Jun 8, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald
Mingyi daifang lu 明夷待訪錄 "An obscured paragon of virtue awaiting a royal visit" is a philosophical treatise written during the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲 (1610-1695).
His short book was finished in 1663 and is divided into 21 chapters dealing with various aspects of administration. The term mingyi 明夷 "brightness hiding" is the name of a hexagram of the Yijing 易經 "Book of Changes", the explanation of which says that the bright virtue of Prince Jizi 箕子 was "shaded" by the cruelty of King Zhou 紂 of the Shang dynasty 商 (17th-11th cent. BCE).
Wishing not to meet the same fate as the prince, Huang Zongxi refused to serve the Qing dynasty in any office. The book, corresponding to this background, critiques the traditional Chinese state. In Huang Zongxi's eyes, an incompetent ruler is the sole reason for all disaster and upheaval. The well-being of a state does not lie in the hands of one family or dynasty but depends on the people's happiness. Therefore, the state would be in a better condition if the authority of the ruler were checked by that of a responsible chief counsellor (zaixiang 宰相) who was supported by the suggestions coming from a wide range of excellent academies (xuexiao 學校) that were thus involved into political decisions and would, furthermore, control and check local authorities.
The tax system, he suggested, was to be geared to the ancient, hypothetical well-field (jingtian 井田) system. Most revolutionary, he argued that the ideological suppression of labourers and merchants and the negligence towards them in financial matters harmed the national economy. In his book, Huang Zongxi covers all essential aspects of government and expresses his opinion on field allotment, education, the military, and the monetary system.
The book was prohibited from circulation from the Qianlong reign-period 乾隆 (1736-1795) on, and instead, Li Ziran's 李滋然 (1847-1921) critique Mingyi daifang lu jiumiu 明夷待訪錄糾謬 was publicly promoted. Yet the Daifanglu provided new ideas for reform during the late 19th century when the introduction of a constitution was discussed among some scholars. Some modern Chinese scholars even argue that the book contained a democratic spirit and was a forerunner of a "Chinese enlightenment" (minzhu qimeng zhuyi 民主啓蒙主義).
It was first printed by the Erlao Studio 二老閣 in Cixi 慈谿, Zhejiang. Still, the earliest surviving print dates from the Daoguang reign-period 道光 (1821-1850) and was produced in Panyu 番禺, Guangdong. It is included in the series Haishanxianguan congshu 海山仙館叢書, Xiaoshi shanfang congshu 小石山房叢書 and Lizhou yizhu huikan 梨洲遺著匯刊 from 1915. A modern edition was published in 1955 by the Beijing Guji Press 北京古籍出版社, and in 1981, the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華書局 published a new edition.
There is a complete translation by William Theodore De Bary. 1993. Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince. Huang Tsung-Hsi's Ming-I-Tai-Fang Lu. New York: Columbia University Press.
Ai Ping 艾平. 1997. "Mingyi daifang lu 明夷待訪錄." In Zhongguo ruxue 中國儒學, edited by Pang Pu 龐樸, vol. 3, 205. Shanghai: Dongfang chubanshe.
Cai Jifeng 蔡紀風. 2022. "Mingyi daifang lu zai Qingdai zhong-houqi de chuanchao, yuedu he jieshou 《明夷待訪錄》在清代中後期的傳抄、閱讀和接受." Chuanshan xuekan 船山學刊 2022 (1): 117-128.
Chen Tao 陳濤. 1993. "Mingyi daifang lu 明夷待訪錄." Zhonghua baike yaolan 中華百科要覽, edited by Shi Quanchang 石泉長, 257. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
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