An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Huangshigong sanlüe 黃石公三略

Feb 10, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Huangshigong sanlüe 黃石公三略 "Three Strategies of Master Yellow Stone" is an ancient book on military strategy. It belongs to the corpus of the Seven Military Classics (Wujing qishu 武經七書) and is also known with the title of Huangshigong ji 黄石公記, or shortly, Sanlüe 三略. It is traditionally attributed to Taigong 太公 Jiang Shang 姜尚, a military adviser of King Wu 周武王, the founder of the Zhou dynasty 周 (11th cent.-221 BCE). The book is said to have been transmitted by a Master Yellow Stone (Huangshigong) to Zhang Liang 張良, who was a follower of Liu Bang 劉邦, founder of the Han dynasty 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE). According to the imperial bibliography Jingji zhi 經籍志 in the official dynastic history Suishu 隋書 it was written by a certain "Immortal from Xiapi" 下邳神人.

The Sanlüe tries to explain how to achieve victory from the relation of politics and military. The first chapter describes how ritual matters, rewards, and the distinction between bad and good generals leads to victory. The middle chapter elucidates how virtuous government and the wielding of power can be applied in warfare. The last chapter stresses the establishing of virtue, the investigation of chances and dangers, and how to discern between worthies and ruthless officials.

The first two chapters mainly consist of quotations from ancient sources and explanations to these, and the third chapter is an original composition of the author(s). The aim of government is thus the display of benevolence. The strategic goal has always to be protecting the common people against harm. Generals and common soldiers have to work together. Like the ruler, the general – as a representative of the state – has to transmit his spirit to the hearts of his troops and thus to create a unified army. The brave has to be rewarded, and commands have to be non-ambiguous. Everybody has a fixed position in this system and so contributes to victory. If a weaker army prevails, this is due to the commitment of the people, i.e., the ordinary troops.

The Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) scholar Liu Yin 劉寅 (jinshi degree 1371) has written a commentary to the Sanlüe, the Sanlüe zhijie 三略直解.

The Sanlüe is, among others, to be found in the reprint series Xu guyi congshu 續古逸叢書, which reproduced a Song period 宋 (960-1279) print, and the collection Wujing qishu.

Chen Ming 陳明. 2014. "Cong Huangshigong sanlüe xue lingdaoli 從《黃石公三略》學領導力." Lingdao kexue 領導科學 2014 (10): 22-24.
Guo Haiyan 郭海燕. 2013. "Huangshigong sanlüe de junchenguan 《黃石公三略》的君臣觀." Binzhou Xueyuan xuebao 濱州學院學報 29 (5): 163-167.
Li Chongde 林崇德, Yang Zhiliang 楊治良, and Huang Xiting 黃希庭,eds. 2003. Xinlixue da cidian 心理學大辭典, vol. 1, 508. Shanghai: Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1616. Changchun: Lilin daxue chubanshe.
Liu Jingyun 劉景雲. 2009. "Xiliang Liu Bing zhu Huangshigong sanlüe de faxian 西涼劉昞注《黃石公三略》的發現." Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 2009 (2): 82-87+123.
Liu Qing 劉慶 1996. "Huangshigong sanlüe 黃石公三略." In Zhuzi baijia da cidian 諸子百家大辭典, edited by Feng Kezheng 馮克正, and Fu Qingsheng 傅慶升, 412. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Liu Xiangyang 劉向陽. 2005. "Huangshitong sanlüe de junshi fazhi sixiang 《黃石公三略》的軍事法制思想." Taishan Xiangzhen Qiye Zhigong Daxue xuebao 泰山鄉鎮企業職工大學學報 2005 (1): 8-10.
Sun Jianmin 孫建民. 2013. "Huangshitong sanlüe junshi sixiang shuyao 《黃石公三略》軍事思想述要." Binzhou Xueyuan xuebao 濱州學院學報 29 (5): 147-153.
Sawyer, Ralph D. 2024. "Military Writings." In A Military History of China, edited by David A. Graff, and Robin Higham, 97–114. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Tian Zhaojun 田照軍. 2013. "Huangshigong sanlüe junshi bianzheng sixiang tanyao 《黃石公三略》軍事辯證思想探要." Binzhou Xueyuan xuebao 濱州學院學報 29 (5): 154-158.
Wang Aimin 王愛民. 2013. "Huangshigong sanlüe de rujia sixiang jidiao 《黃石公三略》的儒家思想基調." Binzhou Xueyuan xuebao 濱州學院學報 29 (5): 159-162.
Wang Long 王龍, Lei Jianzheng 雷建政, and Li Yixin 李宇鑫. 2024. "E cang Xixiawen xieben Huangshigong sanlüe kaoshi 俄藏西夏文寫本《黃石公三略》考釋." Xixia yanjiu 西夏研究 2024 (2): 69-73.
Xu Bingjie 徐炳傑. 2015. "Huangshigong sanlüe zhengli yanjiu shuyao 《黃石公三略》整理研究述要." Sunzi yanjiu 孫子研究 2015 (2): 69-77.
Xu Yong 徐勇. 1994. "Du Huangshigong sanlüe zhaji 讀《黃石公三略》札記." Guanzi xuekan 管子學刊 1994 (4): 66.
Yan Wushan 顏吾芟. 1996. "Huangshigong sanlüe zhanlüe sixiang chutan 《黃石公三略》戰略思想初探." Qiushi xuekan 求是學刊 1996 (4): 103-104.
Zhang Jiadong 張家棟. 1987. "Huangshigong sanlüe zuozhe shitan 《黃石公三略》作者試探." Gongcheng Bing Gongcheng Xueyuan xuebao 工程兵工程學院學報 1987 (4): 48-54.
Zhang Lie 張烈. 1989. "Sanlüe 三略." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Junshi 軍事, vol. 1, 893. Beijing and Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Zhang Shan 張山, and Pei Xirong 裴錫榮,eds. 1994. Zhonghua wushu da cidian 中華武術大辭典, 329. Nanjing: Jiangsu kexue jishu chubanshe.