An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Yangxian minghu xi 陽羨茗壺系

Aug 1, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Yangxian minghu xi 陽羡茗壺系, also called Yangxian minghu lu 陽羡茗壺錄 is a book on porcelain production written during the very late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Zhou Gaoqi 周高起 (1596–1645), courtesy name Bogao 伯高. The brief text is a history of the pottery from Yixing 宜興, Jiangsu, famous for its "purple-sand" teapots (zisha hu 紫砂壺). The book explains the most famous producers and the quality of their products. Zhou also wrote the books Dushuzhi 讀書志 and Dongshan jiecha pin 洞山岕茶品 (Dongshan jiecha xi 洞山岕茶系).

The book describes how Yixing zisha teapots replaced silver, tin, and porcelain teapots. At that time, they were already praised as artistic treasures that were both practical and aesthetically pleasing for display. Zhou says, "A teapot weighs only a few ounces, but each one costs twenty to thirty gold pieces." Zhou's book focuses on the teapot-making techniques and works of 31 artists, including Gong Chun 供春 and Shi Dabin 時大彬. It also names the origins of the clay used for the production of teapots and the workshops where the artworks were produced.

The first edition was published in 1697 by the Xiajutang 霞舉堂 in Xin'an 新安.

The text is found in the series Tanji congshu 檀几叢書, Jiangyin congshu 江陰叢書, Cuilangganguan congshu 翠琅玕館叢書, Suxiangshi congshu 粟香室叢書, Changzhou Xianzhe yishu 常州先哲遺書, Yishu congshu 藝術叢書 and Yuyuan congshu 芋園叢書.

Beijing Dongfang Shoucangjia Xiehui 北京東方收藏家協會, ed. 1996. Zhonghua shoucang da cidian 中華收藏大辭典, 175. Beijing: Beijing Yanshan chubanshe.
Chen Ning 陳寧. 2016. "Yangxian minghu xi neirong jiazhi pingxi 《陽羨茗壺系》內容價值評析." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2016 (2): 174–77+274.
Chen Ning 陳寧. 2018. "Yangxian minghu xi banben liuchuan kao 《陽羨茗壺系》版本流傳考." Taoci yanjiu 陶瓷研究 33 (4): 55–61.
Gao Yingzi 高英姿. 2021. "Zhixi, chuantong shougong jiyi yanjiu fanshi de jiangou: Yi Yangxian minghu xi, Yangxian mingtao lu wei zhongxin “制系”:傳統手工技藝研究範式的建構——以《陽羨茗壺系》《陽羨名陶錄》為中心." Jiangsu shehui kexue 江蘇社會科學 2021 (6): 206–11.
Li Minxing 李敏行. 2008. "Yangxian minghu xi zhi kaozheng 《陽羨茗壺系》之考證." Nanfang wenwu 南方文物 2008 (1): 68–73.
Wang Jianping 王建平. 2014. "Shang tao gu yi, pai men yi zhen cha: Cong Zhou Gaoqi Yangxian minghu xi kan Mingdai zisha chaju 尚陶延古意 排悶仰真茶——從周高起《陽羨茗壺系》看明代紫砂茶具." Nongye kaogu 農業考古 2014 (2): 69–74.
蜀漢 (221-263)