An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Shixue guifan 仕學規範

Feb 23, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Shixue guifan 仕學規範 "Guided studies of the officialdom" is a collection of biographies compiled during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by Zhang Zi 張鎡 (born 1153), courtesy name Gongfu 功父 (also written 功甫) or Shike 時可, style Yuezhai 約齋, from Lin'an 臨安 (today's Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang). He was a gentleman for managing affairs (chengshilang 承事郎), auxiliary in the Imperial Archives (zhi mige 直秘閣) and provisional controller-general (quan tongpan 權通判) of the prefecture of Lin'an. In 1207, in his function as Assistant Director of the Left in the Department of State Affairs (zuo silang guan 左司郎官), he participated in the plot of Han Tuozhou's 韓侂胄 (1152-1207) assassination. For his insubordination to Counsellor-in-chief Shi Miyuan 史彌遠 (1164-1233), he was sent to lifelong exile in Xiangtai 象臺 (today's Xiangxian 象縣, Guangxi). Zhang Zi's collected writings are Nanhu ji 南湖集.

The book of 40 juan length is a collection of stories about eminent state officials, arranged according to six categories, namely scholarship (xue 學), upright conduct (xingji 行己), good administration (liguan 涖官), covert virtues (yinde 陰德), literary achievements (zuowen 作文), and poetic merits (zuoshi 作詩).

The book collects the biographies of renowned ministers from the Song period, citing original texts and providing references for each entry. It has considerable value, as it draws from works such as Jiuchao mingchen zhuan 九朝名臣傳, which were relied upon by historians and thus broadly align with historical records. Moreover, it serves to supplement omissions in official histories. For example, it reports how Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹 (989-1052), while governing Qingzhou 青州 and Shezhou 社州, devised methods to spare the people of Qingzhou from the hardship of forced labour, leading them to build a shrine in his honour. Similarly, Zhao Bian 趙抃 (1008-1084), while administering Yuezhou 越州 during a famine, ordered grain hoarders to sell at a higher price (to prevent panic purchases), which later fell, saving many lives. Additionally, Zhang Fangping 張方平 (1007-1091), as the district magistrate of Kunshan 昆山, used surplus tax revenue (yufu 餘賦) to aid the poor and successfully ended decades of disputes over land encroachment.

Zhang Zi quotes from books that have not survived, such as Sike shishi 四科事實 or Zhezong mingchen zhuan 哲宗名臣傳. Even if the scholarly quality of Zhang's book is not at pair with Zhu Xi's 朱熹 (1130-1200) famous Mingchen yanxing lu 名臣言行錄, it is a valuable supplement to historical reports.

The text can be found in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

Bi Yanting 畢研婷, and Wang Yixuan 王藝璇. 2021. "Kongzi Boguwuan cang Huangchao shixue guifan yanjiu 孔子博物館藏《皇朝仕學規範》研究." Wenwu tiandi 文物天地 2021 (5): 16-19.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 2005. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Li Zhanshang 李占胜, and He Youdi 何頔. 2015. "Shixue guifan de bianzuan tili 《仕學規範》的邊纂體 例." Shang 商 2015 (51): 120-121.
Ma Ning 馬寧. 2021. "Junzi xueshi yi hongdao: Kongzi Bowuguan guan cang Huangchao shixue guifan pindu “君子仕學以弘道”——孔子博物館館藏《皇朝仕學規範》品讀." Wenwu jianding yu jianshang 文物鑒定與鑒賞 2021 (17): 40-42.