An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi'er yi 述張長史筆法十二意

Feb 7, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi’er yi 述張長史筆法十二意, also called Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa 述張長史筆法, is a text on calligraphy written during the Tang period by Yan Zhenqing 顔真卿 (709-785). The text critically evaluates the calligraphy of “Administrator” (zhangshi 長史) Zhang Xu 張旭 (685-759). The text first describes the process of seeking instruction from Zhang Xu on brush techniques. It then details how Zhang imparted his knowledge through a question-and-answer format. Finally, it discusses the similarities and differences between ancient and contemporary calligraphy. This work elaborates on Zhang Xu’s brush techniques, building upon the earlier 梁武帝蕭衍《觀鍾繇筆法十二意》. Zhang Xu was especially renowned for his caoshu (cursive script), earning the nickname "Zhang the Mad" (Zhang Dian 張顛). He was also known as the "Sage of Cursive Script" (Caosheng 草聖).During his time, Zhang Xu’s grass script, Li Bai’s 李白 poetry, and Pei Min’s 裴旻 sword dance were regarded as the "Three Wonders. 三絶" During the discussions with his disciple Yan Zhengqing, Zhang Xu explained the twelve principles of brush technique to him in a question-and-answer format, analysing the similarities and differences between ancient and contemporary calligraphy. He provided a detailed explanation and justification of Zhong Yao’s old twelve principles, examining each one systematically. Yan’s essay is an excellent reference for the interpretation and application of calligraphy and has had a profound influence on the development of later calligraphy. The text can be found in the series Shuofu 説郛 and Lidai shufa lunwen xuan 歷代書法論文選.

Xu Qianmao 許前茂. 1996. "Zhangshi bifa shi'er yi 述張長史筆法十二意." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Yishu 藝術卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 457. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Sun Baofa 孫寶發. 1997. "Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi’er yi 述張長史筆法十二意." In Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典, edited by xxx, 837. Xianggang: xxx.
Gao Sen 高森. 2012. "Qiantan Zhang Xu yu Yan Zhenqing de shichuan gexin: Yi Yan Zhenqing Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi’er yi wei li 淺談張旭與顏真卿的師承革新——以顏真卿《述張長史筆法十二意》為例." Beifang wenxue (Xia banyue) 北方文學(下半月) 2012 (10): 29.
Guo Jianping 郭建平, and Xiao Jie 肖潔. 2023. "Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi’er yi yanjiu buyi 《述張長史筆法十二意》研究補遺." Shanxi Datong Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 山西大同大學學報(社會科學版) 37 (2): 52-56.
Li Zhiyi 李祉禕. 2023. "Chuan Yan Zhenqing Shu Zhang Zhangshi bifa shi’er yi yanjiu 傳顏真卿《述張長史筆法十二意》研究." Zhonghua huoya wenxuan (Chuantong wenhua jiaoyue yu yanjiu) 中華活頁文選(傳統文化教學與研究) 2023 (7): 4-6.