Tingxun geyan 庭訓格言, full title Shengzu Ren Huangdi Tingxun geyan 聖祖仁皇帝庭訓格言 "Emperor Shengzu's maxims of court instruction" is a book on education compiled by the Yongzheng Emperor 雍正帝 (r. 1722-1735). It can be called a text on the theory of education. It has a length of just one fascicle with 246 brief paragraphs and was based on the author's experience when he was still the Crown Prince. Because it is related to the education of a prince, the content deals with the relationship between the sovereign and his ministers, the obligation to study, self-cultivation (xiu ji 修己) and governance (zhi ren 治人), and also a prince's daily routines (yinshi qiju 飲食起居).
The text is included in the Confucian sub-category of the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, and the collection Geyan huibian 格言彙編.