An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Chashu quanji 茶書全集

Aug 10, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Chashu quanji 茶書全集 is a series of books on tea compiled during the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Yu Zheng 喻政 (1564–1659), courtesy name Zhanglan 漳瀾, and Xu Bo 徐{火+勃} (1563–1639), courtesy name Weiqi 惟起 or Xinggong 興公. There are two different versions of the series, namely the "Version No. 1" (Jiaben 甲本) printed in 1612, and the "Version No. 2" (Yiben 乙本) published in 1613.

The original title of the series was Chashu 茶書, a can be seen in the prefaces of Xie Zhaozhi 謝肇淛 (1567–1624) and Zhou Zhifu 周之夫 (b. 1579) in Version No. 1. It was compiled when Yu Zheng was prefect (zhifu 知府) of Fuzhou 福州. It includes 17 books. Version No. 2 includes a further preface by Yu Zheng which proves that the series was compiled in cooperation with Xu He. It includes 26 titles that were probably added by Xu Bo.

The Version No. 1 (Jiaben) is arranged in four parts named after the first four words of the Classic Yijing 易經 (Yuan 元, Heng 亨, Li 利, Zhen 貞). However, the appendix Pengcha tuji 烹茶圖集 announced in the table of contents is not included in the series. It therefore seems to have been added in second version.

Table 1. Contents of the Chashu quanji 茶書全集
元部 [仁部] Part 1
茶經 Chajing (Tang) 陸羽 Lu Yu
茶錄 Chalu (Song) 蔡襄 Cai Xiang
東溪試茶錄 Dongxi shicha lu () 宋子安 Song Zi'an
北苑貢茶錄 Beiyuan gongcha lu () 熊蕃 Xiong Fan
北苑別錄 Beiyuan bielu () Zhao Rulin 趙汝礪 (not 熊克 Xiong Ke)
品茶要錄 Pincha yaolu () 黃儒 Huang Ru
亨部 [義部] Part 2
茶譜 Chapu () 顧元慶 Gu Yuanqing
茶具圖贊 Chaju tuzan (Song) 董真卿 Dong Zhenqing
茶寮記 Chaliaoji (Ming) 陸樹聲 Lu Shusheng
荈茗錄 Chuanminglu (extract from Qingyilu 清異錄) (Wudai) 陶穀 Tao Gu
煎茶水記 Jian chashui ji (Tang) 張又新 Zhang Youxin
水品 Shuipin (Ming) 徐獻忠 Xu Xianzhong
十六湯品 (湯品) Shiliu tangpin (Tangpin; extract from Qingyilu 清異錄) (Wudai) 陶穀 Tao Gu
茶話 Chahua (Ming) 陳繼儒 Chen Jiru
利部 [禮部] Part 3
茗笈 Mingji () 屠本畯 Tu Benjun
(附)茗笈品藻 app. Mingji pinzao () 屠本畯 Tu Benjun
煮泉小品 Jian quanshui pin () 田藝蘅 Tian Yiheng
貞部 Part 4 (Version No. 1)
茶集 二卷
app. Pengcha tuji
() 喻政 Yu Zheng
智部 Part 4 (Version No. 2)
茶錄 Chalu (Ming) 張源 Zhang Yuan
茶考 Chakao () 陳師 Chen Shi
茶說 Chashuo () 屠隆 Tu Long
茶疏 Chashu () 許次紓 Xu Cishu
茶解 Chajie () 羅廩 Luo Bin
蒙史 Mengshi () 龍膺 Long Ying
蔡端明別記 Cai Duanming bieji () 徐{火+勃} Xu Bo
茶譚 (茗譚) Chatan (Mingtan) () 徐{火+勃} Xu Bo
信部 Part 5 (only Version No. 2)
茶集 二卷
app. Pengcha tuzan
() 喻政 Yu Zheng

Version No. 2 (Yiben) is divided into five sections named after Confucian virtues (Ren 仁, Yi 義, Li 禮, Zhi 智, Xin 信). The 17 books of the first three sections are identical to those of the Jia version. The text also includes Cai Fuyi's 蔡復一 (1576–1625) poetry collection Chashi yong 茶事詠, which is not listed in the table of contents.

Copies of the two versions are owned by the Nanjing Library (Nanjing Tushuguan 南京圖書館), the Diet Library of Japan (Naikaku Bunko 內閣文庫), the Seikado Library (Seikadō Bunko 靜嘉堂文庫; only Version No. 1) and the Library of the Legislative Yuan in Taipeh (Guihui Tushuguan 國會圖書館; only Version No. 2).

Xu Hairong 徐海榮, ed. 2000. Zhongguo chashi dadian 中國茶事大典, 589. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe.
蜀漢 (221-263)