An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Dili daquan 地理大全

Nov 30, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

Dili daquan 地理大全

Dili daquan 地理大全 "Great collection of books on geomancy" is a series specialized on books on geomancy (fengshui 風水, kanyu 堪輿). It was compiled during the Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Li Guomu 李國木, courtesy name Qiaobo 喬伯, who hailed from Hanyang 漢陽 (modern Wuhan, Hubei).

The series is divided into two collections (ji 集), the first with a length of 30 juan, and the second with a length of 25. Books in the first collection mainly deal with mountains, while those in the second collection concentrate on the vital energies embedded in the landscape. The texts included in the Dili daquan are the most important ancient writings on the science of geomancy in ancient China. They are of a different textual quality but nevertheless constitute a basic corpus on this highly important technique of building houses, cities and tombs in the right spot and environment.

Li Guomu added a large amount of illustrations that visually support the ancient texts. He was, on the other hand, not very critical towards statements about the authors of the texts. Concerning the Yuchijing 玉尺經, for instance, he followed the ancient statements that it was written by Liu Bingzhong 劉秉忠 (1216-1274), but adds that Liu was only the compiler, and not the author. Authorship of this text was traditionally attributed to the Daoist master Chen Tuan 陳摶 (871-989). The commentary to this text was certainly not written by Liu Ji 劉基 (1311-1375), but by Li Guomu himself.

The Dili daquan was surveyed by the compilers of the Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫提要, but is not included in the Siku quanshu 四庫全書. It has nevertheless survived in popular editions from the Qing period 清 (1644-1911).

Table 1. The series Dili daquan 地理大全
(Ming) 李國木 Li Guomu (comp.)
Jinling Huaidetang 金陵懷德堂 edition from the Chongzhen reign-period
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
一集 形勢真訣 Xingshi zhenjue
葬經 (葬書) 二卷 Zangjing (Zangshu) (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu
天機素書 (天機書) 四卷 Tianji sushu (Tianjishu) (Tang) 邱延翰 Qiu Yanhan
撼龍經 二卷
疑龍經 一卷
倒杖十二法 以上合一卷
Daozhang shi'er fa
(Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong (楊益 Yang Yi)
九星穴法 四卷 Jiuxing xuefa (Song) 廖瑀 Liao Yu
發微論 一卷 Faweilun (Song) 蔡元定 Cai Yuanding
披肝露膽經 一卷
Pigan ludan jing
app. Pingyanglun
(Ming) 劉基 Liu Ji
搜玄曠筆 十四卷 Souxuan kuangbi (Ming) 遁庵古者 Dun'an guzhe (李國木 Li Guomu)
二集 理氣袐旨 Liqi bizhi
青囊序 一卷 Qingnangxu (Tang) 曾文辿Zeng Wenchan
青囊奧語 一卷 Qingnang aoyu (Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong (楊益 Yang Yi)
天玉經內傳 三卷
外編 一卷
Tianyujing neizhuan
(Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong (楊益 Yang Yi)
玉尺經 四卷
(附)原經圖式 一卷
app. Yuanjing tushi
(Song) 陳摶; (Yuan) 劉秉忠 Liu Bingzhong (comp.)
催官評龍篇 (催官篇) 二卷
(附)理氣穴法 一卷
Cuiguan pinglong pian (Cuiguanpian)
app. Liqi xuefa
(Song) 賴文俊 Lai Wenjun
吳公教子書 (天玉經外傳) 一卷
(附)四十八局圖說 一卷
Wugong jiaozi shu (Tianyujing waizhuan)
app. Sishiba ju tushuo
(Song) 吳克誠 Wu Kecheng
索引玄宗 九卷 Suoyin xuanzong (Ming) 李國木 Li Guomu (comp.)
Chen Yongzheng 陳永正, ed. (1991). Zhongguo fangshu da cidian 中國方術大辭典 (Guangzhou: Zhongshan daxue chubansh), 650.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1786.
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol 1, 738-739.

Kanyu wu zhong 堪輿五種

Two less known series of geomantic texts are the collection Kanyu wu zhong 堪輿五種, compiled by the Ming-period scholar Cheng Wenge 程文格 and printed in 1605, as well as the collection Kanyu shiyi zhong shu 堪輿十一種書, which was compiled by the Ming-period collector Li Sizong 李思總 and printed in 1622. The contents of these two series are presented here particularly because they are not included in the series catalogue Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄.

Table 2. The series Kanyu wu zhong 堪輿五種
(Ming) 程文格 Cheng Wenke (comp.)
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
堪輿管見 一卷 Kanyu guanjian (Ming) 謝廷柱 Xie Tingzhu
堪輿續論 一卷 Kanyu xulun (Ming) 謝廷柱 Xie Tingzhu
陰陽正源堪輿至秘旅寓集 一卷 Yinyang zhengyuan kanyu zhimi lüyu ji (Song) 釋從謙 Monk Congqian
青囊奧旨 (青囊奧語) 一卷 Qingnang aozhi (Qingnang aoyu) (Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong; (Ming) 劉基 Liu Ji (comm.)
堪輿秘傳 一卷 Kanyu mizhuan (Song) 劉潛 Li Qian; (Ming) 吳勉學 Wu Quanxue (comp.)
Qinghua Daxue Tushuguan 清華大學圖書館, ed. (2003). Qinghua Daxue Tushuguan cang shanben shumu 清華大學圖書館藏善本書目 (Beijing: Qinghua daxue chubanshe), 200.

Kanyu shiyi zhong shu 堪輿十一種書

Table 3. The series Kanyu shiyi zhong shu 堪輿十一種書
(Ming) 李思總 Li Sizong (comp.)
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
青烏經 一卷 Qingwujing (→ Zangshu 葬書) (Zhou) 樗里子 Chulizi
葬書真本 (葬書) 一卷 Zangshu zhenben (Zangshu) (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu
博山篇 一卷 Boshanpian () NN
青囊奥旨控龍制水神經 (青囊奧語) 一卷 Qingnang aozhi konglong zhishui shenjing (Qingnang aoyu) (Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong
總索 一卷 Zongsuo (Ming) 維楊沮 Wei Yangju
五星捉脈正變明圖 一卷 Wuxing cumai zhengbian mingtu () NN
十二杖法 一卷 Shier zhangfa (→ Hanlongjing 撼龍經) (Tang) 楊筠松 Yang Yunsong
十六葬法 一卷 Shiliu zangfa (Song) 廖禹 Liao Yu
楊公金鋼鑽本形法葬圖訣 一卷 Yang Gong jingang zuanben xingfa zang tujue () NN
堪輿漫興 一卷 Kanyu manxing (Ming) 劉基 Liu Ji
堪輿雜著 一卷 Kanyu zazhu (Ming) 李思總 Li Sizong
Shi Tingyong 施廷鏞, ed. (1986). Zhongguo congshu mulu ji zimu suoyin huibian 中國叢書目錄及子目索引彙編 (Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe), 189.