An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Daguan chalun 大觀茶論

Aug 10, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Daguan chalun 大觀茶論 is a book on tea written by Zhao Jie 趙佶 (1082–1135), i.e., Emperor Huizong 宋徽宗 (r. 1100–1126) of the Song dynasty 宋 (960-1279). Even is Huizong is notorious for his bad governance and the influence of factionalism on his political decisions, he is also admired as a great painter and patron of the arts, to which the preparation of tea belongs. The title of his book includes the title of the reign-period Daguan 大觀 (1107–1110), during which the book was created. The oldest print dates from the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) as part of the series Chashu shisan zhong 茶書十三種. It is also found in the series Shuofu 說郛 and quoted in Lu Tingcan's 陸廷燦 (c. 1700) Xu chajing 續茶經. The bibliography Junzhai duzhu zhi 郡齋讀書志 lists it with the title Sheng-Song chalun 聖宋茶論.

Each of the 20 chapters is dedicated to one aspect of tea production, preparation and consumption, like places of origin, influence of seasons and weather, plucking, roasting and oxidation, quality assessment, white tea, grinding tools, bowls, sieves, spoons, the importance of tea water, appearance, smell, colour, types, etc. The book is therefore an important document of the tea culture in China during the Northern Song period 北宋 (960-1126).

Chen Shenghui 陳昇輝. 2020. "Qianxi Daguan chalun zhong de meixue sixiang 淺析《大觀茶論》中的美學思想." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 42 (8): 313–314.
Chen Jianmao 陳健毛, and Cai Dingyi 蔡定益. 2009. "Lun Daguan chalun zhong de meixue sixiang 論《大觀茶論》中的美學思想." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2009 (5): 65–69.
Cheng Qikun 程啟坤. 2000. "Dui Daguan chalun dian chafa de lijie 對《大觀茶論》點茶法的理解." Zhongguo chaye 中國茶葉 2000 (1): 5.
Huang Shihui 黃仕會. 2017. "Wenhua chuanbo yu jiaoliu beijing xia Daguan chalun zhong cha wenhua fanyi yanjiu 文化傳播與交流背景下《大觀茶論》中茶文化翻譯研究." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 39 (11): 298.
Li Guangde 李廣德. 2017. "Anji baicha yu Daguan chalun he Kaifeng cha wenhua 安吉白茶與《大觀茶論》和開封茶文化." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2017 (2): 183–186.
Li Shoulin 李守林. 2017. "Yi Daguan chalun wei li tanjiu gudai chadian de Yingyi fangfa 以《大觀茶論》為例探究古代茶典籍的英譯方法." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 39 (5): 409–410.
Li Gengsheng 林更生, and Li Xinfang 林心放. 2014. "Daguan chalun shuo xie sha: Gu chashu jiedu zhi nianwu 《大觀茶論》說些啥──古茶書解讀之廿五." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 36 (4): 55–56.
Nongye da cidian bianji weiyuanhui 《農業大詞典》編輯委員會, ed. 1998. Nongye da cidian 農業大詞典, 254. Beijing: Zhongguo nongye chubanshe.
Qiu Pangtong 邱龐同. 1995. "Daguan chalun 大觀茶論." In Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu 中國烹飪百科全書, 98. Beijing: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Shi Youmin 施由民. 1994. "Song Huizong yu Daguan chalun 宋徽宗與《大觀茶論》." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 1994 (4): 169–171+174.
Wang Jiebo 王志博. 2018. "Zhongguo chuantong wenhua dianji de Yingyi fangfa he wenhua chuanho celüe: Yi Daguan chalun wei li 中國傳統文化典籍的英譯方法和文化傳播策略——以《大觀茶論》為例." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 40 (3): 350–351.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. 1987. Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典, 284. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Yao Shuigen 堯水根. 2012. "Lüeping Zhongguo gudai san da chashu: Chajing, Daguan chalun, Chashu 略評中國古代三大茶書——《茶經》、《大觀茶論》、《茶疏》." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2012 (5): 266–274.
You Xiuling 游修齡. 2003. "Daguan chalun zuozhe wenti de tantao 《大觀茶論》作者問題的探討." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2003 (4): 262–265.
Yu Wenxia 虞文霞. 2005. "Cong Daguan chalun kan Song Huizong de cha wenhua qingji ji Songren chadao 從《大觀茶論》看宋徽宗的茶文化情結及宋人茶道." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2005 (2): 60–64.
Yu Wenxia 虞文霞. 2015. "Song Huizong Daguan chalun chengshu niandai ji baicha kaoshi 宋徽宗《大觀茶論》成書年代及“白茶”考釋." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2015 (5): 188–191.
Yu Yongqi 俞庸器. 1998. "Daguan chalun 大觀茶論." In Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, vol. Chaye 茶業卷, 179. Beijing: Nongye chubanshe.
Zhang Min 張敏. 2018. "Jiyu Daguan chalun neirong xia Yingyu fanyi de fangshi, fangfa ji yuanze 基於《大觀茶論》內容下英語翻譯的方式、方法及原則." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 40 (7): 355.
Zhu Haiyan 朱海燕, Zhang Jiaqi 張嘉琦, and Wang Xiuping 王秀萍. 2018. "Jiyu Daguan chalun dian chafa de qiwu xuanze yuanli chutan 基於《大觀茶論》點茶法的器物選擇原理初探." Fujian chaye 福建茶葉 40 (5): 10–11.
Xu Hairong 徐海榮, ed. 2000. Zhongguo chashi dadian 中國茶事大典, 568. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe.
蜀漢 (221-263)