The book Nüjiao jingzhuan tongzuan 女教經傳通纂 "Compendium on female education from classical texts, with commentaries" was compiled during the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Ren Qiyun 任啟運 (1670-1707), courtesy name Yisheng 翼聖, style Diaotai Xiansheng 釣臺先生, from Yixing 宜興, Jiangsu. He was a Confucian scholar and wrote the studies Zhouyi xixin 周易洗心, Yishu bu 逸書補, and Mengzi shishi kao 孟子時事考. His collected writings are called Qingfenlou wenji 清芬樓文集.
His book of 2 juan length quotes from "classics" on female education like Nüjie 女誡, Nüxun 女訓 or Nüshizhen 女史箴. The quotations are arranged topically in 13 chapters, following Zhu Xi's 朱熹 (1130-1200) book Xiaoxue jizhu 小學集注 on the education of boys.
The commentaries were written by the author's son, Ren Xiang 任翔, who also revealed the actual compiler of the book, namely his own mother (family name unknown). When she died, Ren Qiyun added the chapters Pinli 笄禮 on the girls' pinning ceremony and Sangli 喪禮 on funeral rites..
1. | 立教 | Establishing education |
2. | 敬身 | Respecting oneself |
3. | 笄禮 | Rites of the hairpin |
4. | 昏(=婚)禮 | Nuptial rites |
5. | 事父母舅姑 | Serving parents and uncles |
6. | 謹夫婦 | Attentiveness between husband and wife |
7. | 辨內外 | Discourse on inner and outer duties |
8. | 逮妾媵 | Receiving servant girls |
9. | 生子 | Delivery of children |
10. | 勤職 | Diligence in duties |
11. | 祭禮 | Sacrificial rites |
12. | 喪禮 | Funeral rites |
13. | 貞節 | Chastity and self-restriction |