An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Dongguan yulun 東觀餘論

Feb 2, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Dongguan yulun 東觀餘論 "Remnant discussions from the Eastern Hall" is a "brush-notes"-style book (biji 筆記) written during the Northern Song period 宋 (960-1279) by Huang Bosi 黃伯思 (1079-1118), courtesy name Zhagnrui 長睿, style Xiaobin 霄賓 or Yunlinzi 雲林子, from Shaowu 邵武 in today's Fujian province. Huang obtained the jinshi degree during the Yuanfu reign-period 元符 (1098-1100) and was Revenue Manager (sihu 司戶) of the Prefecture of Tongzhou 通州, Administrator of the Revenue Section (hucao canjun 戶曹參軍) of the Prefecture of Hunan 河南府, editor in the Palace Library (jiaoshu lang 校書郎), and finally assistant in the Palace Library (bishu lang 秘書郎). He was famous for his encyclopaedic knowledge and his calligraphy. A book on ancient objects and vessels, Guqishuo 古器說, is lost.

The Dongguan yulun with a length of 2 juan was compiled by Huang Bosi's son Huang Reng 黃䚮. The preface, dated 1147, speaks of 16 juan, which means that the greatest part of the book is lost. The surviving parts of the book in the form Huang Reng transmitted it criticises the scholarly quality of Ouyang Xiu's 歐陽修 (1007-1072) writings, mainly his Jigulu 集古錄 on ancient objects. There are, however, mistakes in the book. Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 (1838-1894), therefore, compiled the critical commentary Dongguan yulu jiao 東觀餘論校.

Huang's original book is included in the series Wangshi shuhua yuan 王氏書畫苑, Jindai mishu 津逮秘書, Siku quanshu 四庫全書, Xuejin taoyuan 學津討原 and Shaowu Xushi congshu chukan 邵武徐氏叢書初刻. In 1988, the Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局 published a facsimile of the edition in the series Guyi congshu sanbian 古逸叢書三編 with the title Songben Dongguan yulu 宋本東觀餘論, and added critical comments.

Fang Hanliang 方翰良, and Wang Qingmiin 王慶敏. 2015. "Chong gu er bu hu xin: Cong Dongguan yulun kui Huang Bosi de zhangcao guan “崇古而不忽今”——從《東觀餘論》窺黃伯思的章草觀." Shufa shangping 書法賞評 2015 (3): 34-35.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996.Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1916. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Lin Zhiqiang 林志强, and Gong xuemei 龔雪梅. 1999. "Dongguan yulun zhong de yuyan wenzi yanjiu zhuishu 《東觀餘論》中的語言文字研究綴述." Fujian Dianda xuebao 福建電大學報 1999 (1): 45-46.
Luo Sangui 雒三桂, and Zhong Yuxin 鐘宇欣. 2021. "Mi Fu Shushi yu Huagn Bosi Dongguan yulu shufa jianding sixiang bijiao yanjiu 米芾《書史》與黃伯思《東觀餘論》書法鑒定思想比較研究." Zhonghua wenhua luntan 中華文化論壇 2021 (6): 124-133+157.
Mao Ting 毛婷. 2015. "Cong Dongguan yulun kan Huang Bosi dui Zhong Yao chuantong de jieshou 從《東觀餘論》看黃伯思對鐘繇傳統的接受." Shufa 書法 2015 (12): 144-147.
Ouyang Zhongwei 歐陽忠偉. 1996. "Dongguan yulun 東觀餘論." In Zhongguo shihua cidian 中國詩話辭典, edited by Jiang Zuyi 蔣祖怡, and Chen Zhichun 陳志椿, 276. Beijing: Beijing chubanshe.
Sun Xiaoli 孫小力. 1996. "Dongguan yulu 東觀餘論." In Zhonggou xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Yishu 藝術卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 664. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Wang Huijuan 王慧娟, and Chen Xin 陳昕. 2017. "Qianxi Songdai Dongguan yulun de chuban ji jiazhi 淺析宋代東觀餘論的出版及價值." Chuban guangjiao 出版廣角 2017 (4): 83-85.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. 1994. Zhonghua gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, vol. Wenxue 文學卷, 149. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Zhao Yanguo 趙彦國. 2008. "Huang Bosi Dongguan yulun chengshu ji qi banben kao 黃伯思《東觀餘論》成書及其版本考." Yushu baijia 藝術百家 2008 (3): 103-107+119.