Lianshi 奩史 "History of the toilet case" is an encyclopaedia about women compiled during the Song-period 宋 (960-1279) by Ding Shengzhi 丁升之.
It is 100 juan long and assembles material about all aspects of the life of women in traditional China. The book is arranged very clearly and indicates all sources. There is a print from 1797 by the Guxiang Studio 古香堂. It was published in 1996 by the Shumu Wenxian Press 書目文獻出版社, together with another book of Ding, Hunli xinbian 婚禮新編. The Lianshi is included in the series Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書.
There is a short supplement compiled during the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Wang Chutong 王初桐 (1729-1821) called Lianshi shiyi 奩史拾遺.
1.-4. | 夫婦門 | Husband and wife |
5.-8. | 婚姻門 | Matrimony |
9.-13. | 統係門 | (Public) relationships |
14.-18. | 眷屬門 | Kinship |
19.-20. | 妾婢門 | Secondary wives and servant girls |
21.-24. | 娼妓門 | Singsong girls |
25.-31. | 肢體門 | Limbs and body |
32.-35. | 容貌門 | Appearance |
36.-39. | 性情門 | Character |
40. | 蠶織門 | Spinning and weaving |
41. | 針線門 | Needlework |
42. | 井臼門 | Homework |
43.-48. | 文墨門 | Writing |
49.-51. | 幹略門 | Physical abilities |
52. | 技藝門 | Skills |
53.-55. | 音樂門 | Music |
56. | 姓名門 | Name and family name |
57.-59. | 事為門 | Activities through the years |
60. | 誕育門 | Giving birth and raising children |
61. | 術業門 | Female professions |
62.-64. | 衣裳門 | Robes and garments |
65.-66. | 冠帶門 | Headgear and girdles |
67. | 襪履門 | Footwear |
68.-70. | 釵釧門 | Adornments |
71.-73. | 梳粧門 | Dress, makeup, and hygiene |
74. | 脂粉門 | Rouge and powder |
75.-76. | 宮室門 | Buildings |
77. | 狀第門 | Tents, covers, and mats |
78.-83. | 衣食門 | Clothing and food |
84.-86. | 器用門 | Tools and utensils |
87. | 綺羅門 | Silk and brocade |
88.-89. | 珠寶門 | Jewellery |
90.-91. | 蘭麝門 | Perfumes and odours |
92.-93. | 花木門 | Flowers and trees |
94.-96. | 禽蟲門 | Birds and vermin |
97.-100. | 仙佛門 | Daoism and Buddhism |