An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Zunsheng bajian 遵生八牋

Oct 31, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Zunsheng bajian 遵生八牋 (also written 遵生八箋) "Eight treatises on following the principles of life", full title Yashangzhai Zunsheng bajian 雅尚齋遵生八箋, is an encyclopaedia compiled during the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Gao Lian 高濂 (c. 1600), courtesy name Shenfu 深甫, style Ruinan 瑞南. His study was called Yasheng Clause 雅尚齋 "Holding high the refined".

He hailed from Qiantang 錢塘 (modern Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang) and was a famous poet and writer of the Wanli reign-period 萬曆 (1573-1619). Gao also wrote the story collections Yuzuanji 玉簪記 and Jiexiaoji 節孝記, and his poems are assembled in the collections Yashangzhai shicao 雅尚齋詩草 and Fangcanglou ci 芳藏樓詞. Gao Lian was very interested in diet and "nourishing life" (yangsheng 養生), and this interest accordingly found reflection in his 19-juan-long book Zunsheng bajian.

The collection was finished in 1591. The themes are arranged in eight categories. The first two fascicles explain the basic rules of hygiene as found in the "teachings" of the Yellow Emperor 黃帝 and the Daoist master Laozi 老子. The next part describes the diets of the year, following the seasons. The third part gives insight into how dwelling, furniture and interior conditions influence health. The fourth part provides information about methods to prolong life, especially by "ingestion of air" (fuqi 服氣) and gymnastics (daoyin 導引). Healthy diet (eating and drinking) is referred to in the fifth treatise. The nourishment of the spirit during leisure time and "pure enjoyments" (qingshang 清賞) is the theme of the sixth part, to which a short chapter on flower cultivation is appended. This treatise is followed by the seventh, dealing with inner alchemy and pharmacology, and the production of "numinous secrets" (lingmi 靈秘) and "cinnabar drugs" (danyao 丹藥). The final part of the book includes stories about one hundred immortals and Daoist masters through history.

Figure 1. Gymnastics for the liver
Figure 2. "Picnic" tea set, from the part Qiju anle jian 起居安樂箋
From the Yashangtang 雅尚堂 edition of 1591.

The Zunsheng bajian covers all important aspects of physical and mental hygiene for a healthy and long-lasting life. It is a reflection of the teachings of Daoist masters and medical experts from several centuries, and this in an efficient way that can be adhered to by everyone. Because of this less theoretical nature, the Zunsheng bajian is a rich source for medicine, hygienic practice, and different tools used in the daily life of the educated class.

The oldest print was produced by Gao Lian himself. This original version was bound in 12 booklets and one copy of it survives in the Library of Congress, just like another version from that time, bound in 15 booklets. A third original print includes 20 booklets and is owned by the Library of Peking University (Beijing Daxue Tushuguan 北京大學圖書館). It is introduced by a preface written by Tu Long 屠隆 (1543-1605), one by Li Shiying 李時英 (b. 1545), and one by Gao Lian himself. A younger print dates from the Chongzhen reign-period 崇禎 (1628-1644), and one edition revised by the owner of the Xuanxue Study 弦雪居 from 1810.

Table 1. Contents of the Zunsheng bajian 遵生八牋
1-2 清修妙論箋 I Wondrous treatise about purification and recreation
3-6 四時調攝箋 II Tempering and regulating through the four seasons
7-8 起居安樂箋 III Joy and pleasure when rising and living
9-10 延年卻病箋 IV Prolonging life and preventing diseases
11-13 飲饌服食箋 V Drinking and diet (see Yinzhuan fushi jian)
14-16 燕閑清賞箋 VI Leisure and enjoyment (see Yanxian qingshang jian)
17-18 靈秘丹藥箋 VII Numinous secrets and cinnabar drugs
19 塵外遐舉箋 VIII Beyond the worldly dust and far from rank and office
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