Sep 26, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald
Zhengshi guifan 鄭氏規範 "Master Zheng's rules and guidelines" is a book on Confucian family management written during the early Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Zheng Taihe 鄭太和 (fl. 1382).
The book includes 168 paragraphs describing the duty to present offerings at the ancestral altar and the tasks that all family members have to take over, beginning with the family head to his sons and the female members of the household. The author says that sons had to express filial piety towards their parents and fulfil their duties sincerely and straightforwardly. The family head must neither be too rigid nor lenient in his treatment of the various family members. At the age of twenty sui, a son has to learn how to manage the financial matters of a household before he can take over this duty for himself. Women had to serve their parents-in-law with the spirit of filial piety, their husbands with that kind of etiquette that separates men and women, and their sisters-in-law with harmony.
The book is included in the series Xuehai leibian 學海類編 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編.
Benke bianji bu 本刊編輯部. 2015. "Zhengshi guifan: Jiangnan di yi jia de chuanshi jiaxun 《鄭氏規範》——“江南第一家”的傳世家訓." Shehui zhili 社會治理 2015 (3): 91-92.
Chen Yanbin 陳延斌. 2001. "Zhengshi guifan de jiating jiaohua ji qi dui houshi de yingxiang 《鄭氏規範》的家庭教化及其對後世的影響." Qi-Lu xuekan 齊魯學刊 2001 (6): 72-76.
Dong Yawei 董亞薇. 2014. "Qianxi Zhengshi guifan de jiating guanli sixiang 淺析《鄭氏規範》的家庭管理思想." Huzhou Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 湖州師範學院學報 36 (7): 51-55.
Dong Yawei 董亞薇. 2015. "Shilun Zhengshi guifan zhong de nüjiao sixiang 試論《鄭氏規範》中的女教思想." Huzhou Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 湖州師範學院學報 37 (7): 67-72.
Jiaoyu da cidian bianzuan weiyuanhui 教育大辭典編纂委員會, ed. 1991. Jiaoyu da cidian 教育大辭典, part 8, Zhongguo gudai jiaoyu shi 中國古代教育史, vol. 1, 249. Shanghai: Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe.
Shen Hongge 沈宏格. 2015. "Jiafa zugui yu xiangcun lizhi shehui: Yi Pujiang Zhengshi guifan wei li 家法族規與鄉村“禮治”社會——以浦江《鄭氏規範》為例." Zhongguo difangzhi 中國地方志 2015 (10): 39-44+63-64.
Zhao Zhen 趙振. 2025. "Yuan-Ming Pujiang Zhengshi guifan bianzhuan kaolun 元明浦江《鄭氏規範》編撰考論." Henan Shifan Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 河南師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 52 (1): 115-122.
Zhong Xiangcai 鐘祥財. 1997. "Zhengshi guifan de jiazheng guanli sixiang 《鄭氏規範》的家政管理思想." Shehui kexue 社會科學 1997 (11): 64-67.