Cuishi zhenglun 崔氏政論 "Treatise on politics by Master Cui" is a political treatise written during the Later Han-period 後漢 (25-220) by Cui Shi 崔寔 (d. c. 170 CE), who also wrote the book Simin yueling 四民月令 and participated in the compilation of the chronicle Dongguan Hanji 東觀漢記. The imperial bibliography Jingji zhi 經籍志 in the official dynastic history Suishu 隋書 lists a book Zhenglun 正論 "Treatise on orthodoxy" with a length of 5 juan, but the bibliographical chapter in the Jiutangshu 舊唐書 gives the correct characters 政論.
The book was soon lost, but the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) scholar Ma Guohan 馬國翰 (1794-1857) collected surviving fragments and compiled a reconstructed book he called Cuishi zhenglun. The book stresses the importance of laws and regulations for a well-functioning administration.
The Cuishi zhenglun is included in Ma's series Yuhan shanfang jiyi shu 玉函山房輯佚書.