An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Nüfan jielu 女範捷錄

Jun 20, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald

Nüfan jielu 女範捷錄 "Quick guide for all rules for girls" is a short handbook for the conduct of girls written by the late Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) female writer Miss Liu 劉氏, wife of Wang Jijing 王集敬. It is part of the so-called "Four books for girls" Nü sishu 女四書.

The book is divided into 11 chapters. The book first presents the general outlines of female conduct and then describes all various aspects of this conduct, depending on the social position and the actual situation. These different facets of female behaviour are clarified by excellent examples from the past. As part of the Nü sishu, the Nüfan juelu was widespread in former times.

Table 1. Contents of the Nüfan jielu 女範捷錄
統論 Tonglun Introduction
後德 Houde The virtue of a wife (lit. "the person behind")
母儀 Muyi The conduct of a mother
孝行 Xiaoxing Filial piety
貞烈 Zhenlie Sincerity
忠義 Zhongyi Loyalty
慈愛 Ci'ai Benevolence
秉禮 Bingli Keeping to propriety
智慧 Zhihui Wisdom
勤儉 Qinjian Sparingness
才德 Caide Competence
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Kornicki, Peter, and Nguyễn Thị Oanh. 2009. "The Lesser Learning for Women and Other Texts for Vietnamese Women: A Bibliographical and Comparative Study." International Journal of Asian Studies 6 (2): 147–169.
Lei Yaqian 雷亞倩, and Li Zhisheng 李志生. 2020. "Nüfan jielu banben kao 《女範捷錄》版本考." Shandong Nüzu Xueyuan xuebao 山東女子學院學報 2020 (2): 64-70.
Liu Shuying 劉淑英. 1997. "Nüfan jielu 女範捷錄." In Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典, edited by Men Kui 門巋, and Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, 283. Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi.
Pang-White, Ann A. 2018. The Confucian Four Books for Women: A New Translations of the Nü Sishu and the Commentary of Wang Xiang. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sang Li 桑莉. 2020. "Rujia nüjiao wenxian zhong de dai, de zhi bian: Yi Nüjie, Nüfan jielu he Xunnü shi (shi shou) wei li 儒家女教文獻中的“才”“德”之辯——以《女誡》《女範捷錄》和《訓女詩》(十首)為例." Linyi Daxue xuebao 臨沂大學學報 42 (1): 68-73.
Su Guoxia 蘇國霞. 1995. "Nüfan jielu 女範捷錄." In Zhongguo nüxing baike quanshu 中國女性百科全書, vol. Hunyin jiating 婚姻家庭, edited by Lu Leshan 盧樂山, 75. Shenyang: Dongbei daxue chubanshe.
Xi Lifang 奚麗芳. 2023. "Shishi yu Ming-Qing nüxing de ziwo renshi: Yi Nüfan jielu wei zhongxin 食事與明清女性的自我認識——以《女範捷錄》為中心." Gudai wenming (Zhong-Ying wen) 古代文明(中英文) 17 (3): 114-124+159.