An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Fashu tongshi 法書通釋

Feb 21, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Fashu tongshi 法書通釋 "Comprehensive explanations on calligraphy" was written during the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Zhang Shen 張紳, courtesy name Shixing 士行 or Zhongshen 仲紳, style Yunmen Shanqiao 雲門山樵 or Yunmen Yilao 雲門遺老, from Jinan 濟南, Shandong. He served as a provincial administration commissioner (buzhengshi 布政史) of Zhejiang and was renowned for his expertise in collectibles and his poetry.

The book, consisting of 2 juan, draws extensively from older texts on calligraphy. The Fashu tongshi offers examples, explanations, analyses, summaries, interpretations, classifications, and methods related to the writings of calligraphers from the Jin 晉 (265-420) and Tang 唐 (618-907) periods onward. By systematically organising concepts and drawing parallels between related topics, the book aims to assist future learners in developing a comprehensive understanding of calligraphy. The first fascicle centres on the "eight methods" (Bafa pian 八法篇) and structural elements (Jiegou pian 結構篇). Juan 2 examines brush handling (Zhishi pian 執使篇), composition and sections (Pianduan pian 篇段篇), imitation of ancient artworks (Conggu pian 從古篇), stylistic principles (Lishi pian 立式篇), distinguishing writing styles (Bianti pian 辨體篇), terminology (Mingcheng pian 名稱篇), and calligraphy tools (Liqi pian 利器篇), concluding with quotations from general discussions (Zonglun pian 總論篇).

Zhang did not create new texts but drew from earlier writings. Regarding the eight methods, i.e., the eight standard strokes, for instance, he references Cui Ziyu's 崔子玉 (Cui Yuan 崔瑗, 78-143) Bafa yinyang chisu lun 八法陰陽遲速論, Yan Lugong's 顏魯公 (Yan Zhenqing 颜真卿, 709-784) Bafa song 八法頌, Liu Liuzhou's 柳柳州 (Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元, 773-819) Bafa song 八法頌 and the relevant section from Zhang Huaisu's 張懷瓘 (early 8th cent.) Pingshu yaoshi lun 評書藥石論.

The book is included in the series Yimen guangdu 夷門廣牘, Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 and Shanben congshu shi zhong 善本叢書十種.

Hu Zhanhu 侯占虎. 1996. "Fashu tongshi 法書通釋." In Zhonggu xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Yishu 藝術卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 536. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Liu Guantao 劉官濤. 2018. "Guanlie: Cong Fashu tongshi kan Zhang Shen shufa zhi duomian shou 關捩——從《法書通釋》看張紳書法之“多面手”." Yishu pinjian 藝術品鑒 2018 (6): 33-34.