Xinshu 新書 "New writings" is a political treatise written during the Former Han period 前漢 (206 BCE-8 CE) by the politician and writer Jia Yi 賈誼 (200-168 BCE). It is also called Jiazi 賈子 "Master Jia", or Jia Yi Xinshu 賈誼新書. The book is 58 chapters long and arranged in 10 juan. Two chapters are lost (Wenxiao 問孝 and Lirongyu A 禮容語上)
Although some ancient scholars doubted the authenticity of Jia Yi's authorship it is now assumed that he has in fact authored the book, at least a great part of the treatises. The book is based on the observation of the reasons why the Qin dynasty 秦 (221-206 BCE) failed and what the rulers of the Han might do to enjoy a longer rule. The core point is that the people is seen as the foundation of the empire and should accordingly be treated benevolently. But at the same time, Jia Yi stresses that the central government has to be strengthened and the local power holders (zhuhou wang 諸侯王 "princes and nobles") have to be weakened. The peasantry had to be supported, as they constituted the root of all state revenue and delivered corvée for public work, while merchants had to be suppressed as a "useless" group of persons.
The most widespread edition of the Xinshu is included in the series Sibu congkan 四部叢刊. The text is also found in the series Baoyutang congshu 抱語堂叢書, Longxi jingshe congshu 龍溪精舍叢書 and Zhuzi jicheng 諸子集成.
1. | 過秦上下 | The rise and fall of the Qin A-B |
2. | 宗首 | The ancestral head |
3. | 數寧 | Numbering tranquillity |
4. | 藩傷 | Possible violations of the regions |
5. | 藩彊 | The strengths of the regions |
6. | 大都 | The grand capital |
7. | 等齊 | Equal ranks |
8. | 服疑 | Conformity to doubts |
9. | 益壤 | Enriching the soil |
10. | 權重 | The weight of power |
11. | 五美 | The five beauties |
12. | 制不定 | Systems are not determined |
13. | 審微 | Discerning subtlety |
14. | 階級 | Levels and classes |
15. | 俗激 | Popular urges |
16. | 時變 | Changes of time |
17. | 瑰瑋 | Gems and wonders |
18. | 孽產子 | Offsprings of evil |
19. | 銅布 | Copper and silk (money) |
20. | 壹通 | Unity pervades |
21. | 屬遠 | The near and the far |
22. | 親疏危亂 | The dangers of favouritism and strife |
23. | 憂民 | Concerns for the people |
24. | 解縣 | Dismantling the districts |
25. | 威不信 | Power lacking trust |
26. | 匈奴 | The Xiongnu tribes |
27. | 勢卑 | Low-levelled strength |
28. | 淮難 | Dangers of the Huai River |
29. | 無蓄 | No stockpiles |
30. | 鑄錢 | The casting of coins |
31. | 傅職 | Fostering official duties |
32. | 保傅 | Guards and preceptors |
33. | 連語 | Joint words |
34. | 輔佐 | Assistants and advisors |
35. | 問孝 | Asking for filiality |
36. | 禮 | Rituals |
37. | 容經 | The grace of the Classics |
38. | 春秋 | Spring and Autumn |
39. | 先醒 | Awakening first |
40. | 耳痺 | Deafness |
41. | 諭誠 | Instructions to sincerity |
42. | 退讓 | Withdrawal in favour of others |
43. | 君道 | The way of the sovereign |
44. | 官人 | State officials |
45. | 勸學 | Exhortation to learning |
46. | 道術 | The skills of the Way |
47. | 六術 | The Six Skills |
48. | 道德說 | Discourse on Way and Virtue |
49. | 大政上下 | Grand politics A-B |
50. | 脩政語上下 | Talks about the rectification of governance A-B |
51. | 禮容語上下 | Talks about rituals and conduct A-B |
52. | 胎教 | Prenatal education |
53. | 立後義 | Establishing righteousness for later generations |