Lisuan quanshu 曆算全書 is a book on calendric calculations compiled during the high Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Mei Wending 梅文鼎 (1633-1721), courtesy name Dingjiu 定九, style Wu'an 勿庵, from Xuancheng 宣城, Anhui.
He compiled more than 80 writings on astronomy and mathematics, among others, Mingshi lizhi nigao 明史曆志擬稿, Lizhi zhuiyan 曆志贅言, Lixue yiwen 曆學疑問, Gujin lifa tongkao 古今曆法通考, Ping sanjiao juyao 平三角舉要, Hu sanjiao juyao 弧三角舉要, Jihe bubian 幾何補編, Qiandu celiang 塹堵測量, Jihe tongshi 幾何通解, Huanzhong shuchi 環中黍尺, Lixue pianzhi 曆學駢枝, Hu'an lisuan shumu 勿庵曆算書目, Datong lizhi 大統曆志, Wu'an lisuan shuji 勿菴曆算書記, Zhong-Xi jingxing tongyi kao 中西經星同異考, Da Li Cibu wen li 答李祠部問曆, Qishi'er hou taiyang weidu 七十二候太陽緯度, Xie libu lifa 寫曆步曆法, Shibu jiaoshi shi 時步交食式 and Bu wuxing shi 步五星式.
The Lisuan quanshu has a length of 62 juan. Is it a collection of 29 writings of Mei, with texts on calendrical science placed at the front and such on mathematics at the back. The calendrical part can be divided into theoretical texts and such on calculation. However, the sequence of texts differs in the relevant editions. The following table of contents follows the Jianji Hall edition 兼濟堂 (Master Wei from Baixiang 柏郷魏氏) from the Yongzheng reign-period 雍正 (1723-1735):
三角法擧要 五卷 | Sanjiaofa juyao |
諸方節氣加時日軌高度表 一卷 | Zhufang jieqi jiashi rigui gaodu biao |
句股闡微 四卷 | Gougu chanwei (with a supplement by Yang Zuomei 楊作枚) |
五星紀要 一卷 | Wuxing jiyao |
弧三角擧要 五卷 | Hu sanjiao juyao |
火星本法 一卷 | Huoxing benfa |
環中黍尺 六卷 | Huanzhong suchi |
七政細草補註 一卷 | Qizheng xicao buzhu |
壍堵測量 二卷 | Qiandu celiang |
仰儀簡儀二銘補註 一卷 | Yangyi jianyi er ming buzhu |
方圓冪積 一卷 | Fangyuan miji |
曆學駢枝 四卷 | Lixue pianzhi |
幾何補編 五卷 | Jihe bubian |
授時平立定三差詳說 一卷 | Shoushi pingli ding san cha xiangshuo |
解八線割圓之根 一卷 | Jie baxian geyuan zhi gen |
曆學答問 一卷 | Lixue dawen |
歷學疑問 三卷 補 二卷 |
Lixue yiwen Bu |
古算衍略 一卷 | Gusuan yanlüe |
交會管見 一卷 | Jiaohui guanjian |
筆算 五卷 | Bisuan |
交食蒙求 三卷 | Jiaoshi mengqiu |
籌算 七卷 | Chousuan |
揆日候星紀要 一卷 | Kuiri houxing jiyao |
度算釋例 二卷 | Dusuan shili |
歲周地度合攷 一卷 | Suizhou didu hekao |
方程論 六卷 | Fangcheng lun |
冬至攷 一卷 | Dongzhi kao |
少廣拾遺 一卷 | Shaoguang shiyi |
The collection is also included in the series Meishi congshu jiyao 梅氏叢書輯要 and Siku quanshu 四庫全書.