An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Nüxun 女訓 (Neixun 內訓)

Jun 20, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald

There are several books titled Nüxun 女訓 "Instructions for girls", all written as treatises on female conduct to be used for girls' education.

There was a Nüxun by the Han-period 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) scholar Cai Yong 蔡邕 (132-192), one by Miss Li 李氏, wife of the Western Jin-period 西晉 (265-316) official Jia Chong 賈充 (217-282), and an anonymous Nüxun from the Liang period 梁 (502-557). During the Tang period 唐 (618-907), Miss Wei 韋氏, wife of Wang Lin 王琳, wrote a book with this title, as well as two Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) persons, the one being Empress Xu 徐后 (imperial title Empress Renxiao 仁孝皇后), wife of Emperor Chengzu 明成祖 (r. 1403-1424, her book is also known with the title Neixun 內訓 "Instructions for the interior"), and the other Empress Dowager Jiang 蔣太后, wife of Emperor Shizong 明世宗 (r. 1522-1566). During the Qing period 清 (1644-1911), two further books of this title were produced, namely the Nüxun by the daughter of Li Zongbai 李宗白, and another written by Miss Li 李氏 (1666-1743), the wife of Yin Gongbi 尹公弼. Most of these books were never printed and are therefore lost.

The short book by Empress Dowager Jiang has survived. It is 12 chapters long and was promulgated in 1530 to be used by the public. It was planned to serve to educate the princes, but after the Empress's passing away, the Emperor allowed the book to be used by the public. This was mainly done to express his filial piety towards his mother, Empress Gao 高皇后, and his late wife. The Neixun should serve as a contemporary analogon to the Han-period book Lienüzhuan 列女傳.

The Neixun is divided into 20 chapters. While the Lienüzhuan only consists of biographies of outstanding women, the Neixun is more theoretical, except for a few examples of exceptional women from the early decades of the Ming period. The reason why a woman can become a "saint" is because she can nourish her virtue. This happens by speaking with care and acting with prudence. She works with the diligent urge, manages the household with thrifting sparingness, and constantly admonishes herself and her children. She holds highly the instructions of her mother-in-law, venerates the rules of the former outstanding women, and serves her parents, uncles and aunts. She cares for the up-keeping of the household offerings. She knows her maternal obligations, friendship towards the neighbourhood, benevolence towards the younger, and how to observe the household servants. If praised for her qualities, she will not be arrogant, and if not criticised for faults, she is never satisfied with herself.

The Neixun of Empress Renxiao is part of the canon of the "four books for girls", the Nü sishu 女四書. It is also included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

Contents of Empress Renxiao's 仁孝皇后 Neixun 內訓
閨訓 Guixun Instructions for the boudoir
修德 Xiude Establishing virtue
受命 Shouming Obtaining orders
夫婦 Fufu Husband and wife
孝舅姑 Xiao jiugu Filial piety towards uncle and aunt
敬夫 Jingfu Respecting the husband
愛妾 Aiqie Affection towards the wife
慈幼 Ciyou Benevolence towards the children
妊子 Renzi Giving birth to a child
教子 Jiaozi Educating children
慎靜 Shenjing Seriousness and quietness
節俗 Jiesu Sparingness and simplicity
Jin Guangzhu 金光洙, and Jin Meiling 金美玲. 2023. "Shiwu shiji wenxian Neixun yu Chaoxianyu cihui yanjiu 15世紀文獻《內訓》與朝鮮語詞彙研究." Zhongguo Chaoxian yuwen 中國朝鮮語文 2023 (2): 10-21.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1565. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Pang-White, Ann A. 2018. The Confucian Four Books for Women: A New Translations of the Nü Sishu and the Commentary of Wang Xiang. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ren Fang 任芳, and Su Guoxia 蘇國霞. 1995. "Neixun 內訓." In Zhongguo nüxing baike quanshu 中國女性百科全書, part Hunyin jiating 婚姻家庭, edited by Lu Leshan 盧樂山, 72. Shenyang: Dongbei daxue chubanshe.
Ren Fang 任芳, and Su Guoxia 蘇國霞. 1995. "Nüxun 女訓." In Zhongguo nüxing baike quanshu 中國女性百科全書, part Hunyin jiating 婚姻家庭, edited by Lu Leshan 盧樂山, 73. Shenyang: Dongbei daxue chubanshe.
Wang Danni 王丹妮, and Li Zhisheng 李志生. 2020. "Neixun banben yuanliu kao 《內訓》版本源流考." Shandong Nüzi Xueyuan xuebao 山東女子學院學報 2020 (2): 55-63.
Wang Suxiang 王素香. 2006. "Cong Neixun kan gudai dui guizu funü de jiaoyu 從《內訓》看古代對貴族婦女的教育." Anshan Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 鞍山師範學院學報 2006 (3): 106-108.
Yang Fan 楊帆. 2024. "Ming Xiaoren Xu Huanghou Neixun Yongle kanben zai kao 明仁孝徐皇后《內訓》永樂刊本再考." Tushuguan jie 圖書館界 2024 (2): 31-40.
Yao Anfeng 姚安峰. 2015. "Lüelun nü niaoshu Neixun zhong de jishan sixiang 略論女教書《內訓》中的積善思想." Baoding Xueyuan xuebao 保定學院學報 28 (3): 67-70+85.