(Yuzuan) Xingli jingyi (御纂)性理精義 "Essential meaning of the human nature and the universal principle (compiled by His Majesty)" is a compendium on Neo-Confucian teachings compiled on imperial order by Li Guangdi 李光地 (1642-1718).
It is a concise version of the book Xingli daquan 性理大全 compiled during the early Ming period on imperial order by a team under the guidance of Hu Guang 胡廣 (1369-1418). The Xingli daquan was deemed as too long and complex and was, therefore, on imperial order revised by Li Guangdi to a version of 20 juan length and with the title Xingli jingyi. It was submitted to the throne in 1715. Two years later, the Kangxi Emperor 康熙帝 (r. 1654-1722) wrote a preface and had the book published. The text was, from 1850 on, used as a textbook in all schools and academies throughout the empire, together with the book Shengyu guangxun 聖諭廣訓. The text was also translated into Manchu.
The book presents essential writings of Neo-Confucian scholars in the first six fascicles and brief quotations on important concepts in the second half. The original texts are enriched by notes on names and pronunciation.
The Chinese version of the text is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Sibu beiyao 四部備要. The translator of the Manchu version is unknown. The printing and textual quality of the latter is far below the Chinese edition.
1 | 太極圖說 | Taiji tushuo (Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤) |
2 | 西銘、正蒙 | Ximing, Zhengmeng (Zhang Zai 張載) |
3 | 皇極經世書 | Huangji jingshi shu (Shao Yong 邵雍) |
4 | 易學啟蒙 | Yixue qimeng (Zhu Xi 朱熹, Cai Yuanding 蔡元定) |
5 | 家禮 | Jiali (Zhu Xi 朱熹) |
6 | 律呂新書 | Lülü xinshu (Cai Yuanding 蔡元定) |
7-8 | 學類 | About learning |
9 | 性命類 | About character and fate |
10 | 理氣類 | About the universal principle and matter |
11-12 | 治道類 | About the way of rulership |