An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Nü xiaojing 女孝經

Dec 31, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Nü xiaojing 女孝經 "Book of a girl's filial piety" is a Confucian treatise written by the Tang-period 唐 (618-907) writer Miss Zheng 鄭氏. The dates of her life are not known.

She was the wife of a high official of Xianbei 鮮卑 origin called Houmochen Miao 侯莫陳邈. Her niece became the consort of Prince Yong 永王, and Miss Zheng wrote a book for her instruction. This procedure was similar to Ban Zhao 班昭 (c. 45-c. 117 CE), who had written the book Nüjie 女誡 for her daughters during the Han period 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE).

The Nü xiaojing is first mentioned during the Song period 宋 (960-1279). Still, it is known that a painter from the early 10th century, Shi Ke 石恪, had created a series of 8 paintings depicting female comportment, according to the book Nü xiaojing.

The book imitates the structure of the Confucian Classic Xiaojing 孝經 "Classic of Filial Piety". At the same time, the content is so similar to Ban Zhao's Nüjie that some scholars attributed authorship to the Han-period writer. The words are, through a stylistic device, put into the mouth of Ban Zhao. Miss Zheng thus transfers responsibility – and honour – to a venerated teacher of the past. The book is divided into 18 chapters.

In her preface, Miss Zheng says that filial piety alone was insufficient. A woman must also possess kindness, a feeling for appropriate conduct, etiquette, wisdom, and trust (the five Confucian moralities, wuchang 五常).

Quotation 1. The Three Talents (Sancai 三才) of a women
諸女曰:「甚哉!夫之大也。」 The girls said, "How great and profound the role of a husband is!"
大家曰:「夫者天也,可不務乎!古者女子出嫁曰歸,移天事夫,其義遠矣。天之經也,地之義也,人之行也,天地之性而人是則之。則天之明,因地之利,防閑執禮,可以成家。 The Elder Woman [Ban Zhao] replied, "A husband is akin to Heaven—how could one not devote oneself to serving him? In ancient times, when a woman married, it was called 'returning' (to her new home), signifying a transfer of devotion from serving Heaven to serving her husband. The meaning of this is far-reaching. It aligns with the principles of Heaven, the obligations of Earth, and the conduct of humanity. It reflects the inherent nature of Heaven and Earth, which humans emulate. By following the brightness of Heaven and utilizing the advantages of Earth, maintaining vigilance and adhering to propriety, one can establish a harmonious household.
然後先之以泛愛,君子不忘其孝慈;陳之以德義,君子興行;先之以敬讓,君子不爭;道之以禮樂,君子和睦;示之以好惡,君子知禁。 First, [one should] lead with universal love; a virtuous person does not forget filial piety and kindness. [Then, one should] exemplify virtue and righteousness; a virtuous person promotes good actions. One must prioritize respect and humility; a virtuous person does not engage in conflict. Guide with propriety and music; a virtuous person achieves harmony. Demonstrate preferences and aversions clearly; a virtuous person understands boundaries.
《詩》云:『既明且哲,以保其身。』」 As the Book of Songs says: 'Being both wise and discerning, one ensures their own well-being.'"

The text is included in the encyclopaedia Gujin tushu jicheng 古今圖書集成 (section Jiafan dian 家範典). It is also included in the series Xu baichuan xuehai 續百川學海, Xiao shisan jing 小十三經, Gezhi congshu 格致叢書, Jindai mishu 津逮秘書, and Nian'er zi quanshu 廿二子全書. There is furthermore a print of the Dongting Liangtang Studio 東聼兩堂, and the collection Nü'er shuji bazhong 女兒書輯八種.

Table 1. Contents of the Nü xiaojing 女孝經
開宗明義 Kaizong mingyi Opening the theme and clarifying its importance
后妃 Houfei Empresses and consorts
夫人 Furen The husband
邦君 Bangjun The lord of a state
庶人 Shuren Common people
事舅姑 Shi jiugu Serving the parents-in-law
三才 Sancai The three talents
孝治 Xiaozhi Filial management
賢明 Xianming Wisdom and competence
紀德行 Ji dexing Notification on moral conduct
五刑 Wuxing The five punishments
廣要道 Guang yaodao Spreading importance
廣守信 Guang shouxin Spreading trust
廣揚名 Guang yangming Spreading a good name
諫澤 Jianze Admonishing
貽教 Yijiao Handing down education
母儀 Muyi Maternal obligations
舉惡 Ju'e About evils
Ebrey, Patricia Buckley. 2003. "The Book of Filial Piety (Xiaojing) and The Book of Filial Piety For Women (Nü xiaojing)." In Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song Dynasty, edited by Robin R. Wang, 372-390. Indianapolis: Hackett.
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Lei Yaqian 雷亞倩, and Li Zhisheng 李志生. 2020. "Nü xiaojing banben kaoshu 《女孝經》版本考述." Shandong Nüzi Xueyuan xuebao 山東女子學院學報, 2020 (1): 86-96.
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