An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Changwuzhi 長物志

Aug 29, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Changwuzhi 長物志 "Treatise on superfluous things" is a book on antiques written during the late Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Wen Zhenheng 文震亨 (1585-1645), courtesy name Qimei 啟美.

He hailed from Changzhou 長洲 (modern Wuxian 吳縣, Jiangsu) and was a great-grandson of the painter, calligrapher and writer Wen Zhengming 文徵明 (1470-1559, Wen Hengshan 文衡山). Wen Zhenheng himself also professed in graphic arts, and was an excellent player of the zither. During the Tianqi reign-period 天啟 (1621-1627) he was appointed drafter in the Imperial Secretariat (zhongshu sheren 中書舍人) and later secretariat drafter in the Hall of Military Glory (Wuyingdian zhongshu sheren 武英殿中書舍人). After the downfall of the Ming and the conquest of China by the Manchus, founders of the Qing dynasty 清 (1644-1911), he ceased to eat and starved himself to dead. His posthumous honorific title is Wen Jiemin 文節愍公.

The 12-juan-long book Changwuzhi is divided into 12 chapters, each of which covers and encyclopaedic theme. The title of the book is derived from a statement of Wang Gong 王恭 (350-398) about himself that is narrated in the book Shishuo xinyu 世說新語. Wang Gong says that he was "the sort of person who has no extra things" (zuo ren wu chang wu 作人無長物, transl. Mather). The themes of the Changwuzhi are mainly objects dealt with in the leisure-time activities of the literati. In the general structure the book resembles Zhao Xihu's 趙希鵠 (1170-1242) Dongtian qinglu 洞天清錄 and Tu Long's 屠隆 (1542-1605) Kaopan yushi 考槃餘事, but it is much less detailed than these books. The preface is written by Shen Chunze 沈春澤, who describes in detail the strengths and shortcomings of each chapter. At the beginning of each chapter, Wen Zhenheng explains the purpose of it, like in the chapter on painting and calligraphy where he says that it was important to preserve, to esteem, to describe and to rate the works of famous artists of the past, in order to preserve them. Unlike metal ores and jewels, art works were not inexhaustibly (bu qiong 不窮) produced by nature.

The Changwuzhi is included in the series Yanyun jiayi bian 硯雲甲乙編, Shuoku 說庫, Xu yueyatang congshu 續粵雅堂叢書, Meishu congshu 美術叢書, Xiaoyulin 小鬱林 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編. In 1984, the Jiangsu Kexue Jishu Press 江蘇科學技術出版社 published a modern critical edition annotated by Chen Zhi 陳植 and Yang Chaobo 楊超伯.

Table 1. Contents of the Changwuzhi 長物志
1. 室廬 Buildings and huts
2. 花木 Flowers and trees
3. 水石 Waters and stones
4. 禽魚 Birds and fishes
5. 書畫 Calligraphy and painting
6. 几榻 Furniture
7. 器具 Tools and implements
8. 衣飾 Clothes and adornment
9. 舟車 Boats and carts
10. 位置 Interior design
11. 蔬果 Vegetables and fruits
12. 香茗 Fragrances and teas
Cao Xun 曹汛 (1992). "Changwuzhi 長物志", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, Meishu 美術 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe, Vol. 2, 1059.
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Liu Xianbo 劉顯波 (2007). "Changwuzhi zhong de Mingdai jiaju chenshe yishu 《長物志》中的明代家具陳設藝術", Zhonghua jianshe 中華建設, 2007 (9): 45-46.
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Liu Yonghua 劉永華 (2015). "Wan-Ming shiren shenghuo zhong de bo lai pin ji qi wenhua yihan: Yi Changwuzhi wei zhongxin 晚明士人生活中的舶來品及其文化意涵--以《長物志》為中心", Quanqiu shi pinlun 全球史評論, 8: 84-101.
Qi Shen 齊慎 (2012). "Changwuzhi he Xianqing ouji yuanlin chenshe yishu bijiao 《長物志》和《閑情偶寄》園林陳設藝術比較", Zhongguo wenwu kexue yanjiu 中國文物科學研究, 28 (4): 33-37.
Ren Lanhong 任蘭紅, Zhang Dayu 張大玉, Ding Lei 丁磊 (2018). "Yuanye yu Changwuzhi guanyu duoshan lishui zhangjie bijiao yanjiu 《園冶》與《長物志》關於“掇山理水”章節比較研究", Zhongguo yuanlin 中國園林, 2018 (8): 131-135.
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Tian Jun 田軍 (2014). Changwuzhi de shenghuo meixue yanjiu 《長物志》的生活美學研究. PhD dissertation, Huadong Shifan Daxue.
Xie Hua 謝華 (2010). Changwuzhi zaoyuan sixiang yanjiu 《長物志》造園思想研究. PhD dissertation, Wuhan Ligong Daxue.
Wang Guan 王冠 (2022). Wen Zhenheng Changwuzhi yanjiu 文震亨《長物志》研究. PhD dissertation, Nanjing Yishu Xueyuan.
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