Shufa gouxuan 書法鈎玄 "Solving the secrets of calligraphy" was written during the Yuan period 元 (1279-1368) by Su Lin 蘇霖 (fl. 1334), courtesy name Ziqi 子啟, from Zhenjiang 鎮江 in today's Jiangsu province.
The book of 4 juan length puts together quotations from older books on calligraphy, like Zhang Yanyuan's 張彥遠 (early 8th cent.) Fashu yaolu 法書要錄, Zhu Changwen's 朱長文 (1039-1098) Mochibian 墨池編 or Chen Si's 陳思 (1225-1264) Shuyuan jinghua 書苑精華, and so assembles 65 paragraphs on the most essential aspects of the art of calligraphy.
It is included in the series Wangshi shuhua yuan 王氏書畫苑.