An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Shuxue 數學

Mar 17, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Shuxue 數學 "The discipline of calculation" is a book on astronomical mathematics written during the high Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Jiang Yong 江永(1681-1763).

The book of 8 juan length and a supplement of 1 fascicle serves as a commentary and correction to the various issues related to ancient calendrical methods and mathematics discussed in Mei Wending's 梅文鼎 (1633-1721) Lisuan quanshu 曆算全書. Jiang's book includes supplementary discussions on calendrical studies (Lixue bulun 曆學補論), discussions on the growth and decline of the solar year (Suishi xiaozhang 歲實消長), notes on the calendar of the constant solar terms (Hengqi zhuli 恒氣注曆), arguments about the measurement of the winter solstice (Dongzhi quandu 冬至權度), theories about the extension of the "Seven Luminaries" (Qizheng yan 七政衍), "subtle revelations" on Venus and Mercury (Jin-shui fawei 金水發微) and a draft on the integration of Chinese and Western methods (Zhong-Xi hefa nicao 中西合法擬草) which presents the author's views on Xu Guangqi's 徐光啟 (1562-1633) application of Western astronomical methods to assess Chinese calendrical techniques, with considerable affirmation of Mei Wending's perspectives. The last part of the book, the "Mathematical surplus" (Suanshengy 算剩), explores trigonometric methods and seeks more efficient solutions. Each fascicle is preceded by a brief preface. All chapters are sometimes treated as separate texts.

Additionally, there are several supplementary chapters on calendrical science (Xu lixue 續曆學), spherical trigonometry (Zhenghu sanjiao shuyi 正弧三角疏義), which serves as extensions to the chapter Suansheng.

The text is included in the Shoushange congshu 守山閣叢書, Haishanxianguan congshu 海山仙館叢書 (titled Yimei 翼梅), Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Zhong-Xi suanxue congshu 中西算學叢書.

Chen Xinhai 陳鑫海. 2018. "Jiang Yong zimu xueshuo de shuxue: Yixue guannian jichu 江永字母學說的數學——易學觀念基礎." Liyun yuyan xuekan 勵耘語言學刊 2018 (2):1 66-180.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1739. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.