An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Youhuan jiwen 游宦紀聞

Aug 21, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Youhuan jiwen 游宦紀聞 "Hearsay of a travelling official" is a "brush-notes"-style book (biji 筆記) written during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by Zhang Shinan 張世南 (fl. 1225), courtesy name Guangshu 光叔, from Fanyang 鄱陽 (modern Boyang 波陽, Jiangxi). He lived during the reigns of the emperors Ningzong 宋甯宗 (1195-1224) and Lizong 宋理宗 (1225-1264). He first followed his father to a post in Sichuan but later returned to the east, where he travelled through Zhejiang and Fujian. After 1228 he settled down and began to write down his experiences.

His book of 10 juan length includes 108 short chapters that discuss a vast amount of themes, ranging from stories of history to customs and habits, stories of personal affection, antiques and collectables, literature, lexicography and etymology, archaeology, calendar, mathematics, medicine, or the art of the garden. On his travels Zhang Shinan had spent a lot of time with the scholars Liu Guo 劉過 (1154-1206), Gao Jiuwan 高九萬 (Gao Zhu 高翥, 1170-1241), Zhao Fan 趙蕃 (1143-1229) and Han Hu 韓淲 (1159-1224), but he mainly talks about his journey homewards. His older brother was the son-in-law of Dong Wei 董煟 (jinshi degree 1193), who accompanied him on the way back home. The stories narrated in the Youhuan jiwen are reliable because they reflect a personal experience. Many of them give fascinating insights into the social life of southern China and the life and hobbies of the literati. The compilers of the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 praised Zhang Shinan's book as one of the best biji-style texts of the Southern Song.

There are several transmitted versions of the Youhuan jiwen. The series Baihai 稗海, Siku quanshu, Zhibuzuzhai congshu 知不足齋叢書, Biji xiaoshuo daguan 筆記小說大觀, Baojinglou congkan 抱經樓叢刊 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 include a 10-juan version, the Shuofu 說郛 (Wanwei Shantang 宛委山堂 edition), Wuchao xiaoshuo 五朝小說 and Wuchao xiaoshuo daguan 五朝小說大觀 a short extract of 1 juan, the Shangwu Yinshuguan 商務印書館 edition of the Shuofu a non-sized extract, and the series Jiuxiaoshuo 舊小說 only six paragaphs. In 1981, the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華書局 published a critical modern edition with annotations by Zhang Maopeng 張茂鵬, in a joint edition with Li Xinchuan's 李心傳 (1167-1244) book Jiuwen zhengwu 舊聞證誤 as part of the collection Tang-Song shiliao biji congkan 唐宋史料筆記叢刊.

Cai Rongsheng 蔡榮生, and He Zhenzuo 何振作. 2010. "Zhang Shinan Youhuan jiwen sankao 張世南《游宦紀聞》散考." Tushuguan lilun yu shijian 圖書館理論與實踐 2010 (6): 56-59.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1955. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Liu Kaiqi 劉凱綺, and Song Juan 宋娟. 2019. "Lun Youhuan jiwen zhong Nansong ren de shenghuo 論《游宦紀聞》中南宋人的生活." Mingzuo xinshang 名作欣賞 2019 (30): 44-45.
Liu Yi 劉一. 2017. "Youhuan jiwen cihui zakao 《游宦紀聞》詞彙雜考." Liaodong Xueyuan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 遼東學院學報(社會科學版) 19 (6): 99-102.
Yuan Xingpei 袁行霈, and Hou Zhongyi 侯忠義, eds. 1981. Zhongguo wenyan xiaoshuo shumu 中國文言小說書目, 183. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe.
Yan Jie 鄢洁, and Liang Yongxuan 梁永宣. 2016. "Youhuan jiwen suo zai yaowu xiangguan shiliao yanjiu 《游宦紀聞》所載藥物相關史料研究." Shijie Zhong-Xi yixue jiehe zazhi 世界中西醫學結合雜誌 11 (2): 149-152+156.
Zheng Yunbo 鄭雲波, ed. 1992. Zhongguo gudai xiaoshuo cidian 中國古代小說辭典, 429. Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe.