An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Fuzi 傅子

Dec 30, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Fuzi 傅子 "Master Fu" is a Confucian treatise written during the Western Jin period 西晉 (265-316) by Fu Xuan 傅玄 (217-278, during the Qing period 清 called Fu Yuan 傅元, in order to avoid the personal name of the Kangxi Emperor 康熙帝, Xuanye 玄燁), courtesy name Xiuyi 休奕. Fu's original oeuvre comprised 120 juan, of which little is left. The Fuzi is only 1-juan long, including 23 chapters, of which 12 are preserved in total, and the others are only in fragments. Apart from the book Fuzi, Fu Xuan wrote many rhapsodies, poems, essays, odes, inscriptions which were assembled in the collection Fu Xuan ji 傅玄集, which in turn only survived in a fragmentary form, namely the collection Fu Haogu ji 傅鶉觚集, compiled by Zhang Pu 張溥 (1602-1641), which is found in the collection Han-Wei-Liuchao sanbai jia ji 漢魏六朝百三家集.

The Fuzi stresses the moral values of Confucianism, as broad-mindedness, not being selfish, to restrain oneself in one's desires, to rectify the heart, and to exert - as a ruler - a benevolent government. Fu Xuan also stresses that a ruler has to govern with both rewards and punishment and to apply both correctly, which is a legalist influence in his thinking. Sparingness and austerity in his thinking go back to the influence of Daoism.

For the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, a manuscript version of the Fuzi was used and printed by the printing shop of the Hall of Military Glory (Wuyingdian 武英殿) in the Imperial Palace. The Qing-period scholar Yan Kejun 嚴可均 (1762—1843) included the surviving fragments of Fu Xuan in the Quan Jin wen 全晉文. Ye Dehui 葉德輝 (1864-1927) revised this version and amended the errors. It was included in the series Baizi quanshu 白子全書 and printed in 1912. In was again published as part of the series Congshu jicheng 叢書集成.

Table 1. Contents of the Fuzi 傅子
正心 Zhengxin Rectifying one's heart
仁論 Renlun About kindheartedness
義信 Yixin Righteousness and trustfullness
通志 Tongzhi Pervading will
舉賢 Juxian Promoting the worthies
重爵禄 Zhong juelu The importance of nobility and rank
禮樂 Liyue Rituals and music
貴教 Guijiao Esteeming studies
檢商賈 Jian shanggu Restricting merchants
校工 Jiaogong Inspecting labour
戒言 Jieyan Sparingly with words
假言 Jiayan False words
Fragmentary chapters
問政 Wenzheng Asking about government
治體 Zhiti The body of government
授職 Shouzhi Appointing to offices
官人 Guanren State officials
曲制 Quzhi Summary of regulations
信直 Xinzhi Trust and uprightness
矯違 Jiaowei Straightening out disobedience
問刑 Wenxing Asking about punishment
安民 Anming Appeasing the people
法刑 Faxing Standards and punishment
平役賦 Ping yifu Lowering corvée and taxes
鏡縂叙 Jingzongxu General discussion
48 further fragments
Cao Dongfang 曹董方, and Chen Jianwei 陳見微. 1995. "Fuzi jiben kaolüe 《傅子》輯本考略." Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊 1995 (5): 14-17+6.
Chen Jianwei 陳見微. 1992. "Fuzi de ji zhong jiben jianxi 《傅子》的幾種輯本鑒析." Beihua Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 北華大學學報(社會科學版) 1992 (1): 62-64.
Chen Jianwei 陳見微. 2000. "Xi Qingren jiyi Fuzi de chengjiu 析清人輯佚《傅子》的成就." Wenxian 文獻 2000 (3): 222-232.
Chen Tao 陳濤. 1993. "Fuzi 傅子." In Zhonghua baike yaolan 中華百科要覽, edited by Shi Quanchang 石泉長, 257. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Chen Ying 陳瑛, and Xu Qixian 許啟賢, eds. 1989. Zhongguo lunli da cidian 中國倫理大辭典, 647. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Jiang Jiejing 姜潔晶. 2015. "Yi Fuzi wie jichu tantao Fu Xuan daode jiaoyu guan 以《傅子》為基礎探討傅玄道德教育觀." Lantai shijie 蘭臺世界 2015 (10): 146-147.
Kong, Xurong. 2016. "Fuzi." Early Medieval China 22: 65-68.
Li Chunxia 李春霞, and Liu Shengliang 劉生良. 2021. "Wei Jin zhi ji ruxue xinbian xilun: Yi Fu Xuan Fuzi wei zhongxin 魏晉之際儒學新變析論——以傅玄《傅子》為中心." Hebei xuekan 河北學刊 41 (1): 222-226.
Li Jun 李軍. 1996. "Fuzi 傅子." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Jiaoyu 教育卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 168. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1548. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Li Yifen 李以芬. 1996. "Fuzi 傅子." In Zhuzi baijia da cidian 諸子百家大辭典, edited by Feng Kezheng 馮克正, and Fu Qingsheng 傅慶升, 325. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Liu Zhili 劉治立. 2000. "Fuzi yu Sanguo yanji 《傅子》與《三國演義》." Chengdu Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 成都大學學報(社會科學版) 2000 (3): 54-55+59.
Wang Yue 王玥. 1993. "Fuzi 傅子." In Shijie baike zhuzuo cidian 世界百科著作辭典, edited by Ru Xin 汝信, 175. Beijing: Zhongguo gongren chuibanshe.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. 1987. Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典, 849. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. 1994. Zhonghua gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, vol. Wenxue 文學卷, 676. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Wu Wanxia 吳婉霞. 2015. "Fu Xuan Fuzi de wenxue sixiang 傅玄《傅子》的文學思想." Xibei Minzu Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 西北民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 2015 (4): 151-156.
Yang Hehao 楊鶴臯. 1996. "Fuzi 傅子." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Zhengzhi falü 政治法律卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 183. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Yuan Mingren 袁明仁, et al., eds. 1992. Sanqi lishi wenhua cidian 三秦歷史文化辭典, 126. Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin jiaoyu chubanshe.
Xiao Jiaojiao 肖嬌嬌. 2020. "Qingren Fuzi yanjiu lunshu 清人《傅子》研究論述." Dazhong wenyi 大眾文藝 2020 (22): 28-29+32.
Xin Zhifeng 辛志鳳. 2003. "Fu Xuan ji qi Fuzi 傅玄及其《傅子》." Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊 2003 (3): 47-50.
Xin Zhifeng 辛志鳳. 2005. "Fu Xuan ji qi Fuzi yanjiu jianshu 傅玄及其《傅子》研究簡述." Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊 2005 (6): 17-21.
Xin Zhifeng 辛志鳳. 2020. "Fuzi guojia zhili sixiang tanxi 《傅子》國家治理思想探析." Wenhua xuekan 文化學刊 2020 (10): 239-241.
Zhao Xiangqun 趙向群. 1988. "Fuzi 傅子." In Zhongguo ruxue cidian 中國儒學辭典, edited by Zhao Jihui 趙吉惠, and Guo Hou'an 郭厚安1988 第407. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Zhao Yiwu 趙以武. 1997. "Guanyu Fuzi si zhongjiben de youlie deshi 關於《傅子》四種輯本的優劣得失." Sheke zongheng 社科縱橫 1997 (1): 59-60.