An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況

Nov 22, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況 "The art of the zither from Valed-Mountain Studio" is a book on music for the small zither (qin 琴) written during the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by music master Xu Shangying 徐上瀛 (c. 1582-1662), actual name Xu Hong 徐谼, courtesy name Qingshan 青山, style Shifan Shanren 石泛山人. He hailed from Taicang 太倉, Jiangsu and was a famous zither player of the Yushan School 虞山派, to which also Zhang Weichuan 張渭川, Chen Aitong 陳愛桐, Yan Cheng 嚴澂, Shi Jianpan 施{石+間}槃 and Shen Taishao 沈太韶 belonged. When the Ming empire fell apart, he "discarded the zither and took the sword", and after the conquest of China by the Manchus withdrew from public life.

During the Ming and Qing 清 (1644-1911) periods there were more than a hundred collections of tablatures for the qin zither, but only a lesser part of these collections discussed the music instrument in a theoretical way. Books that did include such a theoretical part explained tuning, the key modes, methods of playing by various finger techniques, the shape and production of the music instrument, as well as the most important schools of zither players. Xu Shangying's book is one of the few that discussed the music on the zither from the viewpoint of art and performance.

The oldest text on the art of playing the zither was Liu Xiang's 劉向 (79-8 or 77-6 BCE) Qinshuo 琴說 from the Former Han period 前漢 (206 BCE-8 CE) where he explained seven methods, but this text is lost. This means that Xu Shangying's book is the oldest text on the art of the zither. He explains 24 "standard situations" (kuang 況) to play the zither, namely eight types of qualities and styles: he 和 "peaceful", jing 靜 "quiet", qing 清 "pure", yuan 遠 "far-reaching", gu 古 "antique", dan 澹 "tranquil", tian 恬 "peaceful", and yi 逸 "at ease"; twelve tone colours and finger skills: ya 雅 "elegant", li 麗 "with beauty", liang 亮 "lucid", cai 采 "plucking", jie 潔 "pure", run 潤 "smooth", yuan 圓 "tactful", jian 堅 "solid", hong 宏 "broad", xi 細 "with detail", liu 溜 "gliding" and jian 健 "vigorous"; and four methods of "treatment": qing 輕 "light", zhong 重 "heavy", chi 遲 "retarding", su 速 "hasting".
In spite of this broad bandwith of modes to play, the zither master Su Jing 蘇璟, author of the "eight principles of playing the zither" (guqin baze 鼓琴八則, part of Chuncaotang qinpu 春草堂琴譜), explains that in fact all tempi and modes are based on the patterns qing "pure" and he "peaceful".

The Xishan qinkuang was finished before 1641, but was first printed in 1673 as part of the collection Daguange qinpu 大還閣琴譜.

Bai Yunpeng 柏雲鹏 (2003). "Xishan qikuang yanjiu zongshu 《谿山琴況》研究綜述", Yinyue yanjiu 音樂研究, 2003 (2): 100-103.
Cai Zhongde 蔡仲德 (1986). "Xishan qinkuang shitan 《溪山琴況》試探", Yinyue yanjiu 音樂研究, 1986 (2): 69-82.
Fu Jingrui 傅景瑞 (1993). "Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況", in Shi Quanchang 石泉長, ed. Zhonghua baike yaolan 中華百科要覽 (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 746.
Lan Yusong 藍玉崧 (1989). "Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Yinyue wudao 音樂•舞蹈 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 717.
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Wang Yuezhu 王躍珠 (1984). "Xu Shangying yu Xishan qinkuang 徐上瀛與《溪山琴況》", Zhongguo yinyue 中國音樂, 1984 (4): 58-59.
Xiang Mengyuan 向夢媛 (2021). "Xishan qinkuang yanjiu zongshu (2015-2020) 《 溪山琴況》 研究綜述(2015-2020)", Jiaoxiang (Xi'an Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao) 交響(西安音樂學院學報), 2021 (2): 152-160.
Xiu Hailin 修海林 (1989). "Xishan qinkuang de yinyue shenmei sixiang 《溪山琴況》的琴樂審美思想", Yinyue yanjiu 音樂研究, 1989 (1): 73-80.
Xu Liang 徐樑 (2013). "Wenzi yu wenzi beihou: Lun Xishan qinkuang zhi wenti goucheng fangshi 文字與文字背後——論《溪山琴況》之文本構成方式", Zhongguo yinyuexue 中國音樂學, 2013 (3): 48-51.
Yang Yanxing 楊雁行 (1997). "Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, eds. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), 892.
Zhang Qingzhi 張清冶 (). "Xishan qinkuang da daye qingyin yu: Ming Xu Shangying de qinyue shenmeiguan 《谿山琴況》的大雅清音諭—明·徐上瀛的琴樂審美觀", Meiyu 美育, 6: 21-34.
Zheng Zuxiang 鄭祖襄 (1993). "Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況", in Ru Xin 汝信, ed. Shijiebaike zhuzuo cidian 世界百科著作辭典 (Beijing: Zhongguo gongren chubanshe), 363.
Zhou Chang 周暢 (1996). "Xishan qinkuang 谿山琴況", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Yishu 藝術卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 122.
Zhu Fengyu 朱峰玉 (2006). "Xishan qinkuang he zhi jiegou 《溪山琴況》“ 和” 之解構", Zhongguo yinyuexue 中國音樂學, 2006 (1): 117-121.