An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Jiecha huichao 玠茶彙鈔

Aug 10, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Jiecha huichao 玠茶彙鈔 (also written 岕茶彙鈔) is a book of tea from the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) written by Mao Xiang 冒襄 (1611–1693), courtesy name Bijiang 辟疆, style Chaomin 巢民, from Rugao 如皋 close to Yangzhou 揚州, Jiangsu. In the late Ming era 明 (1368-1644), he was tribute student 副貢生 and was offered the post of army supervisor (jianjun 監軍), but did not accept it. When the Manchus conquered China, he decided to remain a private person and travelled a lot. Quite famous is his love affair with the poetess and singer Dong Xiaowan 董小宛 (1624–1651) whom Mao took as a secondary wife. Mao Xiang also wrote the book Mei'an yiyu 梅庵憶語. His collected writings are Puchao ji 樸巢集, Chaomin shiwen ji 巢民詩文集, and Shuihuayuan shiwen ji 水繪園詩文集.

The preface of the Jiecha huichao was written by Zhang Chao 張潮 (1650–1707). The book describes the location of local tea gardens, methods of plucking and quality assessment and preparation methods. About half of the book consists of quotations from older texts. Apart from scholarly issues, the book also includes stories around tea that happened in the pleasure quarters of Nanjing.

The text is found in the series Zhaodai congshu 昭代叢書, Xiangyan xiaopin 香豔小品 (section Maoshi xiaopin 冒氏小品) and Rugao Maoshi congshu 如皋冒氏叢書.

Li Bo 犁播, ed. 1985. Zhongguo nongxue yichan wenxian zonglu 中國農學遺產文獻綜錄, 202. Beijing: Nongye chubanshe.
Xu Hairong 徐海榮, ed. 2000. Zhongguo chashi dadian 中國茶事大典, 573. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe.
蜀漢 (221-263)