewing, drinking, and tea processing can be omitted. The tenth chapter, titled "Illustrations" (Shi zhi tu 十之圖), is a kind of summary of the book, imagined to be written on silk and hung up. It never contained actual illustrations.

In spite of its shortness, the Chajing is renowned for its beautiful and concise language. During the Northern Song period 北宋 (960-1126), the book was very popular, and there existed many prints and versions of different lengths. Chen Shidao 陳師道 (1053–1101) rearranged these versions to the transmitted one and added a preface. Original prints of Chen's version have only survived in the series Baichuan xuehai 百川學海. This basic version was again the blueprint for about 25 different versions as identified by Wan Guoding 萬國鼎 (1897–1963). The book was also immensely popular in Japan.

It is included in many series, like Baichuan xuehai, Shuofu 說郛, Tang-Song congshu 唐宋叢書, Xuejin taoyuan 學津討原, Gezhi congshu 格致叢書, Bai mingjia shu 百名家書, Tangren shuohui 唐人說薈, Chongding Xinshangbian 重訂欣賞編, Shanju zazhi 山居雜志, Wuchao xiaoshuo 五朝小說, Wuchao xiaoshuo daguan 五朝小說大觀, Tangdai congshu 唐代叢書 and Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

A commentary and translation into modern Chinese produced by Ouyang Xun 歐陽勛 is included in the Hubei xianzheng yishu 湖北先正遺書, published in 1983 by the Hubei Renmin Press 湖北人民出版社出.

There are several translations of the Chajing into Western languages, for instance, Francis Ross Carpenter (1974), The Classic of Tea (Boston/Toronto: Little, Brown and Co.).

Table 1. Contents of the Chajing 茶經
1 茶之源 (一之源) Origins
2 茶之具 (二之具) Rearing tools
3 茶之造 (三之造) Production
4 茶之器 (四之器) Production tools
5 茶之煮 (五之煮) Oxidation
6 茶之飲 (六之飲) Drinking
7 茶之事 (七之事) Affairs
8 茶之出 (八之出) Regions
9 茶之略 (九之略) Omissions in process
10 茶之圖 (十之圖) Illustrations

Another book with the title Chajing was written during the Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Xu Wei 徐渭 (1521–1593), courtesy name Wenchang 文長, Wenqing 文清 or Tianchi 天池, style Qingteng 青藤, from Yinshan 山陰 (today part of Shanxing 紹興, Zhejiang). His book of 1 juan length is quoted in the Zhejiang caiji yishu zonglu 浙江采集遺書總錄. The book catalogue Wenyuanxou cangshu lu 文選樓藏書記 mentions it, along with Xu's book on wine, Jiushi 酒史. It seems that Xu's Chajing consisted of quotations from older texts.

A further Ming-period product was created by Zhang Qiande 張謙德 (1577–1643), who is also known as the author of the history book Mingshanzang 名山藏, the art books Qinghe shuhua fang 清河書畫舫 and Zhenji rilu 真跡日錄, and a book on ornamental fishes, Zhushayu pu 殊砂魚譜. The preface of his Chajing is dated 1596. It consists of three chapters discussing the places of origin, production, colours, fragrances, tastes, methods to identify teas (chapter one), methods of cooking tea, the selection of water, use of coal and vessels, storage, methods to support the enjoyment of the beverage, and issues to be avoided (chapter two), objects related to tea, its preparation, and consumption (chapter three). The text of Zhang's Chajing is found in the series Meishu congshu 美術叢書, where the author's name is Zhang Chou 張丑.

Huang Qin 黃欽, courtesy name Zi'an 子安, from Nancheng 南城, Jiangxi, spent part of his life in the mountainous regions of Xiaoqu Summit 簫曲峰 in the province of Fujian. His book Chajing is mentioned in Huang's biography in the local gazetteer Jianchang fu zhi 建昌府志, and in the bibliographical chapter of the Jiangxi tongzhi 江西通志.

The Chajing of Guo Long 過龍, courtesy name Yuncong 雲從, style Shizu Daoren 十足道人, from Wuxian 吳縣, Jiangsu, is lost. It is mentioned in the bibliographical chapter of the local gazetteer (Tongzhi) Suzhou fu zhi 同治蘇州府志.

Li Bingzhong 李秉忠, Wei Canjin 衛燦金, Lin Conglong 林從龍, eds. (1990). Jianming wenshi zhishi cidian 簡明文史知識詞典 (Xi’an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe), 682.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰 (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1860.
Lin Qitan 林其錟 (1994). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Jingji 經濟卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 115.
Liang Guangcheng 梁廣成 (1990). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Nongye 農業 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 1, 98.
Min Zongdian 閔宗殿 (1997). "Chajing 茶經", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, eds. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), 339.
Nongye da cidian bianji weiyuanhui 《農業大詞典》 編輯委員會, ed. (1998). Nongye da cidian 農業大詞典 (Beijing: Zhongguo nongye chubanshe), 141.
Qiu Pangtong 邱龐同 (1995). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu 中國烹飪百科全書 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 70.
Wang Guozhong 王國忠 (1996). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Keji 科技卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 390.
Wang Yuguang 王余光, Xu Yan 徐雁, eds. (1999). Zhongguo dushu da cidian 中國讀書大辭典 (Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe), 1178.
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚, ed. (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 41.
Wu Jianxin 吳建新 (1995). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Nongye lishi 農業歷史卷 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 15.
Xu Hairong 徐海榮, ed. (2000). Zongguo chashi dadian 中國茶事大典 (Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe), 580.
Yu Yongqi 俞庸器 (1998). "Chajing 茶經", in Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Chaye 茶業卷 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 23.
Zeng Hui 曾輝 (1993). "Chajing 茶經", in Ru Xin 汝信, ed. Shijie baike zhuzuo cidian 世界百科著作辭典 (Beijing: Zhongguo gongren chubanshe), 364.
Zeng Xiongsheng 曾雄生 (1994). "Chajing tiyao 茶經提要", in Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, ed. Zhongguo kexue jishu dianji tonghui 中國科學技術典籍通彙, part Nongxue 農學 (Zhengzhou: Henan jiaoyu chubanshe), Vol. 1, 169-170.

Bu chajing 補茶經

Bu chajing 補茶經, also called Chayuan zonglu 茶苑總錄, was a brief book on tea written by Zhou Jiang 周絳, courtesy name Ganchen 干臣, from Liyang 溧陽 in the prefecture of Changzhou 常州. Zhou lived for some time as a Daoist monk, but decided to return to worldly life. In 983, he obtained his jinshi degree and was appointed erudite under the Chamberlain for Ceremonials (taichang boshi 太常博士). Later on he was ministerial vice director (yuanwailiang 員外郎), and then prefect of Changzhou. Around 1010, he was prefect of Jianzhou 建州, and during that time compiled his book on tea.

The book was intended as a supplement to Lu Yu's famous Chajing from the Tang period, particularly referring to tea in the region of River Jianxi 建溪 in what is today the province of Fujian (Jiancha 建茶). Only two sentences survive that are quoted in Wang Xiangzhi's 王象之 (1163—1230) Yudi jisheng 輿地紀勝, and Xiong Fan’s 熊蕃 (early 12th cent.) Xuanhe beiyuan gongcha lu 宣和北苑貢茶錄, respectively. The book is only mentioned in the book catalogue Mishusheng xubian dao siku que shumu 秘書省續編到四庫闕書目. The bibliographical chapter in the official dynastic history Songshi 宋史 lists the book Bu shanjing 補山經, which is perhaps a clerical error for Bu chajing. There was once a commentary by Chen Gui 陳龜 on a book called Bu chajing. Whether this was on Zhou's book or on another text, is not clear.

Xu Hairong 徐海榮, ed. (2000). Zhongguo chashi dadian 中國茶事大典 (Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe). 574.
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚, ed. (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 64.
Table 2. List of Chinese books on tea
顧渚山記 二卷 Guzhushan ji (Tang) 陸羽 Lu Yu
茶經 三卷 Chajing (Tang) 陸羽 Lu Yu
茶記 Chaji (lost) (Tang) 陸羽 Lu Yu
水品 Shuipin (Tang) 陸羽 Lu Yu
茶訣 Chajue (lost) (Tang) 釋皎然 Monk Jiaoran
茶述 一卷 Chashu (lost) (Tang) 裴汶 Pei Wen
煎茶水記 一卷 Jian chashui ji (Tang) 張又新 Zhang Youxin
采茶錄 一卷 Caichalu (lost) (Tang) 溫庭筠 Wen Tingyun
品第書 一卷 Pindishu (lost) (Tang) 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng
十六場品 Shiliu chang pin (lost) (Tang) 蘇廙 Su Yi
茶譜 一卷 Chapu (lost) (Wudai) 毛文錫 Mao Wenxi
茶酒論 一卷 Chajiulun (Wudai) 王敷 Wang Fu
荈茗錄 Chuanminglu (Song) 陶穀 Tao Gu
北苑茶錄 三卷 Beiyuan chalu (lost) (Song) 丁謂 Ding Wei
茶法條貫 Chafa tiaoguan (lost) (Song) 林特 Lin Te, et al.
補茶經 一卷 Bu chajing (Song) 周絳 Zhou Jiang
涇縣茶場利便 Jingxian chachang libian (lost) (Song) 徐晝 Xu Shu
述煮茶小品 Shu zhucha xiaopin (Song) 葉清臣 Ye Qingchen
北苑拾遺錄 一卷 Beiyuan shiyi lu (lost) (Song) 劉異 Liu Yi
茶錄 一卷 Chalu (Song) 蔡襄 Cai Xiang
至和發運茶鹽須知 Zhihe fayun chayan xuzhi (lost) (Song) NN
茶法易覽 十卷 Chafa yilan (lost) (Song) 沈立 Shen Li
茶馬司編錄冊 Chamasi bianlu ce (lost) (Song) NN
茶馬司題名記 Chamasi timing ji (lost) (Song) NN
東溪試茶錄 一卷 Dongxi shicha lu (Song) 宋子安 Song Zi'an
治平通商茶法 Zhiping tongshang chafa (lost) (Song) NN
茶法敕式 Chafa chishi (lost) (Song) 李稷 Li Ji
品茶要錄 一卷 Pincha yaolu (Song) 黃儒 Huang Ru
建安茶記 一卷 Jian'an chaji (lost) (Song) 呂惠卿 Lü Huiqing
元豐茶法通用條貫 Yuanfeng chafa tongyong tiaoguan (Song) 陸師閔 Lu Shimin
元豐水磨茶場茶法 Yuanfeng shuimo chachang chafa (lost) (Song) NN
本朝茶法 Benchao chafa (Song) 沈括 Shen Kuo
紹聖茶法條貫 Shaosheng chafa tiaoguan (Song) 陸師閔 Lu Shimin
紹聖茶法約束 Shaosheng chafa yueshu (Song) 陸師閔 Lu Shimin
般茶輔條貫 Banchafu tiaoguan (Song) 陸師閔 Lu Shimin
茶譜 一卷 Chapu (lost) (Song) 王端禮 Wang Duanli
茹芝續茶譜 Ruzhi xu chapu (lost) (Song) 桑莊 Sang Zhuang
崇寧茶引法 Chongning chayin fa (lost) (Song) 蔡京 Cai Jing
崇寧茶法條貫 Chongning chafa tiaoguan (lost) (Song) 蔡京 Cai Jing
崇寧福建路茶法 Chongning Fujian lu chafa (lost) (Song) NN
大觀茶論 Daguan chalun (Song) 趙佶 Zhao Jie (Emperor Huizong 宋徽宗)
大觀更定茶法 Daguan gengding chafa (lost) (Song) NN
大觀七路茶法 Daguan qilu chafa (lost) (Song) NN
斗茶記 Douchaji (Song) 唐庚 Tang Geng
政和茶法 Zhenghe chafa (Song) NN
政和私茶鹽賞罰格 Zhenghe sichayan shangfa ge (Song) NN
蒙頂茶記 一卷 Mengding chaji (lost) (Song) 王庠 Wang Xiang
宣和北苑貢茶錄 一卷 Xuanhe beiyuan gongcha lu (Song) 熊蕃 Xiong Fan
紹興編類江湖淮浙福建廣南京西路茶法 (紹興編類茶法, 紹興茶法, 紹興重修諸路茶法) 百零四卷 Shaoxing bianlei Jiang Hu Huai Zhe Fujian Guangnan Jingxi lu chafa (SHaoxing bianlei chafa, Shaoxing chafa, Shaoxing chongxiu zhulu chafa) (lost) (Song) NN
茶山節對 一卷 Chashan jiedui (lost) (Song) 蔡宗顏 Cai Zongyan
茶譜遺事 一卷 Chapu yishi (lost) (Song) 蔡宗顏 Cai Zongyan
茶苑總錄 十二卷 Chayuan zonglu (lost) (Song) 曾伉 Zeng Kang
北苑煎茶法 一卷 Beiyuan jiancha fa (lost) (Song) NN
茶法總例 一卷 Chafa zongli (lost) (Song) NN
茶雜文 一卷 Chazawen (lost) (Song) NN
茶山集 三十卷 Chashanji (Song) 曾幾 Zeng Ji
龍焙美成茶錄 一卷 Longbei meicheng chalu (lost) (Song) 范逵 Fan Kui
北苑修貢錄 Beiyuan xiugong lu (lost) (Song) NN
北苑別錄 一卷 Beiyuan bielu (Song) 趙汝礪 Zhao Ruli
繼茶譜 Xu chapu (Song) 桑茹芝 Sang Ruzhi
茶具圖贊 一卷 Chaju tuzan (Song) 審安老人 Shen'an Laoren
壑源茶錄 一卷 Heyuan chalu (lost) (Song) 章炳文 Zhang Bingwen
茶苑雜錄 一卷 Chayuan zalu (lost) (Song) NN
竹爐新詠故事 (竹爐并分封六事) 一卷 Zhulu xinyong gushi (Zhulu bing fengfen liu shi) (Ming) 王紱 Wang Fu
茶山集 五十卷 Chashanji (Ming) 沈貞 Shen Zhen
茶譜 (臞仙茶譜) 一卷 Chapu (Quxian chapu) (Ming) 朱權 Zhu Quan
茶馬志 Chamazhi (lost) (Ming) 譚宣 Tan Xuan
茶馬志 (馬政志) 四卷 Chamazhi (Mazhengzhi) (Ming) 陳講 Chen Jiang
茶譜 十二卷 Chapu (Ming) 朱祐檳 Zhu Youbing
茶譜 (制茶新譜) Chapu (Zhicha xinpu) (Ming) 錢椿年 Qian Chunnian
茶譜續編 一卷 Chapu xubian (Ming) 趙之履 Zhao Zhilü
煎茶七類 一卷 Jiancha qilei (Ming) 高叔嗣 Gao Shusi
茶譜 Chapu (Ming) 顧元慶 Gu Yuanqing
泉評茶辨 Quanping chabian (lost) (Ming) NN
茶事彙輯 (茶藪) 四卷 Chashi huiji (Chasou) (lost) (Ming) 朱曰藩 Zhu Yuefan, 盛時泰 Sheng Chitai
茶馬類考 六卷 Chama leikao (Ming) 胡彥 Hu Yan
煮泉小品 一卷 Zhuquan xiaopin (Ming) 田藝蘅 Tian Yiheng
水品 二卷 Shuipin (Ming) 徐獻忠 Xu Xianzhong
茶寮記 一卷 Chaliaoji (Ming) 陸樹聲 Lu Shucheng
茶經 Chajing (Ming) 徐渭 Xu Wei
煎茶七類 Jiancha qilei (Ming) 徐渭 Xu Wei
茶經水辨 一卷 Chajing shuibian (Ming) 釋真清 Monk Zhenqing; 孫大授 Sun Dashou
茶經外集 一卷 Chajing waiji (Ming) 孫大授 Sun Dashou
茶譜外集 一卷 Chapu waiji (Ming) 孫大授 Sun Dashou
茶說 Chashuo (Ming) 屠隆 Tu Long
茶譜 Chapu (Ming) 程榮 Cheng Rong
茶考 一卷 Chakao (Ming) 陳師 Chen Shi
茶史 一卷 Chashi (Ming) 趙长白 Zhao Changbai
茶錄 一卷 Chalu (Ming) 張源 Zhang Yuan
茶話 Chahua (Ming) 陳繼儒 Chen Jiru
茶經 一卷 Chajing (Ming) 張謙德 Zhang Qiande
新刻茶集 一卷 Xinke Chaji (Ming) 胡文煥 Hu Wenhuan
茶疏 一卷 Chashu (Ming) 許次紆 Xu Ciyu
茶錄 四卷 Chalu (Ming) 程用賓 Cheng Yongbin
羅玠茶記 一卷 Luo jiecha ji (Ming) 熊明遇 Xiong Mingyu
茶解 一卷 Chajie (Ming) 羅廩 Luo Lin
茶錄 一卷 Chalu (Ming) 馮時可 Feng Shike
茗笈 二卷 Mingji (Ming) 屠本畯 Tu Benjun
茶品要論 一卷 Chapin yaolun (lost) (Ming) NN
茶品集錄 一卷 Chapin jilu (lost) (Ming) NN
茶說 Chashuo (Ming) 邢士襄 Xing Shixiang
茶董 二卷 Chadong (Ming) 夏樹芳 Xia Shufang
茶董補 二卷 Chadong bu (Ming) 陳繼儒 Chen Jiru
蒙史 一卷 Mengshi (Ming) 龍膺 Lu Ying
茶說 Chashuo (Ming) 吳從先 Wu Congxian
中郎茶譜 Zhonglang chapu (Ming) 袁宏道 Yuan Hongdao (?)
蔡端明別記 一卷 Cai Duanming bieji (Ming) 徐{火勃} Xu Bo
茗譚 一卷 Mingtan (Ming) 徐{火勃} Xu Bo
茶集 二卷
app. Pengcha tuji
(Ming) 喻政 Yu Zheng
茶書全集 Chashu quanji (Ming) 喻政 Yu Zheng (comp.)
茶約 一卷 Chayue (Ming) 何彬然 He Binran
茶事詠 Chashi yong (Ming) 蔡復一 Cai Fuyi
茶乘 四卷 Chasheng (Ming) 高元濬 Gao Yuanjun
茗林 一卷 Minglin (lost) (Ming) 陳克勤 Chen Keqin
茶莢 一卷 Chajia (Ming) 郭三辰 Guo Sanchen
茶說 一卷 Chashuo (Ming) 黃龍德 Huang Longde
茶箋 一卷 Chajian (Ming) 聞龍 Wen Long
茗史 二卷 Mingshi (Ming) 萬邦寧 Wan Bangning
茶經 Chajing (Ming) 黃欽 Huang Qin
茶鏜三昧 一卷 Chatang sanmei (lost) (Ming) 王啟茂 Wang Qimao
洞山玠茶系 一卷 Dongshan jiecha xi (Ming) 周高起 Zhou Gaoqi
陽羨茗壺系 Yangxian minghu xi (Ming) 周高起 Zhou Gaoqi
玠茶箋 一卷 Jiecha jian (Ming) 馮可賓 Feng Kebin
茶酒爭奇 二卷 Chajiu zhengqi (Ming) 鄧志謨 Deng Zhimo
品茶八要 一卷 Pincha bayao (Ming) NN
品茶要錄補 Pincha yaolu bu (lost) (Ming) 程百二 Cheng Bai’er
歷朝茶馬奏議 Lichao chama zouyi (lost) (Ming) 徐彥登 Xu Yandeng
茶馬政要 七卷 Chama zhengyao (lost) (Qing) 鮑承蔭 Bao Chengyin
虎丘茶經注補 一卷 Huqiu Chajing zhubu (Qing) 陳鑑 Chen Jian
茶史 二卷 Chashi (Qing) 劉源長 Liu Yuanchang
茶史補 一卷 Chashi bu (Qing) 余懷 Yu Huai
歷代茶榷志 一卷 Lidai chaque zhi (Qing) 蔡方炳 Cai Fangbing
玠茶彙鈔 一卷 Jiecha huichao (Qing) 冒襄 Mao Xiang
繼茶經 三卷 Xu chajing (Qing) 陸廷燦 Lu Tingcan
繼茶經 二十卷 Xu chajing (Qing) 潘思齊 Pan Siqi
茶村集 Chacunji (Qing) 陶端 Tao Duan
茶記 Chaji (Ming) 何光著 He Guangzhu
枕山樓茶略 一卷 Zhenshanlou chalüe (Qing) 陳元輔 Chen Yuanfu
茶書七種 Chashu qi zhong (Qing) 醉茶消客 Zuicha Xiaoke
茶譜輯解 四卷 Chapu jijie (lost) (Qing) NN
整飭皖茶文牘 一卷 Zhengchi Wancha wendu (Qing) 程雨亭 Cheng Yuting
蜀漢 (221-263)