An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art

Huajing 花鏡

Jan 26, 2022 © Ulrich Theobald

Huajing 花鏡 "Mirror of flowers", in various editions also called Michuan huajing 秘傳花鏡, Yuanlin huajing 園林花鏡, Huihua yuanlin huajing 繪圖園林花鏡, Baihua zaipei mijue 百花栽培秘訣 or Qunfang fangjing 群芳芳鏡, is a book on flowers written during the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Chen Haozi 陳淏子 (b. c. 1612), also called Fuyao 扶搖, style Huayin Laoren 花隱老人 or Xihu Huayin Weng 西湖花隱翁, from the outskirts of Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang.

The book of 6 juan length was finished in 1688. About the author's life and career, practically nothing is known. He seems to have made his life as a private "teacher in the garden" (wen yuan guan ke 文園館課). The "Flower classic" was based on personal experience which makes the book a valuable contribution to the art of gardening.

The book starts - at least in some editions - with a large amount of simple images of plants and animals.

Figure 1. Illustrations from the Huajing 花鏡
Pine (Pinus spec., song 松), catawba (Catalpa spec., zi 梓), cypress (bai 栢, i.e. 柏), peony (Paeonia suffruticosa, mudan 牡丹), Chinese plum (Prunus mume, mei 梅), winter daphne (Daphne odora, ruixiang 瑞香), wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox, lamei 臘梅), and tea (Camellia spec., shancha 山茶). Tongren Hall 同人堂 edition.

The first chapter gives information about activities around flowers through the year like cutting, sowing, planting, potting, repotting, multiplication, grafting, collection of seeds, sowing, irrigation, trimming, etc. These practical matters of cultivation followed – according to custom – not just the calendar, but also mantic prognostication. The chapter also touches on the matter of seasonal phenology in the life of of flowers, trees, birds and insects as expected under the climatic conditions of the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Chapter 2 describes 18 types of planting techniques, including planting, grafting, supporting, and protecting flowers, etc., as a general theory. The author quotes from a wide range of books and summarized the rules described in these texts, and adds his own practical experience. Some appended sub-chapters introduce unique arts of traditional Chinese gardening like design and distribution, seasonal arrangement of flowers, or the application of potted flowers and vase flowers.

The fascicles 3-5 describe 100 types of woody plants (huamu 花木), 92 types of climbing, hanging or creeping plants (tengwang 藤蔓), and 103 types of herbaceous plants (huacao 花草). The text closes with an appendix dealing with 40 various animals often used to 'populate' gardens, among them birds, mammals, fishes, as well as insects and amphibians.

The book is found in the editions of the Shancheng Hall 善成堂, the Jinchang Shuye Hall 金閶書業堂, and the Kasetsu Hall 花說堂 in Japan. Lithographic prints date from 1914 and 1936. Modern editions were published in 1956 by the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華書局, and in 1962 by the Nongye Press 農業出版社. In 1959, Feng Xuhuan 酆裕洹 wrote a research on the "Flower mirror", Huajing yanjiu 花鏡研究.

Table 1. Contents of the Huajing 花鏡
1 花曆新栽 New planting methods of the flower calendar
2 課花十八法 Eighteen methods to "guide" plants
3 花木類考 Types of woody plants
4 藤蔓類考 Types of creeping, climbing and hanging plant
5 花草類考 Types of herbaceous plants
附「禽獸鱗蟲考」 App. Birds, mammals, fishes, and "worms" (insects and amphibians)
Feng Lihua 馮利華 (2002). "Huajing zuozhe Che Haozi kao 《花鏡》作者陳淏子考", Wenxian 文獻, 2002 (2): 159-162.
Guo Zhuo 郭卓 (2011). "Huajing leixing ji sheshi yaodian 花鏡類型及設計要點", Zhongguo yuanyi 中國園藝, 2011 (1): 106-109.
Jia Zhongfeng 賈忠峰 (2015). "Qingchu huahui mingming liju ji mingming tedian: Jiyu Chen Haozi Huajing de ge an yanjiu 清初花卉的命名理據及命名特點——基于陳淏子《花鏡》的個案研究", Nongye kaogu 農業考古, 2015 (3): 260-266.
Li Shuhua 李樹華, Shao Danjin 邵丹錦 (2015). "Qingchu Chen Haozi Huajing: Zhongzhi weizhi fa yu Ming mo Qang Xiangjin Qunfangpu Yasheng bijiao yanjiu 清初陳淏子《花鏡》“種植位置法”與明末王象晉《群芳譜》“雅稱”比較研究", Zhongugo yuanlin 中國園林. 2015 (4): 74-78.
Liang Jiamian 梁家勉 (1990). "Huajing 花鏡", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Nongye 農業 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 1, 395.
Min Zongdian 閔宗殿 (1994). "Huajing tiyao 《花鏡》提要", in Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, ed. Zhongguo kexue jishu dianji tonghui 中國科學技術典籍通彙, part Nongxue 農學 (Zhengzhou: Henan jiaoyu chubanshe), Vol. 4, 37-38.
Pan Jixing 潘吉星 (1992). "Chen Haozi de Huajing ji qi zai Riben de chuanbo 陳淏子的《花鏡》及其在日本的傳播", Qingbao xuekan 情報學刊, 1992 (4): 315-316+318.
Shao Feng 邵鋒 et al. (2011). "Mingchao Chen Haozi Huajing zhong de zhiwu ji qi zaojing yanjiu 明朝陳淏子《花鏡》中的植物及其造景研究", Shenyang Nonge Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 瀋陽農業大學學報(Social Sciences Edition), 2011 (6): 739-742.
Shen Yuwu 沈雨梧 (2010). "Lun Chen Huazi Huajing 論陳淏子的《花鏡》", Zhejiang Shida xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 浙江師大學报(社會科學版), 2010 (4): 49-53.
Sun Zhaoliang 孫兆亮, Xu Weitong 徐維統 (1996). "Huajiing 花鏡", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Keji 科技卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 715.
Wang Juying 王聚瀛, Chen Junyu 陳俊愉 (1996). "Huajing 花鏡", in Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Guanshang yuanyi 觀賞園藝卷 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 189.
Wang Yuguang 王余光, Xu Yan 徐雁, eds. (1999). Zhongguo dushu da cidian 中國讀書大辭典 (Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe), 1212.
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚, ed. (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 204.
Zhou Yan 周艷, Ning Zulin 寧祖林, Liao Jingping 廖景平 (2020). "Huanan diqu huajing zhiwu ziyuan shaixuan pingjia ji yingyong yanjiu 華南地區花鏡植物資源篩選評價及應用研究", Redai yaredai zhiwu xuebao 熱帶亞熱帶植物學報, 2020 (6): 557-564.
Zhou Zhaoji 周肇基 (1995). "Huajing 花鏡", in Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Nongye lishi 農業歷史卷 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 144.