An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Yifu 義府

Feb 14, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Yifu 義府 "Storehouse of meanings" is a "brush-notes"-style book (biji 筆記) written during the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Huang Sheng 黃生 (born 1622), courtesy name Fumeng 扶孟, style Baishan 白山, from Shexian 歙縣, Anhui. He never had an office, but studied the meaning and correct use of Chinese characters, and was thus known as an expert in comments on classic texts (xungu 訓詁). Most of his book were prohibited and destroyed during the Qianlong reign-period 乾隆 (1736-1796). Only two texts survived, namely Zigu 字詁, and the 2-juan-long Yifu.

The first fascicle of the Yifu is dedicated to the Classics, and the second part to "masters" and historiography. The appendix lists some ancient stone inscriptions quoted in Zhao Mingcheng's 趙明誠 Jinshilu 金石錄 (1081-1129), Hong Shi's 洪適 (1117-1184) Lishi 隸釋, Li Daoyuan's 酈道元 (466 or 472-527) Shuijing zhu 水經注 and Tao Hongjing's 陶宏景 (456-536) Zou Ziliang mingtong ji 周子良冥通記. Huang's comments are reliable and constitute an important tool for the correction of older texts. For instance, Huang refers to the dictionary Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 to rectify Jia Gongyan's 賈公彥 mistake in interpreting the character xian 毨 in the Zhouli 周禮. He quotes from Jia Yi's 賈誼 (200-168 BCE) Lun Chen Lin xi 論陳琳檄 to demonstrate that the expression piaochu 漂杵 means the same as piaolu 漂樐.

The compilers of the descriptive bibliography Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要 value Huang Sheng's book as a supplement to Fang Yizhi's 方以智 (1579-1671) Tongya 通雅.

The Yifu is included in the series Zhihai 指海, Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編. In 1842, Huang Chengji 黃承吉 published the Yifu together with the Zigu. This edition is reproduced in the series Anhui congshu 安徽叢書.

Chen Jinfang 陳金芳, and Yu Guo 于國. 2007. "Zigu, Yifu lianjinci jiangu si ze 《字詁》《義府》聯綿詞簡詁四則." Weifang Xueyuan xuebao 濰坊學院學報 2007 (1): 95-97.
Deng Jing 鄧景. 2006. "Cong Zigu, Yifu kan Huang Sheng dui lianmianci de yanjiu 從《字詁》、《義府》看黃生對聯綿詞的研究." Guilin Hangtian Gongye Gaodeng Zhuanke Xueyuan xuebao 桂林航天工業高等專科學校學報 2006 (1): 110-111.
Deng Jing 鄧景, and Luo Guifeng 駱桂峰. 2007. "Shilun yuzhuan shuo zai Zigu, Yifu zhong de yunyong 試論語轉說在《字詁》《義府》中的運用." Guilin Hangtian Gongye Gaodeng Zhuanke Xueyuan xuebao 桂林航天工業高等專科學校學報 2007 (4): 123-124.
Li Qianju 黎千駒, and Zhao Yuehua 趙月華. 2010. "Lun Zigu, Yifu de xungu chengjiu yu tese 論《字詁》《義府》的訓詁成就與特色." Pingdingshan Xueyuan xuebao 平頂山學院學報 25 (3): 104-109.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 1, 674. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Sun Jufen 孫菊芬. 2003. "Lun Huang Sheng Zigu, Yifu dui xunguxue de gongxian 論黃生《字詁》《義府》對訓詁學的貢獻." Yili Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 伊犁師範學院學報 2003 (2): 29-33.
Yao Guowang 姚國旺. 1997. "Yifu 義府." In Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典, edited by Men Kui 門巋, and Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, 713. . Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi.
Yin Jiming 殷寄明. 1995. "Zigu, Yifu jianshi 《字詁》、《義府》箋識." 古漢語研究 1995 (3): 65-68+15.
Zhou Zumo 周祖謨. 1988. "Yifu 義府." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, vol. Yuyan wenzi 語言•文字. 447. Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Zhu Hongmei 朱紅梅. 2011a. "Lun Huang Sheng Zigu, Yifu dui ciyi yinshen de yanjiu 論黃生《字詁》、《義府》對詞義引申的研究." Shangpin yu zhiliang 商品與質量 2011 (6): 194.
Zhu Hongmei 朱紅梅. 2011b. "Lun Huang Sheng Zigu, Yifu zhi jiajie yanjiu 論黃生《字詁》、《義府》之假借研究." Xin xibu (Xiaxun. Lilun ban) 新西部(下旬. 理論版) 2011 (6): 127+138.